- 1 名前:ひいぼう 投稿日:2002/11/11(月) 21:13 ID:ZQHWSu2k
- GARNET CROWのファンクラブに入る人どれぐらいいますか?
- 2 名前:◆YurIp.E2@岡村七人(管理人) ★ 投稿日:2002/11/11(月) 21:31 ID:???
- >>1さんスレ立て乙です。
ファンクラブの名前は「G NET」になったとのウワサが
- 3 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 00:31 ID:E.OCEEgs
- >>1
- 4 名前:るー 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 10:16 ID:kQ7D2zjE
- 私も赤坂ではいりました。
- 5 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 21:37 ID:NyIzobJM
- 返信用の封筒はどのようにして送ればいいんですか?
- 6 名前:ひいぼう 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 22:54 ID:uP7fOhQY
- >>5
- 7 名前:3 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 23:06 ID:Tb2ibDCo
- >>6
- 8 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/12(火) 23:34 ID:X8lyFkU.
- もちろんなんばハッチで入ったYO!
- 9 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/13(水) 22:18 ID:F2M3xNPc
- 封筒送っても返ってきません・・・
- 10 名前:ガネクロ(・∀・)イイ! 投稿日:2002/11/13(水) 22:25 ID:INfNruWs
- 多いからしょうがないんじゃ?それか会員証と一緒にくるとか?
- 11 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/13(水) 22:42 ID:0e9CQT/.
- 分かりやすい説明ありがとうございました。
- 12 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/13(水) 23:42 ID:dTGp0dV.
- >>9
- 13 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/14(木) 20:26 ID:og0orHSo
- >>12
- 14 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/18(月) 22:07 ID:JQsM9O5M
- 俺は入んないよ
- 15 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/24(日) 17:44 ID:yF1VRtys
- >>14
- 16 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/24(日) 17:46 ID:ptIYSbXo
- 封筒来ませ〜ん・・・
- 17 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/25(月) 20:11 ID:c03n.HFU
- ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
- 18 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/11/29(金) 19:35 ID:OK1eLjiw
- >>6
始まってしまい、俺は封筒が来るから登録しなくていっか と
- 19 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2002/12/03(火) 21:07 ID:yUWOLbwI
- ていうかホント激しく放置ですか?
- 20 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2003/04/30(水) 18:22 ID:cmHFUKfw
- 会報まだぁ〜〜??
- 21 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2003/05/22(木) 23:19 ID:Zfh0o4ww
- 会報きたYO!
- 22 名前:疾風ウォルフ 投稿日:2003/11/04(火) 15:16 ID:MlB5d402
- 会報きたDE!
- 23 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2004/12/04(土) 16:22 ID:YhIZHkxQ
- 高校生の身分なんでまだ入ってないんですが、
- 24 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/01/25(火) 19:41 ID:CuquKaEs
- 入りたいな〜。
- 25 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/01/25(火) 21:57 ID:Oslo0E4U
- ファン。。!!さんへ お疲れ様!
- 26 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/01/25(火) 22:00 ID:Oslo0E4U
- >>25につけたし
- 27 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/01/27(木) 22:28 ID:vlVfBnHs
- ところで、G−NETに入るには
- 28 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/01/28(金) 17:06 ID:rMxfcYRg
- 分かりません(ごめんなさい)
- 29 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/02/04(金) 22:08 ID:OcgPT2FM
- >>27 1000円!年間費3000円!
- 30 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/02/15(火) 21:04 ID:I7svnYBI
- ありがとうございます!
- 31 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/02/16(水) 09:59 ID:IJnUJems
- 他のFCよか安いと思うよw
- 32 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/02/16(水) 19:24 ID:XZYg1no.
- よし、明日お母さんに説得してみようっと。
- 33 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/02/17(木) 22:05 ID:dqHKEm5E
- >>32 ついでに父も説得してみるのだw
- 34 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/02/18(金) 19:42 ID:HHWNndeg
- なんと、お父さんに説得してみたら、
- 35 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/02/18(金) 22:25 ID:vVgdcat6
- 父、万歳w
- 36 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/02/19(土) 11:02 ID:hD/kFyEs
- >>34 お母さん、強そう...。でも、GARNET CROWの曲を聞けば気が変わるでしょ!
- 37 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/02(水) 19:55 ID:2/YDdFsQ
- 4月にFC限定イベントがあるんだよ。
- 38 名前:ファン。。!! 投稿日:2005/03/02(水) 21:55 ID:btyfXfoQ
- 4月にイベント!
- 39 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/05(土) 17:31 ID:xTy.qP2Q
- ↑
- 40 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/09(水) 20:21 ID:hXDExh7Q
- フィルムコンサート当選しますたv^^;
- 41 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/10(木) 07:58 ID:o9XTXlmA
- 僕は二人分当選しましたが、一人で行く予定です。
- 42 名前:mi-yan 投稿日:2005/03/10(木) 18:40 ID:IRSCYiCE
- ↑ いいなぁー
- 43 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/12(土) 23:21 ID:A6d/vI9s
- FCイベント行く人は私だけ・・・?
- 44 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/14(月) 21:34 ID:fb3rm6PQ
- あたさも行くよw
- 45 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/15(火) 07:12 ID:/vw5UEEs
- わもいぐづらw
- 46 名前:_| ̄|◯ 投稿日:2005/03/18(金) 19:30 ID:uGBgP0ms
- そろそろチケットが来るはずやけど、きーへんわ
- 47 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/19(土) 16:31 ID:WzfnImtg
- アタイ、今日きたよぉぉん♪
- 48 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/19(土) 21:29 ID:yZn6nUGs
- ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´_ゝ`)< ウチにはキテナイ
( ) \_____
| | |
- 49 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/21(月) 19:13 ID:GYWaeQtQ
- ヤッター!チケットが届きました〜
- 50 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/21(月) 23:34 ID:FwjCBqsA
- >>49 おいらも同じこと思ってただ。
- 51 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/22(火) 18:27 ID:Vx31Z2cU
- Aって一番前の席??
- 52 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/23(水) 09:44 ID:KXpTyy3M
- >>51賛同 ホンマ、どうなの???
- 53 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/24(木) 00:41 ID:iVmuZNmU
- < フ ィ ル ム >
内藤 斉田 庭田
- 54 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/24(木) 22:59 ID:3q0mkCE2
- ということで、イランvs日本は最重要。
- 55 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/29(火) 09:25 ID:J8ZzqGHU
- >>53 8列構成なのか?
- 56 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/03/30(水) 13:23 ID:QNLCqdEs
- >>55 それは分からないでしょう。
- 57 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/01(金) 06:58 ID:x5VeaDGw
- ファンクラブに入るのはファンの義務ですよ!!!!!!!
- 58 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/01(金) 13:19 ID:cB/3C1O2
- >>57
- 59 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/01(金) 23:56 ID:UzZhIzRA
- >>58
- 60 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/02(土) 16:23 ID:SC8SSbvE
- ファンの3大義務
- 61 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/03(日) 21:14 ID:ha6sV7q2
- ファンクラブイベントでは早くも
「君の思い描いた夢 集メルHEAVEN」
- 62 名前:たっこ 投稿日:2005/04/04(月) 07:24 ID:PhitS66A
- FCイベントでは、全曲のPVを見ることが出来ました。
- 63 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/04(月) 22:58 ID:Twq3luRs
- 新曲のPVのユリッペはカッコよかったよ。
- 64 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/06(水) 21:25 ID:0ZCucHcQ
- FCイベントはめっちゃよかった。
- 65 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/09(土) 20:01 ID:.dIQKd42
- 明日、大阪・堀江で会いましょう!
- 66 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/04/10(日) 08:22 ID:sNzyrzu.
- ファンクラブに入らない者をファンとは言わない。
- 67 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/05/01(日) 13:28 ID:5LH8R0tA
- ファンクラブイベントお疲れ様でした。
- 68 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/10/05(水) 06:14 ID:oywxDZeQ
- ファンクラブは絶対入るべし
- 69 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/10/07(金) 06:39 ID:WeKpQ4cc
- ミンナは入っているよね?
- 70 名前:infinity 投稿日:2005/10/07(金) 18:54 ID:LS2XSoJc
- 当たり前でしょう。上のあなたは?
- 71 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/10/07(金) 19:01 ID:jsdwh8Hs
- 入ってない奴でもここ来てたりするんじゃない?
- 72 名前:infinity 投稿日:2005/10/07(金) 23:03 ID:LS2XSoJc
- えっ、僕に聞いていると思いました。
- 73 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/10/10(月) 11:49 ID:Xg.niJdQ
- 会員は五万人くらいかな?
- 74 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/10/10(月) 16:37 ID:6o2w7hoQ
- GCは毎回10位くらいに入っているけど
- 75 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/11/17(木) 01:02 ID:QO3Y7Nyo
- 不安なファン!
- 76 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/11/19(土) 19:16 ID:WrmWiDF.
- もはや、GIZAのトップに君臨しているといって
- 77 名前:◆KAFuFUFU 投稿日:2005/11/20(日) 00:14 ID:VqA6oksE
- 倉木は超えた?
- 78 名前:通りすがりA 投稿日:2005/11/20(日) 11:29 ID:lM0Nlid.
- オレはいってねぇぞ
- 79 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/12/25(日) 08:18 ID:YIzaB3YI
- ファンクラブ加入は絶対条件です。
- 80 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/12/25(日) 14:46 ID:uvcjQflE
- 絶対条件である。
- 81 名前:◆GOD2.apg 投稿日:2005/12/25(日) 20:02 ID:3xQX/hb2
- 相対条件 嘘
- 82 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/12/25(日) 21:05 ID:m.2L8TnY
- ファンの最低条件やんけ
- 83 名前:◆KAFuFUFU 投稿日:2005/12/26(月) 02:19 ID:FAEkDxpM
- ごめん、金ないから入ってない・・・
- 84 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2005/12/26(月) 10:19 ID:RN70Z40.
- >>83
- 85 名前:◆GOD2.apg 投稿日:2005/12/26(月) 11:18 ID:s8kZ6cQY
- GC好きならそれでおk
- 86 名前:fineyuri 投稿日:2005/12/28(水) 06:54 ID:x4EBD6sE
- >>85
- 87 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/01/18(水) 06:41 ID:4KhH/56A
- 会員限定イベントもあり、入隊して非常によかったです。
- 88 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/01/20(金) 06:54 ID:LDbcsDsM
- FC限定ライブは2月13日、14日にありますね。
- 89 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/01/22(日) 07:33 ID:6k51/vWA
- 私も応募します
- 90 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/01/31(火) 17:56 ID:mHtEa46A
- 会報来ないんだけど・・・
- 91 名前:hiroyuki4257 投稿日:2006/01/31(火) 20:46 ID:2qnYjnMo
- 会報は忘れた頃にやっと来る・・・かな? プレミアムライブは当選しませんでしたがFC会員限定バレンタインライブは昨日、当選通知のハガキが来ました。しかしながらライブの日が2月14日(火)の平日でまさか当選(と言っても勿論有料ですが)するとは思って無かったので急遽その日は仕事を休みにしましたよ。プレミアムライブに行けなかった分、思い切り楽しんで来たいと思います。一般のライブ会場と違い「hillsパン工場」はまじかで観れるので超嬉しいです(^^)
- 92 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/02/04(土) 02:20 ID:k5U..mBM
- 会報今日届きました!
- 93 名前:hiroyuki4257 投稿日:2006/02/04(土) 11:03 ID:QoiwoabE
- ↑それはそれはお気の毒に・・・そのお気持ちは僕には痛いほどわかりますよ(>−<)僕もプレミアムライブは必ず当選すると思い込んでいたので外れた時のショックは大きくて寝つきがかなり悪かったです。ちなみにまだ僕のところは会報が届いてませんよ。
- 94 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/02/04(土) 23:04 ID:V3GhYIZE
- どんな内容だった?
- 95 名前:hiroyuki4257 投稿日:2006/02/05(日) 20:32 ID:vTXrCEdY
- ↑何に対しての内容なのでしょうか?(^^)
- 96 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/02/05(日) 20:37 ID:5tpxh.hc
- 会報じゃないの?
- 97 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/04/23(日) 09:48 ID:y9pTVipY
- 会報来ないよ〜
- 98 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/05/03(水) 12:24 ID:16/hggXs
- 会報キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━
- 99 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/08/13(日) 20:29 ID:oseq7nhI
- 平成十八年にGIZAは民事再生法の適応を受け事実上倒産すると予想したので、
- 100 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/08/14(月) 15:05 ID:VXu3WpXU
- 100GET
- 101 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/08/21(月) 16:07 ID:TwJTY986
- やっと北
- 102 名前:ユンクン 投稿日:2006/08/21(月) 16:37 ID:7DE.vnJk
- やっとかめ(名古屋弁で久しぶり)だがや〜
- 103 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:46 ID:Gkbj4pv6
- 会報の七さんの画像upしてくれる神は居ませんか?
- 104 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2006/08/22(火) 22:50 ID:ZOLTH4a6
- 七さんのウィンクかわゆす
- 105 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2007/01/14(日) 18:11 ID:hi/2S5xQ
- 今年もファンクラブを盛り上げて生きましょう!
- 106 名前:名無しのユリー 投稿日:2007/09/15(土) 01:06 ID:KzSbgN6A
- 会報ちゃんと送ってほしい。
- 107 名前:None 投稿日:2007/10/20(土) 23:56 ID:zHRuk4LE
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- 108 名前:優太 投稿日:2007/11/16(金) 21:29 ID:3XXBX8YI
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- 109 名前:None 投稿日:2007/12/05(水) 12:11 ID:dZrorjhA
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- 111 名前:None 投稿日:2007/12/05(水) 12:22 ID:lJs9cRPk
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- 123 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/25(月) 01:20 ID:Kd.YXS1g
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- 124 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/25(月) 14:04 ID:JzDNx4L2
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://dailybooth.com/inofmeuti1980/26388588 JESSIE J NAKED, tnojvy, http://dailybooth.com/nenotyssi1970/26253322 BRENDA SONG NUDE, 631798, http://dailybooth.com/brancanthcarleo1987/26388361 JESSICA ALBA NUDE PICS, ekb, http://dailybooth.com/jobesimpbe1982/26062019 TERESA PALMER NUDE, ygnya, http://dailybooth.com/gradnacascemb1975/26088751 LAURA PREPON NUDE, 653440, http://dailybooth.com/nairadumi1986/26464735 RIHANNA ASS, :]], http://dailybooth.com/ovleradis1987/26062280 MEGAN FOX NACKT, 17957, http://dailybooth.com/crosnuclighti1986/26372552 ALYSSA MILANO NUDE, qlql, http://dailybooth.com/soykaotioroom1989/26263758 RACHEL WEISZ NUDE, =-O, http://dailybooth.com/gratmiwersjump1986/25935652 EMILY DESCHANEL DESNUDA, 8PPP,
- 125 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:20 ID:bY2gDprs
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://dailybooth.com/asmikaland1989/26021723 GOLSHIFTEH FARAHANI NAKED PICS, >:-PP, http://dailybooth.com/comportkinfi1986/26271711 IRINA SHAYK NAKED PICS, %-DD, http://dailybooth.com/terbcariram1976/26050147 KRISTANNA LOKEN TITS, 8(, http://dailybooth.com/pasungtherna1973/26024959 DOMINIQUE SWAIN NACKT, =]]], http://dailybooth.com/sniconamac1977/26269957 CAMILLA BELLE NUDE PICS, >:-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/dythegover1988/26024092 JASMINE WALTZ FAKES, 990, http://dailybooth.com/chrisochmitconf1989/26055702 ASIA ARGENTO DESNUDA, zvba, http://dailybooth.com/presexigte1974/26326523 BLAKE LIVELY PLAYBOY, 373, http://dailybooth.com/fiekasingpen1982/26013593 SARAH CHALKE TITS, :(((, http://dailybooth.com/kefuticthe1987/25951543 JORDANA BREWSTER NAKED PHOTOS, =P, http://dailybooth.com/vertivalo1988/26025170 KARRINE STEFFANS NIPPLE SLIP, 52861,
- 126 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:27 ID:8zsutALw
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://dailybooth.com/guigrosexcup1970/26048021 JESSICA BIEL NAKED PICS, >:OOO, http://dailybooth.com/reuvicaron1974/26025600 ALYSON MICHALKA SEX VIDEO, zain, http://dailybooth.com/mantulesssel1971/26247763 MEG RYAN FAKES, >:-]], http://dailybooth.com/healmebeefscent1972/25905078 BARBARA NEDELJAKOVA SEX TAPE, 35094, http://dailybooth.com/herospunkpen1984/25981867 CARMEN ELECTRA HOT PICS, 36636, http://dailybooth.com/pzigroncountdil1986/26457644 AMANDA SEX TAPE, vjk, http://dailybooth.com/rotywilnua1977/26039370 ROONEY MARA HOT PICS, susvmb, http://dailybooth.com/thraltihyre1983/26339593 KHLOE KARDASHIAN NACKT, pwinbo, http://dailybooth.com/gionimacla1978/26431273 SELENA GOMEZ NACKT, 853, http://dailybooth.com/poitiragos1972/26407853 SHAY LAREN TITS, 8256,
- 127 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:40 ID:pGzlVAzM
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://dailybooth.com/tightrigrepma1979/26050306 RACHAEL TAYLOR NAKED, rqyrr, http://dailybooth.com/premreoseslu1971/25947519 LINDSEY SHAW NUDE, =OO, http://dailybooth.com/gelliigreatob1972/26184817 NICOLLETTE SHERIDAN NUDE, 0425, http://dailybooth.com/efthoupaseb1976/25929233 ANALEIGH TIPTON NUDE, 8[, http://dailybooth.com/riacepnatac1980/25939482 MARY MCCORMACK NUDE, fzukbu, http://dailybooth.com/inpalsioprod1980/26326971 LEANN RIMES NUDE, 8439, http://dailybooth.com/ningtranadis1971/26377184 SHAKIRA SEX VIDEO, 191881, http://dailybooth.com/farsiapresim1987/26331869 AMBER ROSE PUSSY, 691580, http://dailybooth.com/folkhochklogvi1976/26365789 LILY COLLINS HOT, 35598, http://dailybooth.com/riebuddcivest1981/26003871 IZABELLA MIKO NUDE, 8D, http://dailybooth.com/tilenbiva1982/25942921 ELLIE KEMPER NUDE, 6179, http://dailybooth.com/ilerpywhoa1982/26085171 ASHLEY TISDALE FAKES, 8OO,
- 128 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:42 ID:l4ashXmk
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://dailybooth.com/icowlonit1986/26026406 CAROLINE DUCEY ASS, >:-[[, http://dailybooth.com/reundooritspon1985/26303786 KRISTA ALLEN SEX SCENE, luutu, http://dailybooth.com/chardforbuco1982/26321267 BRITTANY SNOW HOT PICS, >:[, http://dailybooth.com/ntencayweknald1972/25935022 LOUISE CLIFFE NUDE PICS, :-], http://dailybooth.com/lachestlandcas1979/25956120 POLLY WALKER NUDE PICS, >:-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/frasojadnyu1977/25909092 NINA BOTT TITS, 6724, http://dailybooth.com/dofscudouli1979/26009882 LAURA DERN NUDE PICTURES, kjod, http://dailybooth.com/tioprojexhou1975/25936290 LINDA HARRISON SEX TAPE, 30077, http://dailybooth.com/quelarbackki1977/26259079 KATE MOSS TOPLESS, 3194, http://dailybooth.com/softmangeter1970/25931993 SARAH POLLEY TITS, 8-((, http://dailybooth.com/emhenelych1975/26198826 CLAIRE DANES BUSH, =-OOO, http://dailybooth.com/candtrappagre1984/26307009 MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ ASS, :-PP,
- 129 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:55 ID:RwYA5c6Y
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://dailybooth.com/slavunacmit1974/26323389 LINDSAY PRICE NIPPLE SLIP, :-]]], http://dailybooth.com/elcosviphy1986/26226576 MIRANDA KERR BUTT, >:-)), http://dailybooth.com/siteabpittstop1986/25995800 ARA MINA TOPLESS, :-((, http://dailybooth.com/lidenquopo1983/26034337 JENNIFER TILLY SEX VIDEO, 508872, http://dailybooth.com/celcelihot1970/26247943 ANNE HECHE NAKED PICS, 2025, http://dailybooth.com/teddehedto1986/26267494 CANDICE MICHELLE NAKED PICTURES, 8325, http://dailybooth.com/tioprojexhou1975/25936290 LINDA HARRISON ASS, =], http://dailybooth.com/schoolinlove1971/26331594 NATALIE PORTMAN NUDE PICS, =OOO, http://dailybooth.com/ilemearac1979/26065769 KATHERINE PARKINSON BUTT, :-PP, http://dailybooth.com/versnithoca1980/25926643 ANNETTE OTOOLE SEX TAPE, :PPP, http://dailybooth.com/poiletsmacno1982/26228470 DAISY FUENTES NUDE PICTURES, shvd, http://dailybooth.com/supliafozi1989/26182986 HEATHER THOMAS NAKED PICTURES, 390, http://dailybooth.com/apdyrasuarn1989/26037926 NATHALIE KELLEY NAKED PICTURES, atvuj, http://dailybooth.com/athubcessro1970/26027219 HAYLEY ATWELL SEX SCENE, owplq,
- 130 名前:RcaEHfmCajzjbX 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 07:57 ID:KoMxgo4A
- comment6, http://dailybooth.com/delnoukimpost1985/25969794 MILA KUNIS NIPPLE SLIP, 8[[[, http://dailybooth.com/unforhecu1984/25929275 JAIME MURRAY IN A BIKINI, ngmk, http://dailybooth.com/contmmothunon1973/26443573 HALLE BERRY DESNUDA, >:-[[, http://dailybooth.com/lochooreame1980/26061590 MICHELLE HUNZIKER FAKES, :]]], http://dailybooth.com/vertmevoddea1983/26430054 KERRY WASHINGTON NIPPLE SLIP, >:-OO, http://dailybooth.com/dulgcartina1987/26382937 MARISA MILLER NUDE PHOTOS, 8-(((, http://dailybooth.com/anbratinag1974/25900112 BEATRICE ROSEN SEX TAPE, fanmu, http://dailybooth.com/twicatbibrou1980/25904698 EDYTA SLIWINSKA PLAYBOY, %(, http://dailybooth.com/riskpedicy1983/26195525 SHARON STONE NUDE PICS, =DD, http://dailybooth.com/neustanamad1988/26045835 JACLYN SMITH NAKED PHOTOS, =)), http://dailybooth.com/stilpharsufel1987/26187256 KATRINA KAIF PLAYBOY, eqfxmf,
- 131 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 08:14 ID:LNcCm.BI
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in., http://dailybooth.com/palcutorpeu1979/26397315 JENNIFER LOPEZ NUDE PHOTOS, %[[[, http://dailybooth.com/globemonre1983/26433575 PARIS HILTON NUDE PICTURES, epviy, http://dailybooth.com/despudisde1977/26322995 DANIEL CRAIG SEX VIDEO, inkg, http://dailybooth.com/norleexpcomci1983/26453821 CHRISTINA AGUILERA BOOBS, 93187, http://dailybooth.com/crisinonttach1981/26037430 KATE BECKINSALE DESNUDA, 789503, http://dailybooth.com/sacgolfsestnews1976/26437514 SCARLETT JOHANSSON FAKES, :-[, http://dailybooth.com/ciancarreadcrib1980/26037345 LEILANI DOWDING NIPPLE SLIP, pkrm, http://dailybooth.com/thacopofor1985/25976483 ELIZABETH PERKINS TITS, kvlm, http://dailybooth.com/otarbile1977/26281509 DIORA BAIRD TOPLESS, :-[[, http://dailybooth.com/snowvaharddreg1979/25996258 TORI SPELLING NUDE PICS, 497,
- 132 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 08:19 ID:wdvCPu8s
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://dailybooth.com/ethidopdea1988/26222539 UMA THURMAN NUDE PHOTOS, tpidka, http://dailybooth.com/bronecenpres1986/26193119 REESE WITHERSPOON SEX VIDEO, syknbn, http://dailybooth.com/blaclitharin1980/26302618 DREW BARRYMORE TOPLESS, 4341, http://dailybooth.com/dihebasis1975/26247261 HILARY DUFF DESNUDA, %-((, http://dailybooth.com/dabrenorhe1979/26077838 SHANNON ELIZABETH SEX SCENE, qgqt, http://dailybooth.com/tyahouladust1987/25930075 ERIN MARIE HOGAN BUSH, usvs, http://dailybooth.com/dorsseadcarof1984/25980089 SABRINA SALERNO NIPPLE SLIP, =[, http://dailybooth.com/ranconssavol1986/25916959 MARGARITA LEVIEVA BUSH, xym, http://dailybooth.com/xperlescontmo1985/25948737 ANNA HUTCHISON NUDE PICTURES, 646, http://dailybooth.com/smaldisjaso1982/26220496 TEA LEONI HOT, qzycf, http://dailybooth.com/tolitove1970/25997101 JO JOYNER SEX, fnnmp,
- 133 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 09:33 ID:wdvCPu8s
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://dailybooth.com/lorebalcomp1978/26008822 FRANCES OCONNOR NUDE, 5703, http://dailybooth.com/tiogyotradin1984/26034597 NICOLE SCHERZINGER DESNUDA, =OO, http://dailybooth.com/laplophosgo1985/26196626 ELISHA CUTHBERT SEX TAPE, iee, http://dailybooth.com/corjeunercarp1978/25908415 KIERSTON WAREING NUDE, 295029, http://dailybooth.com/arosevprin1978/26091481 DOLLY PARTON PORN, 352404, http://dailybooth.com/scoravluvest1976/26259223 RACHEL MCADAMS BIKINI, kwf, http://dailybooth.com/prolwengcestest1987/26418612 EMMA WATSON NAKED, =(((, http://dailybooth.com/mingbuttugi1982/26360269 MOLLY SIMS HOT, dxdt, http://dailybooth.com/sititono1978/25895529 DILSHAD VADSARIA ASS, xjev, http://dailybooth.com/tibenslemil1984/26074330 SIGOURNEY WEAVER PUSSY, 24693, http://dailybooth.com/buijazzvingburs1975/26321298 CHELSEA HANDLER SEX VIDEO, 2710, http://dailybooth.com/furdemasre1988/25912683 MICHELLE DOCKERY NUDE, 9593, http://dailybooth.com/kugelfode1988/25929405 LESLIE EASTERBROOK NUDE, 5173,
- 134 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 09:34 ID:LNcCm.BI
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/compraffkilbe1970/26050195 JAIME MURRAY FAKES, 818, http://dailybooth.com/imrancidi1982/26054484 BRIDGET MOYNAHAN TITS, 8-O, http://dailybooth.com/minaldachsres1970/25999943 SHIRLEY JONES PORN, ndcs, http://dailybooth.com/phoesmolunam1974/26338357 AISHWARYA RAI SEX TAPE, 77583, http://dailybooth.com/detancmalo1989/26301106 VICTORIA SILVSTEDT NIPPLE SLIP, bwj, http://dailybooth.com/stilpharsufel1987/26187256 KATRINA KAIF NAKED PICS, ikynv, http://dailybooth.com/riamopega1973/26336111 JANET JACKSON NAKED PICTURES, trflcf, http://dailybooth.com/riobloomatbi1988/25928588 KIM DICKENS NIPPLE SLIP, 09983, http://dailybooth.com/tripagunad1977/26437898 KATIE PRICE BUSH, 763007, http://dailybooth.com/guicutangtha1981/26396244 KATRINA KAIF SEX TAPE, 040,
- 135 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 09:35 ID:EjFPTQ.s
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating.,
- 136 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 09:50 ID:EYaLm4aE
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://dailybooth.com/rectamissa1982/26278310 CHRISTINA HENDRICKS TITS, 854896, http://dailybooth.com/probarpeani1986/26347416 COLLIEN FERNANDES BUTT, 9007, http://dailybooth.com/adalsokan1984/26229807 PAULA ABDUL BOOBS, %-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/igercosgo1977/26105646 ANNA FARIS NUDE PICS, 8PPP, http://dailybooth.com/gruptoreta1986/26090679 JODIE MARSH NUDE PICTURES, 070574, http://dailybooth.com/casucompper1975/26229317 DEBBY RYAN DESNUDA, hqtwf, http://dailybooth.com/enolchitte1976/25994504 TIA CARRERE DESNUDA, 233926, http://dailybooth.com/decdiarama1989/26268661 SALMA HAYEK ASS, 84465, http://dailybooth.com/emnisgicon1971/25982134 CHRISTINA LINDBERG SEX VIDEO, 762, http://dailybooth.com/hansisige1981/26077632 KALEY CUOCO SEX TAPE, nisnye, http://dailybooth.com/ilatecev1975/25956541 ELISHA CUTHBERT NIPPLE SLIP, 8-(((, http://dailybooth.com/copansympti1976/26023020 MINKA KELLY BOOBS, jbszo, http://dailybooth.com/newsterhare1978/26069976 SARAH BUTLER NAKED PICTURES, =DD,
- 137 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 10:00 ID:OR/y3Cz6
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://dailybooth.com/acindioblet1981/26405548 BLAKE LIVELY SEX, >:[, http://dailybooth.com/breakoutmipi1975/26282277 EMMA WATSON FAKES, 7511, http://dailybooth.com/icprivalim1978/26059479 LESLIE MANN NAKED, 698258, http://dailybooth.com/llaninenym1980/26404122 TAYLOR SWIFT TOPLESS, 1391, http://dailybooth.com/balvalpcrookout1987/26365073 TILA TEQUILA SEX, auzdxs, http://dailybooth.com/exlemlidan1976/26455867 LISA ANN SEX, 62633, http://dailybooth.com/balrimulse1988/26078469 THANDIE NEWTON NUDE, bka, http://dailybooth.com/beubertheda1979/26377709 KYLIE MINOGUE NUDE, 027817, http://dailybooth.com/wohnsanzystlep1984/26403766 SELENA GOMEZ DESNUDA, cqsw, http://dailybooth.com/snorurerpho1983/25976797 GOLSHIFTEH FARAHANI NAKED, 69461, http://dailybooth.com/vaufuemeyclub1989/26181576 COLIN FARRELL SEX TAPE, %-[[[, http://dailybooth.com/tribpemupa1971/26107170 RIHANNA NACKT, fqooyv, http://dailybooth.com/thiecredakow1987/26249245 LUISANA LOPILATO NUDE, oke,
- 138 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 10:02 ID:pGzlVAzM
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://dailybooth.com/alopabov1970/26065303 ALLISON MILLER NUDE, xqgf, http://dailybooth.com/sticarcontou1977/26452259 GWYNETH PALTROW HOT, ccrdm, http://dailybooth.com/enecitprim1972/26431345 EMMA STONE TOPLESS, 8((, http://dailybooth.com/okadhylast1987/26354930 HELENA BONHAM CARTER HOT, fbun, http://dailybooth.com/therrikongsi1988/26216819 SARA JEAN UNDERWOOD PLAYBOY, 28956, http://dailybooth.com/enpafogna1981/26051170 JESSICA BURCIAGA NUDE, lezdld, http://dailybooth.com/gorchilaploa1987/26417478 MIRANDA KERR BIKINI, :-O, http://dailybooth.com/amxatenpha1976/26193063 EMMY ROSSUM NAKED, %((, http://dailybooth.com/lisaselkei1973/26320391 ELIZABETH HURLEY NAKED, 263, http://dailybooth.com/sondurfbestrous1985/26018752 ANA DE LA REGUERA NUDE, xsjed,
- 139 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 10:08 ID:l4ashXmk
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://dailybooth.com/ciretlimen1980/26375309 AISHWARYA RAI HOT PICS, =)), http://dailybooth.com/suorecdiabott1986/26252514 HALLE BERRY IN A BIKINI, %DD, http://dailybooth.com/erquekunsre1989/26079481 KATHLEEN ROBERTSON SEX TAPE, 248966, http://dailybooth.com/dishempgoldleb1977/26086486 HILARY DUFF BOOBS, :-D, http://dailybooth.com/edbhutaccal1970/26370285 CHERYL COLE NUDE PHOTOS, 860, http://dailybooth.com/creadasamun1971/26024756 BIANCA BALTI DESNUDA, >:-[, http://dailybooth.com/osdolpittmi1987/26086896 KALEY CUOCO NUDE PHOTOS, 8-[[, http://dailybooth.com/ocleartighprob1988/25946151 ANDREA ROTH BUSH, teb, http://dailybooth.com/wicgohindto1977/25929752 BRITT EKLAND NAKED PHOTOS, 124683, http://dailybooth.com/tecksoftsico1972/26018686 KELLY LYNCH PORN, =-OO, http://dailybooth.com/lighcoretxe1987/25965834 KELLI WILLIAMS NAKED PHOTOS, 8(,
- 140 名前:UxZAXpmtzX 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 10:19 ID:KoMxgo4A
- comment5, http://dailybooth.com/tanoclambprev1981/26218170 KRIS JENNER NUDE PICS, jyxrz, http://dailybooth.com/adjebewan1970/26321492 JANE SEYMOUR ASS, 8)), http://dailybooth.com/netbiztkasynch1971/26086824 ELISHA CUTHBERT PLAYBOY, vrl, http://dailybooth.com/quisigasfi1987/26353491 SARAH SILVERMAN NIPPLE SLIP, 749, http://dailybooth.com/tracexalge1988/26322683 KELLY BROOK HOT PICS, :-OOO, http://dailybooth.com/daybrazbabbprev1974/26405185 ANGELINA JOLIE PORN, >:-), http://dailybooth.com/resbegonli1980/26266219 CHLOE SEVIGNY PLAYBOY, 494, http://dailybooth.com/orederun1975/26368201 BRITNEY SPEARS SEX TAPE, erquug, http://dailybooth.com/thiadacorfu1979/26058501 THALIA NACKT, 3189, http://dailybooth.com/coovitasi1979/26254283 MICHELLE WILLIAMS NAKED PICS, 04811,
- 141 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/27(水) 10:19 ID:RwYA5c6Y
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://dailybooth.com/frosepcidown1987/26460693 LADY GAGA SEX TAPE, 8-[[, http://dailybooth.com/beschmatota1989/26451813 JENNIFER LAWRENCE ASS, mnspcg, http://dailybooth.com/niaspenadnal1982/26355463 ALYSON HANNIGAN SEX VIDEO, :))), http://dailybooth.com/acosolta1974/26368383 AVRIL LAVIGNE HOT PICS, dwred, http://dailybooth.com/toihalracu1979/26323898 EVA LONGORIA PLAYBOY, 945592, http://dailybooth.com/howacawech1974/25907745 PHOEBE TONKIN TITS, 749, http://dailybooth.com/vetomisimp1977/26019985 SHERIDAN SMITH SEX TAPE, zajwe, http://dailybooth.com/borbimagre1978/26314602 JENNIFER MORRISON NUDE PICTURES, %O, http://dailybooth.com/moresicar1981/25996469 VIVIAN HSU SEX SCENE, 384927, http://dailybooth.com/gaicirguebas1974/26085260 ALEXANDRA PAUL HOT PICS, 521617, http://dailybooth.com/bahndroninen1975/26279814 KARI BYRON IN A BIKINI, %-PP,
- 142 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 05:20 ID:ddKjjljE
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://dailybooth.com/backpamemen1978/26059690 MADELEINE WEST BUSH, wsl, http://dailybooth.com/granatguipuc1987/26178386 ELLEN BARKIN ASS, rmz, http://dailybooth.com/riwinthemoun1978/26356969 CHRISTINA HENDRICKS IN A BIKINI, >:-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/viasaltclarrac1988/26094055 OLGA KURYLENKO BUSH, =-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/slavunacmit1974/26323389 LINDSAY PRICE TOPLESS, ikrup, http://dailybooth.com/tracbercistwal1971/26326445 ASHANTI PUSSY, 2780, http://dailybooth.com/rorrolsmaro1985/25967694 MARIA CONCHITA ALONSO SEX SCENE, 220, http://dailybooth.com/quispamonfi1985/25896326 RACHEL TICOTIN SEX VIDEO, 74549, http://dailybooth.com/tobabbspacri1977/26341604 LEIGHTON MEESTER NAKED PHOTOS, :]]], http://dailybooth.com/deskhosraigreen1984/26453038 NATALIE PORTMAN PLAYBOY, %), http://dailybooth.com/enecitprim1972/26431345 EMMA STONE TITS, 94377, http://dailybooth.com/blindistita1984/26278685 AMY WINEHOUSE PLAYBOY, 3619, http://dailybooth.com/accivoverb1983/26355870 MADHURI DIXIT PUSSY, =-DDD, http://dailybooth.com/baypafothat1986/26384831 JESSICA BIEL NIPPLE SLIP, :DDD,
- 143 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 05:23 ID:eWLwRdmc
- I always wondered if the Manchurian Candidate McLame would make an appearance. I think he is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, too., http://dailybooth.com/adecexcor1989/26412755 JANE MARCH NIPPLE SLIP, %-[[, http://dailybooth.com/singmacnotars1978/26367310 TERI HATCHER SEX, =-[[, http://dailybooth.com/nungmontcurva1985/26249397 ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY IN A BIKINI, 26672, http://dailybooth.com/rakyrali1987/26064885 CLARA MORGANE SEX TAPE, :-[[, http://dailybooth.com/stentibackris1974/25966469 ASHLEY DUPRE SEX TAPE, 213, http://dailybooth.com/liolsetlicom1973/26086379 MENA SUVARI ASS, 8PPP, http://dailybooth.com/rollrimemo1988/26076233 ERICA CERRA PORN, :]], http://dailybooth.com/ebruptipo1985/25900921 CHRISTINE BARANSKI NUDE, 028, http://dailybooth.com/rarlcomptruset1978/25950624 BRIE LARSON NUDE, =-)), http://dailybooth.com/goldristiro1972/26281366 PAMELA ANDERSON SEX TAPE, 25353, http://dailybooth.com/presmangeschnypn1982/26008839 MARIA BELLO SEX SCENE, %[[,
- 144 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 05:30 ID:f4KzmEvA
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://dailybooth.com/haatedaladb1985/26426218 JORDAN NAKED PICTURES, 8-[, http://dailybooth.com/pranethegvi1979/26300446 MIRANDA OTTO IN A BIKINI, qbb, http://dailybooth.com/leicycthegent1988/25984228 TAWNY KITAEN PLAYBOY, fzx, http://dailybooth.com/ogredingsand1979/25982014 MARGARITA LEVIEVA TITS, =((, http://dailybooth.com/cromopheftia1988/26036419 LIZZY CAPLAN NUDE PICS, pla, http://dailybooth.com/icniatoti1986/26013160 AMANDA HOLDEN NIPPLE SLIP, =-[, http://dailybooth.com/middcrochthornle1978/25943900 CONSTANCE MARIE TITS, lpa, http://dailybooth.com/bioderpkimcio1987/25945756 JOELY FISHER HOT PICS, sjdm, http://dailybooth.com/cuestanjampu1979/26087446 KALEY CUOCO ASS, 05445, http://dailybooth.com/dismeanalens1974/26427473 BRITNEY SPEARS PORN, 928, http://dailybooth.com/consbloghescans1975/26229562 KATE WALSH SEX SCENE, izgwap, http://dailybooth.com/truthuninge1975/26060210 RHONA MITRA NUDE PICS, :-],
- 145 名前:tHmdqWfbvVARBDodQBN 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 05:49 ID:12azc4Ew
- comment1, http://dailybooth.com/sindsucmeerste1974/26005162 TARYN MANNING NUDE PICTURES, rdugs, http://dailybooth.com/cymtehore1989/26225571 KELLY ROWLAND SEX VIDEO, 767178, http://dailybooth.com/daiterntalthigh1976/26358459 MINKA KELLY FAKES, 507, http://dailybooth.com/honenderest1977/26036893 KARINA SMIRNOFF TITS, lveoji, http://dailybooth.com/tramsemblemsto1972/26053304 ERYKAH BADU BOOBS, xvyz, http://dailybooth.com/mounpesisko1989/26274230 AMY SMART SEX VIDEO, tsek, http://dailybooth.com/sioridecmiss1973/26406006 RIHANNA NACKT, 8]]], http://dailybooth.com/inenenna1982/26344000 FERGIE BOOBS, >:(((, http://dailybooth.com/tresperffirsgors1973/25899178 BROOKE NEVIN DESNUDA, >:-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/tiamanticon1978/26345233 KRISTIN DAVIS BOOBS, 8407,
- 146 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:15 ID:skTyuqU6
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://dailybooth.com/aborswinin1974/26081181 JULIE BOWEN NUDE PICTURES, %[[[, http://dailybooth.com/updrivywhal1982/25943721 LOUISE CLIFFE NAKED PHOTOS, 600, http://dailybooth.com/webcromedheart1988/26304825 CATHERINE BELL BOOBS, >:P, http://dailybooth.com/ansyleati1977/26423828 MADONNA NAKED PHOTOS, pbeog, http://dailybooth.com/ranbindtemnelp1978/26449932 GRACE PARK FAKES, :-)), http://dailybooth.com/nulwilocca1971/26026461 AMY WEBER NUDE PICS, =OO, http://dailybooth.com/ruidewhelti1984/26013501 JULIE CHRISTIE BOOBS, %OO, http://dailybooth.com/geeksgradparce1985/26383467 DEMI MOORE NAKED PHOTOS, %-(, http://dailybooth.com/caphorivi1973/26403264 JESSE JANE DESNUDA, :-], http://dailybooth.com/grinvorkegon1978/26227913 CARRIE-ANNE MOSS NAKED PICTURES, iykf, http://dailybooth.com/atangleampa1981/26036123 MELINA PEREZ NUDE PICTURES, 41741,
- 147 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:31 ID:FQg4kVIE
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://dailybooth.com/dubsbekmoifloor1972/25932819 NANDITA DAS HOT PICS, 23690, http://dailybooth.com/skanethexun1983/26340237 VIDA GUERRA IN A BIKINI, =-), http://dailybooth.com/woeliropa1980/26315608 DREW BARRYMORE NAKED PICTURES, 22540, http://dailybooth.com/sandcorpoofo1989/26059553 SANDRA BULLOCK PORN, drg, http://dailybooth.com/galelasy1973/26229016 MENA SUVARI TOPLESS, 4879, http://dailybooth.com/biorolete1977/26300556 CRYSTAL LOWE BUTT, 022796, http://dailybooth.com/compbonphibi1985/26180218 LESLIE BIBB SEX VIDEO, =OO, http://dailybooth.com/raviwhelzey1988/26454160 ELLEN PAGE HOT PICS, 821, http://dailybooth.com/floronbrucop1986/25955276 RINKO KIKUCHI TITS, 440, http://dailybooth.com/teraworsi1974/26230472 JENNY MCCARTHY NAKED PICS, 863, http://dailybooth.com/tingtingnistmo1988/25989871 ALEXIS BLEDEL BUSH, ulxol, http://dailybooth.com/preszuterchang1982/26387177 SOFIA VERGARA BUSH, 652, http://dailybooth.com/compsarherztic1985/26252914 CRYSTAL REED SEX VIDEO, 8-O, http://dailybooth.com/zokahandresp1981/26217738 RACHEL RILEY TOPLESS, daq,
- 148 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:33 ID:cVwSXjQw
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://dailybooth.com/tantconnicon1989/26262558 SASHA ALEXANDER SEX SCENE, 90808, http://dailybooth.com/ltinlencieto1989/25939975 DEANNA RUSSO HOT PICS, =OOO, http://dailybooth.com/poetempcleanmen1982/26193307 JENNIFER COOLIDGE ASS, soged, http://dailybooth.com/esemsledrio1987/26041690 DIORA BAIRD NACKT, :(((, http://dailybooth.com/prearerasob1971/25983197 RACHELLE LEAH IN A BIKINI, :[[[, http://dailybooth.com/raunrenunep1983/26306506 VANESSA HUDGENS PUSSY, :PP, http://dailybooth.com/lilawellto1983/26425371 MICHELLE JOHNSON FAKES, gtoqq, http://dailybooth.com/dubsbekmoifloor1972/25932819 NANDITA DAS SEX TAPE, %-D, http://dailybooth.com/promoserer1984/25994031 DEBRA WILSON PLAYBOY, =], http://dailybooth.com/backmatota1976/26093792 SOFIA VERGARA NIPPLE SLIP, 164, http://dailybooth.com/guafesmapo1975/26025743 MARYSE OUELLET NACKT, =-P, http://dailybooth.com/deufsetanmu1981/26345458 MALIN AKERMAN NAKED PHOTOS, 20923, http://dailybooth.com/racmadersu1986/26185958 ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY NAKED PICS, %DDD,
- 149 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:48 ID:dU6Cpu4I
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him.,
- 150 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:52 ID:2PZro37w
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://dailybooth.com/gratacnbikkel1979/25949874 ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY NUDE PHOTOS, 161, http://dailybooth.com/workjurisis1972/26010671 WHITNEY CUMMINGS BUSH, ubgrie, http://dailybooth.com/tentiofultio1982/26440838 JESSICA BIEL NAKED PHOTOS, wdsbx, http://dailybooth.com/protecatgreg1979/26073639 SERENA WILLIAMS NUDE PICS, 921, http://dailybooth.com/turkcamola1971/26264025 EVA GREEN FAKES, dwg, http://dailybooth.com/tijicabang1979/26009924 ERIN CUMMINGS BUTT, 537664, http://dailybooth.com/newgcoulider1971/26083728 BARBARA MORI DESNUDA, 76402, http://dailybooth.com/namentoucam1984/25988392 BIANCA KAJLICH HOT PICS, 801965, http://dailybooth.com/gasomfeco1971/26180809 KATE BECKINSALE ASS, =-), http://dailybooth.com/lerectenis1975/26194132 DEBBY RYAN NUDE PHOTOS, 892, http://dailybooth.com/negiwilcons1975/26459793 EVA ANGELINA SEX SCENE, %O, http://dailybooth.com/luotempnisor1980/26453293 MIRANDA KERR FAKES, jwwubz, http://dailybooth.com/dianafunnae1970/26035453 ALI LARTER NACKT, 01119,
- 151 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 06:52 ID:f5bnncyI
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://dailybooth.com/akitilan1982/26387375 BROOKE SHIELDS NUDE, 7796, http://dailybooth.com/joacofina1977/26384730 CARMEN ELECTRA PLAYBOY, sfaj, http://dailybooth.com/siopabackren1988/26278883 NAOMI WATTS NUDE, kqffak, http://dailybooth.com/sticesonmau1981/26012238 VIOLANTE PLACIDO NUDE, xmj, http://dailybooth.com/linchamprestdown1982/26396352 CAMERON DIAZ NAKED, jei, http://dailybooth.com/preplansighger1978/25995889 MICHAELA CONLIN NUDE, =O, http://dailybooth.com/dilenanvi1987/26360937 CLARA MORGANE PORN, >:)), http://dailybooth.com/dienanriabin1987/26419989 AISHWARYA RAI SEX, 1589, http://dailybooth.com/mueplanulhol1973/26308591 PARIS HILTON DESNUDA, riy, http://dailybooth.com/totswestdiconf1987/26354306 EVA MENDES PORN, uvfk, http://dailybooth.com/poundmalesra1973/25969180 EVE MYLES NAKED, 8((, http://dailybooth.com/memirifast1987/26187179 MARY-LOUISE PARKER NUDE, wvvprs, http://dailybooth.com/prudeninob1977/26021015 JESSICA ALBA SEX SCENE, kroq, http://dailybooth.com/ptomexidic1978/26091938 RACHAEL RAY NUDE, bfkwbc,
- 152 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 07:07 ID:eWLwRdmc
- Oodles of bloggers great and small would give a #1 Technorati rank (or insert personal thing of inestimable value here) to be able to host Kathy Sierra as a guest blogger. (Myself included.), http://dailybooth.com/cecarsole1974/25897477 MARGO HARSHMAN NUDE, tkcbri, http://dailybooth.com/warddhatinim1979/26008167 SARA FOSTER NUDE, iwzfek, http://dailybooth.com/neituterxii1980/25928948 SAMANTHA MATHIS NUDE, %-P, http://dailybooth.com/szigaginvo1981/26398852 KHLOE KARDASHIAN IN A BIKINI, bzrm, http://dailybooth.com/globemonre1983/26433575 PARIS HILTON NIPPLE SLIP, 919, http://dailybooth.com/lutedade1973/26083680 JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT NAKED PICS, zzsbm, http://dailybooth.com/riskpedicy1983/26195525 SHARON STONE PORN, 902, http://dailybooth.com/compbenestthee1972/25939653 CAROLE BOUQUET NUDE, 207173, http://dailybooth.com/ketppickmosmi1983/26325023 VIDA GUERRA HOT PICS, vrnn, http://dailybooth.com/sashotarol1971/25993261 LINDA FIORENTINO PORN, 774, http://dailybooth.com/inadlangold1987/26179813 CHERYL COLE NAKED PICS, fqjujz,
- 153 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 07:10 ID:ddKjjljE
- I'm not sure what you have against "The Five". I mean, four of the five panel members are on the right. The only creep is Bob Beckel. I admit, his creepiness makes the show a bit harder to handle. But Greg Gutfeld makes up for it! I LOVE him!! Beckel will probably have a stroke or a heart attack on the show one day and they can just shove him off the stage and continue on., http://dailybooth.com/roxtripace1981/26042284 KAT DENNINGS TOPLESS, mfcy, http://dailybooth.com/timonnoko1989/26315508 DENISE RICHARDS NUDE PHOTOS, 12774, http://dailybooth.com/sultidopig1971/26301987 KRISTEN STEWART PLAYBOY, 45393, http://dailybooth.com/chrisbubbgunra1988/26342843 ALYSON HANNIGAN NUDE PICTURES, :DD, http://dailybooth.com/critopaxer1986/26454487 LINDSAY LOHAN HOT PICS, :D, http://dailybooth.com/leuconsprepad1989/26035621 CHRISTA MILLER PUSSY, =-[[, http://dailybooth.com/djertenzeicur1985/25955983 KAYLEE DEFER PLAYBOY, 254, http://dailybooth.com/exetphocha1977/26320362 CAMERON DIAZ FAKES, :-((, http://dailybooth.com/imidethve1981/26259639 LESLIE MANN NAKED PICTURES, 8O, http://dailybooth.com/egensnarbe1974/26217873 HELEN HUNT TOPLESS, 940533, http://dailybooth.com/lingbedsgladque1989/26022641 SHANNA MOAKLER TOPLESS, 2418, http://dailybooth.com/cassegillza1986/26433947 SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICTURES, hkovr,
- 154 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 07:11 ID:cBMkae9s
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://dailybooth.com/lesspabankbi1981/26279270 KATE GOSSELIN DESNUDA, 081912, http://dailybooth.com/mobtoodebi1988/26037222 DEBORAH ANN WOLL DESNUDA, udvdt, http://dailybooth.com/olunacgei1982/26047752 GENA LEE NOLIN ASS, 8-DD, http://dailybooth.com/tenmirexaf1986/26087854 LUCY HALE PUSSY, mcozrq, http://dailybooth.com/taihoftpounsubs1981/26025144 REGINA KING NAKED PICTURES, 8-((, http://dailybooth.com/muchromalbai1974/26065819 KARI WUHRER NAKED PICTURES, >:-]]], http://dailybooth.com/laleclyti1979/26060904 SHAUNA SAND NAKED PICS, zwnq, http://dailybooth.com/progorcisbo1970/26053699 EMMANUELLE BEART NAKED PHOTOS, udb, http://dailybooth.com/dosemeches1988/26064198 VANESSA PARADIS ASS, 553152, http://dailybooth.com/cuiphadahup1978/25895661 MARIJA KARAN SEX VIDEO, 720474,
- 155 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 07:11 ID:8AC11faQ
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter.,
- 156 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 19:20 ID:cBMkae9s
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://dailybooth.com/mefolviecrit1989/26192310 JESSICA BURCIAGA SEX SCENE, 229, http://dailybooth.com/whiptevame1972/26081634 HAYDEN PANETTIERE TOPLESS, 915094, http://dailybooth.com/phosperpcomneu1975/25996146 PAGET BREWSTER NIPPLE SLIP, ffmpge, http://dailybooth.com/retanlighte1976/25954139 KRISTIN KREUK DESNUDA, 813430, http://dailybooth.com/pihotorse1977/26070426 JULIANNA MARGULIES FAKES, 37475, http://dailybooth.com/cicclimocom1970/26334074 JENNY MCCARTHY PORN, enlvf, http://dailybooth.com/asadarat1987/25897368 DANIELA DENBY-ASHE ASS, mkuu, http://dailybooth.com/daiterntalthigh1976/26358459 MINKA KELLY NACKT, 4700, http://dailybooth.com/sireniwatch1988/26370129 REESE WITHERSPOON TITS, imllf, http://dailybooth.com/taulesvanas1974/26248303 ADRIANNE CURRY PLAYBOY, cbi, http://dailybooth.com/concentchorep1988/26249074 ADRIANNE CURRY NAKED PICTURES, 36996, http://dailybooth.com/eredalgoy1977/26087572 CHARLOTTE CHURCH IN A BIKINI, 248, http://dailybooth.com/backtemproble1986/26364824 LIL KIM PUSSY, >:-))), http://dailybooth.com/adjebewan1970/26321492 JANE SEYMOUR PLAYBOY, 633171,
- 157 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 19:20 ID:8AC11faQ
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc.,
- 158 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 19:42 ID:f5bnncyI
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://dailybooth.com/icmetlyosi1977/26272855 LUCY LIU NUDE, dkhry, http://dailybooth.com/ulraisentcred1989/26045963 AMANDA HOLDEN PORN, nmrg, http://dailybooth.com/inofmeuti1980/26388588 JESSIE J NAKED, 23218, http://dailybooth.com/imtrapinac1975/26373330 BRITNEY SPEARS DESNUDA, 779331, http://dailybooth.com/distgennago1974/26438686 JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT NIPPLE, gmi, http://dailybooth.com/dogtgatomus1972/26453072 JENNIFER LOPEZ PORN, nwuxl, http://dailybooth.com/sadiphocon1981/26256412 KALEY CUOCO PLAYBOY, 8PPP, http://dailybooth.com/psychdissouwood1986/26091173 JERI RYAN NUDE, :OOO, http://dailybooth.com/acosolta1974/26368383 AVRIL LAVIGNE PUSSY, 436, http://dailybooth.com/cherpoikkeepmo1979/26365712 KIM KARDASHIAN PLAYBOY PICS, 010871, http://dailybooth.com/creasaschadi1974/26065717 GOLDIE HAWN NAKED, :],
- 159 名前:vkNzTFqNOm 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 19:43 ID:12azc4Ew
- comment4, http://dailybooth.com/bitdimprearo1984/26410293 AUDRINA PATRIDGE SEX SCENE, stubd, http://dailybooth.com/pentucusge1984/26271128 LEELEE SOBIESKI BUTT, 30762, http://dailybooth.com/jyobackprindoc1978/25972512 HEATHER MORRIS BUSH, 637776, http://dailybooth.com/joumonotkie1975/26346801 PARIS HILTON TITS, 082, http://dailybooth.com/rophuconsa1975/26084636 COBIE SMULDERS NAKED PICS, pvfkmp, http://dailybooth.com/dogrophygun1972/26089094 SIGOURNEY WEAVER DESNUDA, ejgek, http://dailybooth.com/progobavram1980/26037794 JENNIFER WALCOTT NUDE PICTURES, :-]], http://dailybooth.com/ricelora1973/26330269 KATE BECKINSALE FAKES, enx, http://dailybooth.com/otarbile1977/26281509 DIORA BAIRD ASS, 409505, http://dailybooth.com/pracadupclif1973/26324395 TAYLOR SWIFT FAKES, 1401,
- 160 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 19:45 ID:f4KzmEvA
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., http://dailybooth.com/acnicisti1987/26007747 MOON BLOODGOOD BUSH, eqliz, http://dailybooth.com/inampegku1973/26432800 MARIA OZAWA BOOBS, gwz, http://dailybooth.com/unlesterpwatch1970/26439184 ASHLEY WILLIAMS NAKED PICS, %(, http://dailybooth.com/schilunlilop1978/26450000 JENNIFER LOPEZ PLAYBOY, 8-(((, http://dailybooth.com/chierinalni1986/26079025 SUMMER GLAU NUDE PICS, iqxehz, http://dailybooth.com/imheamosimp1982/25941593 HOLLY VALANCE BOOBS, :[, http://dailybooth.com/seuwarnopel1985/26041209 JERI RYAN NUDE PHOTOS, sgypgj, http://dailybooth.com/verhituluab1982/26276826 GRACE PARK SEX VIDEO, 8OOO, http://dailybooth.com/dravithapfour1970/25995247 DINA MEYER BUTT, >:-((, http://dailybooth.com/ilosnore1973/26011438 KATHLEEN TURNER SEX VIDEO, 135322, http://dailybooth.com/stevfutpube1989/26012108 LARA BINGLE HOT PICS, %-], http://dailybooth.com/bestcowbkunce1979/26376479 GWEN STEFANI NAKED PHOTOS, :((,
- 161 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 20:03 ID:skTyuqU6
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://dailybooth.com/sugastteni1984/26365026 SELENA GOMEZ NACKT, 2365, http://dailybooth.com/berkemincald1979/26060111 JENNA FISCHER ASS, llioqy, http://dailybooth.com/hapbecomchai1976/26431876 EVA GREEN IN A BIKINI, tdy, http://dailybooth.com/feedrotinma1988/26266690 KATIE PRICE DESNUDA, gujels, http://dailybooth.com/ucatparheng1973/26044469 BIANCA KAJLICH NUDE PICTURES, kjvtc, http://dailybooth.com/tzatorenin1976/26053127 DIORA BAIRD NAKED PICS, ctfphm, http://dailybooth.com/glenenolol1987/25895744 EVA IONESCO NUDE PICTURES, wdm, http://dailybooth.com/fastmistxahum1982/26080204 BROOKLYN DECKER SEX SCENE, 596195, http://dailybooth.com/suthehyka1982/26341431 CHRISTINA HENDRICKS BUSH, rhxp, http://dailybooth.com/unorthropmitt1971/26362083 JENNIFER ANISTON NUDE PICS, 93624, http://dailybooth.com/gicompnajan1987/26333566 KATHERINE HEIGL SEX VIDEO, dzlp, http://dailybooth.com/pormetangwigs1980/26422924 KELLY BROOK PUSSY, 391595, http://dailybooth.com/abinmensio1977/25992849 GISELE BUNDCHEN BUTT, 8PP, http://dailybooth.com/atciefete1971/25947782 KATEY SAGAL NAKED PICS, xkmzw,
- 162 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/28(木) 20:11 ID:cVwSXjQw
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://dailybooth.com/cakadere1987/26338001 DAKOTA FANNING NAKED PICTURES, onv, http://dailybooth.com/gasirigal1980/26365454 JESSIE J SEX SCENE, 50972, http://dailybooth.com/zonsiejinti1989/26319463 MICHELLE RYAN NACKT, %O, http://dailybooth.com/twicyscrowis1973/25935197 LENA HEADEY IN A BIKINI, 479679, http://dailybooth.com/casidcapes1981/26420975 AISHWARYA RAIY FAKES, fuhyhd, http://dailybooth.com/imloaraiwa1971/26001742 TARA REID NIPPLE SLIP, cstb, http://dailybooth.com/crapbetdezu1975/26308893 KATE WINSLET SEX SCENE, qqvct, http://dailybooth.com/propcomnano1982/25918115 MARIN HINKLE NUDE PICS, xtgsad, http://dailybooth.com/sireniwatch1988/26370129 REESE WITHERSPOON BUSH, lnyf, http://dailybooth.com/raweadeacon1988/26443043 VANESSA HUDGENS SEX VIDEO, wvf, http://dailybooth.com/zinchorttemo1975/26423926 PAMELA ANDERSON IN A BIKINI, xhp, http://dailybooth.com/compousugor1971/26064939 KARISSA SHANNON SEX VIDEO, 8(,
- 163 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 17:27 ID:uIHstv/Y
- Kathy, the content you have graciously shared with us every once in a while is both inspiring and entertaining. And a blog is the perfect medium for this. A lot of the content is about your style and creative personality. Thus, I would rule out the community-based ideas. I would probably only read your stuff anyway., http://dailybooth.com/waquanpada1988/26253401 MIRANDA COSGROVE NAKED PICS, 45949, http://dailybooth.com/nochobesbea1970/26092974 BAI LING BUSH, 41255, http://dailybooth.com/caneteroc1984/26037130 LUCY LAWLESS PORN, 19504, http://dailybooth.com/apcyfabha1978/26426390 MEGAN FOX HOT PICS, tbsa, http://dailybooth.com/tioconfnerca1979/26059746 ELENA ANAYA BUSH, mhhfq, http://dailybooth.com/irrabema1976/26094919 JADA PINKETT SMITH NAKED PICTURES, nquyx, http://dailybooth.com/nalaramo1986/26255754 JAIME PRESSLY NAKED PICS, cvndd, http://dailybooth.com/diwilgady1986/26428505 ASA AKIRA HOT PICS, 521, http://dailybooth.com/targetifro1976/25898228 TAMZIN MERCHANT SEX TAPE, 458391, http://dailybooth.com/fiegetovin1983/26263502 KIM BASINGER SEX VIDEO, uzx, http://dailybooth.com/decheletre1972/25895032 ASHER KEDDIE BUSH, :-OO, http://dailybooth.com/macecate1987/26189556 RACHEL BILSON NIPPLE SLIP, =(,
- 164 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 17:27 ID:gfMLlKG.
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://dailybooth.com/thromutrmelle1989/26339398 JESSICA BIEL TOPLESS, =-))), http://dailybooth.com/palcutorpeu1979/26397315 JENNIFER LOPEZ TITS, >:-)), http://dailybooth.com/docilana1972/26066886 KELLY ROWLAND NIPPLE, >:OO, http://dailybooth.com/randtelpamys1986/26266640 FRANCINE DEE SEX, 57012, http://dailybooth.com/abquinowve1979/26329665 DIANE KRUGER SEX, 071, http://dailybooth.com/mistcoljota1982/25925397 JENNIFER LOTHROP NUDE, >:[[, http://dailybooth.com/suchlimaver1972/26376619 NICKI MINAJ TOPLESS, cua, http://dailybooth.com/ltinlencieto1989/25939975 DEANNA RUSSO NUDE, =-DD, http://dailybooth.com/piacimelmu1986/26049520 BRIGITTE NIELSEN NACKT, :OOO, http://dailybooth.com/specroerefno1980/26035319 YVONNE STRAHOVSKI TOPLESS, 8DD, http://dailybooth.com/picktaderi1986/26048476 EMILY MEADE NUDE, qeqa, http://dailybooth.com/sapucdobar1977/26213295 BRIGITTE BARDOT NUDE, iatg, http://dailybooth.com/cicnootosigh1973/26061409 TILDA SWINTON NUDE, 056011,
- 165 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 17:32 ID:C89LiRWM
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://dailybooth.com/biobubbpasslong1984/26069880 SHANNEN DOHERTY PORN, jskzh, http://dailybooth.com/stinevcolen1974/26314977 ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY PORN, >:[, http://dailybooth.com/quitagectekh1981/26390280 OLIVIA WILDE NUDE PHOTOS, bznimc, http://dailybooth.com/tiogaselre1970/26045870 WILLA FORD NIPPLE SLIP, 343647, http://dailybooth.com/dfathdowncresbun1977/26249504 CATHERINE BELL PORN, 942924, http://dailybooth.com/bleachsubtsatu1983/25929885 JAMI GERTZ NUDE PICTURES, 577842, http://dailybooth.com/ruimismofe1979/26060600 JILL FLINT NUDE, 0945, http://dailybooth.com/canthchocdisgmo1983/26059189 TORRIE WILSON SEX TAPE, :), http://dailybooth.com/gotebasve1976/26437461 CINDY CRAWFORD PLAYBOY, 619, http://dailybooth.com/vielaleaja1980/26064681 JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS BUTT, 7983, http://dailybooth.com/terpedaret1974/26358334 JOSLYN JAMES PORN, 7998, http://dailybooth.com/keyluriphi1981/26424255 MANDY MOORE HOT, 43605, http://dailybooth.com/kolifery1987/26034080 ALISON DOODY IN A BIKINI, >:-))),
- 166 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 17:43 ID:Jfn6sZBk
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://dailybooth.com/voseperchai1978/26392346 CARMEN ELECTRA DESNUDA, zpsz, http://dailybooth.com/perstradecab1979/26190741 ELISABETH HARNOIS HOT PICS, 8-D, http://dailybooth.com/titudershand1979/26077681 ERICA DURANCE HOT PICS, :-]]], http://dailybooth.com/rhelogtehy1983/26215955 MIRANDA COSGROVE NAKED PHOTOS, =]]], http://dailybooth.com/draglisucsa1976/26243165 KELLY PRESTON NAKED PICS, :OO, http://dailybooth.com/tosalwico1973/25988493 LINDSAY WAGNER BUSH, 04787, http://dailybooth.com/mitymackey1988/26322246 KEELEY HAZELL SEX TAPE, hvjje, http://dailybooth.com/raukertasi1977/26314224 AVRIL LAVIGNE BUSH, 452873, http://dailybooth.com/fortosacfidd1976/26360202 VICTORIA JUSTICE TITS, 81181, http://dailybooth.com/peatirali1981/26008391 AMERICA OLIVO NUDE PICS, 574,
- 167 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:05 ID:7gqAZeWw
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://dailybooth.com/cornvanreder1978/26453253 BRITNEY SPEARS SEX, >:[[[, http://dailybooth.com/workslumexah1982/26464595 MEGAN FOX HOT, rgkah, http://dailybooth.com/sembwapesi1980/26035968 PAGET BREWSTER NUDE, 559889, http://dailybooth.com/sticarcontou1977/26452259 GWYNETH PALTROW HOT, %O, http://dailybooth.com/funcdesrili1985/26431481 KELLY KELLY PORN, 59551, http://dailybooth.com/speedbosofe1984/26358294 JENNY MCCARTHY NAKED, :-), http://dailybooth.com/specisopep1981/26071416 RHONA MITRA NUDE, %((, http://dailybooth.com/swarinregta1978/26425122 ANNE HATHAWAY HOT, =-P, http://dailybooth.com/migrungdingbe1978/26452819 LISA ANN PORN, 559, http://dailybooth.com/joacofina1977/26384730 CARMEN ELECTRA PLAYBOY, neno, http://dailybooth.com/googtecico1983/26359231 VANESSA HUDGENS NUDE PHOTOS, =-PPP, http://dailybooth.com/promtiliges1976/26300802 LUCY PUNCH NUDE, rebfk, http://dailybooth.com/compcidybo1985/26363100 EMMA ROBERTS BIKINI, 0701, http://dailybooth.com/planinabmaa1981/26077335 KHLOE KARDASHIAN NIPPLE, yjso,
- 168 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:08 ID:6I/bXlmw
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://dailybooth.com/kolivekun1988/26179718 KIRSTEN DUNST ASS, rekkcj, http://dailybooth.com/phylphofitgo1971/26225523 EVAN RACHEL WOOD NIPPLE SLIP, 664, http://dailybooth.com/inunchancu1972/26386905 AMANDA TAPPING PUSSY, 7630, http://dailybooth.com/miatavalin1988/26397919 DENISE MILANI NACKT, 7140, http://dailybooth.com/hapcharabunk1989/26447880 KELLY ROWLAND NUDE PICS, 39672, http://dailybooth.com/lioluosandi1970/26194259 JENNY MCCARTHY SEX TAPE, 2691, http://dailybooth.com/binoupawdo1971/26225040 MENA SUVARI SEX SCENE, fjvq, http://dailybooth.com/rerilzoejoy1989/26072556 KATHERINE HEIGL BUSH, :)), http://dailybooth.com/singkewlcasab1983/26427729 SELENA GOMEZ PORN, =[[, http://dailybooth.com/santpucomting1975/26193958 TERI HATCHER TITS, 2324, http://dailybooth.com/manvesinbest1980/26219832 JAIME PRESSLY FAKES, beilu, http://dailybooth.com/gratedesver1988/26270591 STACY KEIBLER NAKED PICTURES, lwwuc, http://dailybooth.com/gurkokense1987/26452685 SARAH JESSICA PARKER SEX TAPE, 4136,
- 169 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:10 ID:06ZknJTY
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://dailybooth.com/plazastwylroa1975/26061852 BRIDGET MOYNAHAN PUSSY, wivjha, http://dailybooth.com/frisinendef1976/25947908 DEBRA WINGER NUDE PICS, 5575, http://dailybooth.com/ubquedsomit1986/26433171 LISA ANN PUSSY, >:-DDD, http://dailybooth.com/ventbetrocen1974/26456217 KHLOE KARDASHIAN NACKT, kyxxpc, http://dailybooth.com/diuscooptamra1979/26068142 LINDA EVANS NAKED PICS, qnkaul, http://dailybooth.com/anbivenhost1978/26048261 CHARLOTTE GAINSBOURG BUSH, 982, http://dailybooth.com/reafinzaba1982/25901885 CHRISTINE NEUBAUER BUTT, jzn, http://dailybooth.com/ecapconte1971/26436252 RIHANNA PUSSY, lxgdu, http://dailybooth.com/rolbocarzo1971/26384114 PAMELA ANDERSON SEX TAPE, :-(((, http://dailybooth.com/enmacarbu1983/25895878 PORTIA DOUBLEDAY NAKED PICTURES, xfmb, http://dailybooth.com/tihighcijo1980/26360408 OLIVIA WILDE NUDE PHOTOS, 8DDD, http://dailybooth.com/raquafasttep1986/26266168 VICTORIA SILVSTEDT TOPLESS, :PP,
- 170 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:13 ID:L6Siq3sQ
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://dailybooth.com/heitrusinel1977/26342089 AMY WINEHOUSE BUTT, zcc, http://dailybooth.com/anneuprinre1980/26384357 NINA DOBREV NAKED PHOTOS, vvrjf, http://dailybooth.com/denmarenas1975/26079313 ADRIANNE CURRY HOT PICS, xuzcg, http://dailybooth.com/ofventebu1980/26356708 MILA KUNIS SEX VIDEO, 8OO, http://dailybooth.com/vibulloko1977/26198177 KIM CATTRALL NACKT, %-[[[, http://dailybooth.com/panorsover1989/26000005 RACHEL MINER NUDE PICTURES, xcldaf, http://dailybooth.com/seoubutiti1982/26458696 HEIDI KLUM ASS, :OO, http://dailybooth.com/scholeriros1972/26403451 ANGELINA JOLIE NAKED PICTURES, 865754, http://dailybooth.com/melocontca1976/26057075 LAURA VANDERVOORT NAKED PICTURES, 0984, http://dailybooth.com/licalsfortie1970/26195181 CHRISTINA APPLEGATE PLAYBOY, 73500, http://dailybooth.com/floralatna1982/26445354 KATE MOSS BUSH, 73106, http://dailybooth.com/ogredingsand1979/25982014 MARGARITA LEVIEVA FAKES, 1295,
- 171 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:17 ID:ZPHuMAPE
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://dailybooth.com/tanaltgretde1986/25905145 ASTRID BERGES-FRISBEY DESNUDA, 956, http://dailybooth.com/gooooleatankho1974/26254099 AISHWARYA RAI BUSH, nmqim, http://dailybooth.com/coiletbtener1979/25948944 TARA REID NAKED PICS, cmwy, http://dailybooth.com/blakuphtipink1982/26002668 DANIELLE FISHEL PUSSY, >:-]]], http://dailybooth.com/dudissiophi1971/26088784 AMBER HEARD NUDE PICS, =PPP, http://dailybooth.com/namelale1974/26453731 LILY ALLEN NUDE PICTURES, lwzx, http://dailybooth.com/tafahada1977/26059016 GENESIS RODRIGUEZ BUTT, yus, http://dailybooth.com/marlosalri1976/26197905 ALI LARTER PORN, sheov, http://dailybooth.com/guspunckehrpec1989/26302731 JOANNA KRUPA TOPLESS, >:-D, http://dailybooth.com/cluddishauprov1973/26452889 MEGAN FOX BUSH, 8-]]], http://dailybooth.com/bloomdendeti1973/25993693 ANNE HECHE ASS, 950, http://dailybooth.com/writamplenfin1989/25950994 MAGGIE LAWSON NAKED PICS, %PPP,
- 172 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/29(金) 18:18 ID:UWEF7feE
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in.,
- 173 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 15:29 ID:ctZer4BI
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://dailybooth.com/thromutrmelle1989/26339398 JESSICA BIEL IN A BIKINI, %-[, http://dailybooth.com/brinpourverblee1976/25922419 JEANETTE BIEDERMANN PLAYBOY, 41461, http://dailybooth.com/quisigasfi1987/26353491 SARAH SILVERMAN BOOBS, :[[[, http://dailybooth.com/slopserini1986/26228744 KEIRA KNIGHTLEY HOT PICS, 48413, http://dailybooth.com/pailonalry1971/25905702 KATHLEEN QUINLAN FAKES, 020, http://dailybooth.com/bocbiotepo1977/26453052 JENNIFER ANISTON ASS, 664109, http://dailybooth.com/cratilwoodvi1976/25995284 KIRSTEN DUNST NACKT, tcr, http://dailybooth.com/muffkberanres1976/26007842 NATASHA HENSTRIDGE PORN, 8-OOO, http://dailybooth.com/pictures MALIN AKERMAN PLAYBOY, afefp, http://dailybooth.com/howacawech1974/25907745 PHOEBE TONKIN BUTT, %PP, http://dailybooth.com/promtiliges1976/26300802 LUCY PUNCH NAKED PICTURES, 0425, http://dailybooth.com/mithkruptite1986/26429891 ALICE EVE NAKED PHOTOS, 2515, http://dailybooth.com/usloolosu1988/26458025 ANGELINA JOLIE SEX TAPE, owj,
- 174 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 15:38 ID:pCwjIZkA
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://dailybooth.com/hillnimapec1979/26452752 JESSICA ALBA HOT, >:[, http://dailybooth.com/inofmeuti1980/26388588 JESSIE J NAKED, =-(, http://dailybooth.com/queedafibit1971/26090001 PAULA PATTON NUDE, %OO, http://dailybooth.com/snaplecheno1970/26182543 KRISTIN KREUK NUDE, %OO, http://dailybooth.com/comportkinfi1986/26271711 IRINA SHAYK NAKED, =-[, http://dailybooth.com/fincylimon1972/26424511 LINDSAY LOHAN PORN, 555724, http://dailybooth.com/ryasarunse1980/26324107 SAMANTHA FOX NUDE, zmfwr, http://dailybooth.com/sinapile1979/26466796 LADY GAGA HOT, 232489, http://dailybooth.com/pauleafeeper1984/26075929 MARIA BELLO NUDE, viix, http://dailybooth.com/eetmereso1976/26321520 KAT VON D NAKED, 460, http://dailybooth.com/wibetphodab1971/26357912 VIDA GUERRA NUDE, 017,
- 175 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 15:47 ID:G9N9ipL.
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://dailybooth.com/piddsesnieman1970/25934525 ANDREA SAWATZKI SEX TAPE, sjazwp, http://dailybooth.com/ganojahbird1988/26062389 COURTNEY FORD NUDE PICS, yvhc, http://dailybooth.com/vensbuckcirmant1972/26245271 TIFFANY TAYLOR NAKED PICS, 231, http://dailybooth.com/atmogchexi1983/26042527 RICKI LAKE DESNUDA, wvy, http://dailybooth.com/grosnesskofve1974/26197731 EVA MENDES BUSH, 876, http://dailybooth.com/pasungtherna1973/26024959 DOMINIQUE SWAIN SEX VIDEO, 8], http://dailybooth.com/coarogever1985/26352223 ROSE MCGOWAN NUDE PICTURES, cblzzm, http://dailybooth.com/cornvanreder1978/26453253 BRITNEY SPEARS PUSSY, gpn, http://dailybooth.com/flukonithfen1983/26373933 KELLY BROOK TOPLESS, 598996, http://dailybooth.com/devisuco1988/26088501 YVONNE STRAHOVSKI PORN, 405233, http://dailybooth.com/cipanesa1973/26384968 KENDRA WILKINSON DESNUDA, %-[[, http://dailybooth.com/nobsgedeni1982/26040449 JENNIFER JASON LEIGH NUDE PICS, 702,
- 176 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 15:52 ID:Xnz/pDPk
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://dailybooth.com/kickniperdei1987/26454062 NICKI MINAJ NUDE PICS, 8], http://dailybooth.com/derenheade1977/26441477 LISA ANN BOOBS, 172, http://dailybooth.com/drivfasivre1977/26194168 ROSE MCGOWAN PUSSY, 3517, http://dailybooth.com/countsursimpmi1982/26091791 KATRINA BOWDEN IN A BIKINI, 323, http://dailybooth.com/inmaypaitha1978/26075311 BUSY PHILIPPS SEX TAPE, 8PPP, http://dailybooth.com/siolakeno1978/26026202 JULIA ROBERTS NIPPLE SLIP, :DD, http://dailybooth.com/celighfragaf1982/26280888 ALYSSA MILANO NIPPLE SLIP, 8O, http://dailybooth.com/conlatetor1971/26221030 TORRIE WILSON NUDE PICS, mrlnh, http://dailybooth.com/stazardivap1980/26263538 MEAGAN GOOD BUSH, :-))), http://dailybooth.com/righbemicom1987/26304595 MARISA TOMEI NUDE PICS, vrvv, http://dailybooth.com/sandcorpoofo1989/26059553 SANDRA BULLOCK NACKT, >:PP, http://dailybooth.com/unspegnarno1972/26355219 ELIZA DUSHKU PORN, 561, http://dailybooth.com/qorromoli1973/26316505 NAOMI CAMPBELL BOOBS, rinjhk,
- 177 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 16:04 ID:ac4nu9tM
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was...,
- 178 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 17:30 ID:ctZer4BI
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://dailybooth.com/truthuninge1975/26060210 RHONA MITRA NUDE PICTURES, 147, http://dailybooth.com/chardforbuco1982/26321267 BRITTANY SNOW NAKED PICS, etnhxs, http://dailybooth.com/riarareto1976/26317380 PAMELA ANDERSON NACKT, 9435, http://dailybooth.com/swivuvidbur1972/26186599 CLAUDIA SCHIFFER BUTT, 8-)), http://dailybooth.com/feeebercumscol1983/26046835 BETTE MIDLER SEX VIDEO, vhsppw, http://dailybooth.com/waybeconsqua1983/26357755 JESSICA SIMPSON PLAYBOY, aiz, http://dailybooth.com/quiswisagex1985/26060887 AMANDA HOLDEN NIPPLE SLIP, ztm, http://dailybooth.com/brancanthcarleo1987/26388361 JESSICA ALBA ASS, upssdl, http://dailybooth.com/suptagaro1989/26319520 SOPHIA LOREN SEX TAPE, osb, http://dailybooth.com/ryopercono1970/26340432 LAUREN GRAHAM NAKED PHOTOS, %-D,
- 179 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 17:32 ID:G9N9ipL.
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/onexexal1975/26272674 DANIELA RUAH NACKT, tkxlr, http://dailybooth.com/consbedmadu1980/26322171 DAKOTA FANNING PORN, wqpl, http://dailybooth.com/dogttaxvoltles1978/26216507 AUDREY HEPBURN ASS, ukbpm, http://dailybooth.com/huparconsscal1972/26275693 ELISHA CUTHBERT NIPPLE SLIP, 4557, http://dailybooth.com/toyskuzafer1972/25916479 AYELET ZURER NUDE PICS, 493747, http://dailybooth.com/poundmalesra1973/25969180 EVE MYLES NAKED PICS, 740095, http://dailybooth.com/giocasdace1987/26084291 JENNA ELFMAN HOT PICS, 649610, http://dailybooth.com/llaninenym1980/26404122 TAYLOR SWIFT IN A BIKINI, 8))), http://dailybooth.com/durchsampdislea1989/26400050 SERENA WILLIAMS NACKT, 189, http://dailybooth.com/luptasifol1979/26017379 GEMMA ARTERTON NUDE PICTURES, mauwn,
- 180 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 17:50 ID:ELRTMonk
- Oodles of bloggers great and small would give a #1 Technorati rank (or insert personal thing of inestimable value here) to be able to host Kathy Sierra as a guest blogger. (Myself included.), http://dailybooth.com/libtimanle1979/26090904 JAIME PRESSLY BUSH, 656, http://dailybooth.com/rewacharve1989/26225893 RACHEL RILEY NIPPLE SLIP, :D, http://dailybooth.com/nasisvove1986/26426334 LINDSAY LOHAN ASS, 91287, http://dailybooth.com/lozmachidown1987/26193514 LILY COLLINS DESNUDA, 8-PP, http://dailybooth.com/xihowcaduck1987/26190252 NATALIE WOOD HOT PICS, >:(, http://dailybooth.com/coibivite1970/26331774 PADMA LAKSHMI BOOBS, 8DD, http://dailybooth.com/telnaltrancu1970/25928485 DEBBE DUNNING NACKT, :-DD, http://dailybooth.com/lessmocheni1980/26406888 PENELOPE CRUZ NUDE PICS, mqlrka, http://dailybooth.com/manhacoluc1981/26001464 JODIE FOSTER HOT PICS, :-(((, http://dailybooth.com/afemnali1989/26358855 MIRANDA COSGROVEY NAKED PHOTOS, tixyqv,
- 181 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 17:51 ID:pCwjIZkA
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://dailybooth.com/pesanraiprev1978/26024521 KELLY REILLY NUDE, :OO, http://dailybooth.com/jackracomlo1981/26060534 PAULEY PERRETTE NUDE, >:-]]], http://dailybooth.com/propatdito1982/26344263 HOLLY MADISON NAKED, 53097, http://dailybooth.com/igmicviegnos1987/26001805 JUDY REYES NUDE, 8-[[, http://dailybooth.com/viagebunpe1973/26021968 LEEANN TWEEDEN NUDE, :-OO, http://dailybooth.com/mighliposrack1973/26084567 SARAH SILVERMAN NUDE, :-D, http://dailybooth.com/canenbattra1975/26048533 ALEXANDRA DADDARIO HOT, cbfu, http://dailybooth.com/profroithogde1985/26383533 EMILY BLUNT HOT, 15552, http://dailybooth.com/blesercouro1988/26222297 FREIDA PINTO NAKED, 577, http://dailybooth.com/promtiliges1976/26300802 LUCY PUNCH NUDE, pip, http://dailybooth.com/liosamimi1983/26393376 MIRANDA KERR NUDE, %DD, http://dailybooth.com/tabsoftkequar1972/26072909 JENNIFER ANISTON NACKT, 282, http://dailybooth.com/tiomuspita1987/26105586 MICHELLE PFEIFFER NUDE, qbrq, http://dailybooth.com/nehydgeri1981/26225421 LUCY LAWLESS NUDE, 3045,
- 182 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 18:08 ID:Xnz/pDPk
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/tiabravodan1970/26426168 SHAKIRA SEX SCENE, fgg, http://dailybooth.com/monboteges1989/26182297 CARRIE FISHER BUTT, 9150, http://dailybooth.com/teikysolan1979/26106180 FRAN DRESCHER SEX VIDEO, hsbns, http://dailybooth.com/tridseirakuns1971/26229611 SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR NUDE PICTURES, %-((, http://dailybooth.com/onexexal1975/26272674 DANIELA RUAH BUTT, %-), http://dailybooth.com/crurgecasub1984/25911560 BRITTANY BINGER PLAYBOY, 95214, http://dailybooth.com/moolnieclevun1972/26054879 ROSANNA ARQUETTE DESNUDA, iubdb, http://dailybooth.com/signskikecab1981/26181889 NATASHA HENSTRIDGE FAKES, hzyjx, http://dailybooth.com/ffenvachawor1989/26418102 KATE HUDSON NUDE PHOTOS, >:-OOO, http://dailybooth.com/hotersili1983/26230540 TILA TEQUILA BOOBS, 168838, http://dailybooth.com/gravorinme1979/26025548 KATIE PRICE FAKES, >:P, http://dailybooth.com/anilozlor1987/26336683 HAYDEN PANETTIERE PUSSY, 6605,
- 183 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/06/30(土) 18:16 ID:ac4nu9tM
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?,
- 184 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:24 ID:fbJFXchc
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://dailybooth.com/volneckstanen1976/26247212 KARISSA SHANNON NAKED PHOTOS, 227200, http://dailybooth.com/sumrighbowas1975/26420142 ARIA GIOVANNI TITS, %-D, http://dailybooth.com/infoopathe1977/26258164 TERESA PALMER SEX TAPE, 0121, http://dailybooth.com/preplansighger1978/25995889 MICHAELA CONLIN BUSH, 775302, http://dailybooth.com/unapacgui1982/25929686 MISSY PEREGRYM SEX TAPE, 331, http://dailybooth.com/elophsmallu1977/26248150 EMMA STONE PLAYBOY, %-P, http://dailybooth.com/agavucce1982/26412640 JANUARY JONES NACKT, 7492, http://dailybooth.com/boasymguida1984/26376900 AMANDA SEYFRIED DESNUDA, %(, http://dailybooth.com/leuperlaci1988/26219752 AVRIL LAVIGNE NUDE PHOTOS, %], http://dailybooth.com/lieclaninbil1973/26266866 EMILY SCOTT DESNUDA, 2799, http://dailybooth.com/tselmustihitch1980/26046172 AMANDA TAPPING PLAYBOY, 745,
- 185 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:43 ID:3OWfsHE2
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/sediscachan1978/26094186 LACEY CHABERT TOPLESS, :PPP, http://dailybooth.com/serlaicandcern1979/26074658 AISHWARYA RAI SEX VIDEO, 08484, http://dailybooth.com/pracadupclif1973/26324395 TAYLOR SWIFT BOOBS, =-((, http://dailybooth.com/foundsunsiahy1971/26179876 FRAN DRESCHER NAKED PICS, >:DD, http://dailybooth.com/inapdecul1973/26229706 SCARLETT JOHANSSON DESNUDA, wim, http://dailybooth.com/keinarriti1984/26387452 MILA KUNIS NAKED PICTURES, :-O, http://dailybooth.com/asamoscrow1989/26257584 ROBERT PATTINSON NUDE PICTURES, :((, http://dailybooth.com/pasbubbnamo1986/26278585 JULIA BENSON PUSSY, redeb, http://dailybooth.com/linklawebwell1970/26386986 ALYSSA MILANO PLAYBOY, :-]]], http://dailybooth.com/bellclonlorno1982/26277225 CATHERINE ZETA JONES PUSSY, 732, http://dailybooth.com/monssisucdu1984/26064780 KARINA SMIRNOFF BOOBS, :-[[[, http://dailybooth.com/keomultaco1974/25906604 JORDAN HINSON NIPPLE SLIP, crkrc,
- 186 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:44 ID:htDcJdIk
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay.,
- 187 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:56 ID:k.R/K6cc
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://dailybooth.com/trucoddealgi1976/25946114 APRIL BOWLBY PORN, zufn, http://dailybooth.com/atlasfibig1989/26180113 CARLA GUGINO NAKED, ekvh, http://dailybooth.com/bestcowbkunce1979/26376479 GWEN STEFANI NAKED, %-)), http://dailybooth.com/sembwapesi1980/26035968 PAGET BREWSTER NUDE, :-PP, http://dailybooth.com/pauverformsea1971/26371530 JANUARY JONES NAKED, 6117, http://dailybooth.com/browmelawde1980/26443783 SELENA GOMEZ NUDE, 56425, http://dailybooth.com/inikalda1982/26404888 ANGELINA JOLIE TITS, oszdnx, http://dailybooth.com/viagebunpe1973/26021968 LEEANN TWEEDEN NUDE, 015212, http://dailybooth.com/ephsortusac1970/26331962 DREW BARRYMORE NAKED, 3911, http://dailybooth.com/iccimigta1980/25918800 VINESSA SHAW NUDE, 49667, http://dailybooth.com/wrinatflirqui1973/25981670 VALERIE BERTINELLI NUDE, vvspya, http://dailybooth.com/gravcirdewo1980/26247139 KRISTIN DAVIS NUDE, >:-)), http://dailybooth.com/masdesetho1989/26409749 HILARY DUFF NAKED, 357, http://dailybooth.com/vesfunccentstat1989/26450762 SUNNY LEONE HOT, 4261,
- 188 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:58 ID:AnTDIMtY
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/fromsymsounddes1980/26441373 AUDREY BITONI NAKED PICTURES, 954, http://dailybooth.com/ecenrali1986/26251990 BIPASHA BASU NUDE PICTURES, 150, http://dailybooth.com/verbtedebat1989/26281420 LADY GAGA NAKED PICTURES, 1628, http://dailybooth.com/abspilecfi1976/26319903 NINA DOBREV PUSSY, iban, http://dailybooth.com/loriblati1989/26280493 SELENA GOMEZ SEX VIDEO, 0168, http://dailybooth.com/scurticouchest1970/26028525 VANESSA MARCIL FAKES, >:-PP, http://dailybooth.com/glucerturen1984/26217470 ADRIANA LIMA BUSH, 8-], http://dailybooth.com/lacadolti1973/26197523 KELLY HU TOPLESS, 619, http://dailybooth.com/lowmoverpo1987/26073413 RITA SIMONS NAKED PICTURES, 789, http://dailybooth.com/nandmisschogi1984/26377491 LEA MICHELE NAKED PHOTOS, 6545, http://dailybooth.com/erverreris1984/26281034 KATHERINE HEIGL ASS, %-]]],
- 189 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 05:59 ID:UVh6i.3Y
- Kathy, the content you have graciously shared with us every once in a while is both inspiring and entertaining. And a blog is the perfect medium for this. A lot of the content is about your style and creative personality. Thus, I would rule out the community-based ideas. I would probably only read your stuff anyway., http://dailybooth.com/terlorasstrem1982/26266434 DEEPIKA PADUKONE PLAYBOY, :-], http://dailybooth.com/speclifgeoscal1989/26325097 AVRIL LAVIGNE SEX VIDEO, 7282, http://dailybooth.com/arererwie1984/26024784 HAYLEY ATWELL PLAYBOY, 325, http://dailybooth.com/singthuntikas1977/26272141 AUDRINA PATRIDGE NACKT, 37723, http://dailybooth.com/chicmobure1976/25988638 WILLA FORD BUTT, %-((, http://dailybooth.com/dishempgoldleb1977/26086486 HILARY DUFF ASS, 564, http://dailybooth.com/luoltimdara1971/26281813 JULIE BENZ SEX VIDEO, :], http://dailybooth.com/exnyanarans1976/26373814 TINA FEY NAKED PICTURES, %(, http://dailybooth.com/sephbesesde1983/26181172 LEA MICHELE BUSH, :-(, http://dailybooth.com/frosepcidown1987/26460693 LADY GAGA ASS, =OO,
- 190 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 06:01 ID:RDYpOYUc
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://dailybooth.com/eevaftanti1976/26330130 EVAN RACHEL WOOD NUDE PHOTOS, dtc, http://dailybooth.com/provulpepsi1985/25996083 MELORA HARDIN TOPLESS, oomtp, http://dailybooth.com/mesomade1983/26040368 JUDY REYES NAKED PHOTOS, =PP, http://dailybooth.com/pongurggistper1970/26050077 ABBIE CORNISH PORN, nqlsz, http://dailybooth.com/sinapile1979/26466796 LADY GAGA SEX VIDEO, qzbay, http://dailybooth.com/mitapasme1984/25970140 PATRICIA VELASQUEZ SEX TAPE, 50715, http://dailybooth.com/highmoulobobs1980/25921073 DOMINIQUE MCELLIGOTT NACKT, 410847, http://dailybooth.com/prospemortci1976/26090938 SERENA WILLIAMS SEX VIDEO, 8], http://dailybooth.com/icprivalim1978/26059479 LESLIE MANN NUDE PICS, 3914, http://dailybooth.com/fritemingram1970/26087987 BILLIE PIPER BUTT, 1180, http://dailybooth.com/decdiarama1989/26268661 SALMA HAYEK SEX SCENE, >:D, http://dailybooth.com/esamiseat1974/25895332 SCOTTIE THOMPSON NUDE PHOTOS, 807, http://dailybooth.com/emeassade1989/26186136 LISA EDELSTEIN IN A BIKINI, 349941,
- 191 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 06:01 ID:oMkZzjkA
- I hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn't be a good compromise. There's something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people's awfulness., http://dailybooth.com/norrbassetal1979/26257714 ASHLEY TISDALE HOT PICS, 8DDD, http://dailybooth.com/thedetivi1985/26396300 NICOLE SCHERZINGER IN A BIKINI, 8OO, http://dailybooth.com/cantengcotni1978/25943190 GINA TORRES ASS, eqscx, http://dailybooth.com/eninarli1978/26074427 TINA TURNER NUDE PICS, 251, http://dailybooth.com/thimbbackfaten1988/26405501 VANESSA HUDGENS PUSSY, =-[[, http://dailybooth.com/usloolosu1988/26458025 ANGELINA JOLIE HOT PICS, qyae, http://dailybooth.com/proslenrealand1977/25909905 ARA MINA FAKES, 62950, http://dailybooth.com/spoustalmelag1972/26012810 ALICE BRAGA NAKED PHOTOS, 90741, http://dailybooth.com/reauclogesli1979/26083049 MARIA MENOUNOS BUSH, vti, http://dailybooth.com/vaiposenge1975/26081571 LUCY HALE PLAYBOY, mgnjho, http://dailybooth.com/subninglihy1988/26453940 PINK BOOBS, >:-DDD, http://dailybooth.com/diaransmembval1981/25939724 CHANDRA WEST NUDE PHOTOS, oomgzg, http://dailybooth.com/flowpearzesu1971/26230000 MOLLY SIMS PLAYBOY, 8[, http://dailybooth.com/ophexwebta1982/26432084 ANGELINA JOLIE NIPPLE SLIP, 85687,
- 192 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/01(日) 06:16 ID:J2w/OpOw
- Kathy, the content you have graciously shared with us every once in a while is both inspiring and entertaining. And a blog is the perfect medium for this. A lot of the content is about your style and creative personality. Thus, I would rule out the community-based ideas. I would probably only read your stuff anyway., http://dailybooth.com/phokesubsmic1984/25946660 HANNAH MURRAY DESNUDA, ymkw, http://dailybooth.com/ralorahe1986/26069655 ROSARIO DAWSON NUDE PICS, =OO, http://dailybooth.com/vepengfernusc1983/26028593 ROSARIO DAWSON TOPLESS, 358257, http://dailybooth.com/keytrenunro1988/26332126 NICKI MINAJ FAKES, 9694, http://dailybooth.com/souffbutboba1985/26024375 TAMSIN EGERTON ASS, 280, http://dailybooth.com/asgendobuz1972/26215707 BROOKE HOGAN SEX VIDEO, 787621, http://dailybooth.com/closadsocef1982/26323847 SIBEL KEKILLI ASS, bgnuji, http://dailybooth.com/titohydsomp1983/26319629 TAYLOR SWIFT IN A BIKINI, 6007, http://dailybooth.com/devisuco1988/26088501 YVONNE STRAHOVSKI DESNUDA, 817460, http://dailybooth.com/potivirid1984/26280365 SARAH JESSICA PARKER DESNUDA, ydt, http://dailybooth.com/sukwoseschia1989/26003262 WHITNEY CUMMINGS NAKED PHOTOS, %]], http://dailybooth.com/ruimismofe1979/26060600 JILL FLINT NAKED PHOTOS, :-OO,
- 193 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/03(火) 10:36 ID:zxRLT132
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://www.flickr.com/people/80237139@N03/ julianne moore naked photos, %-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/79464829@N08/ emily procter topless, 321, http://www.flickr.com/people/80685257@N08/ brooklyn decker nude pictures, :], http://www.flickr.com/people/80996926@N02/ lady gaga sex tape, cqmp, http://www.flickr.com/people/80288995@N06/ malin akerman sex tape, clbw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80695132@N06/ adriana lima fakes, 25793, http://www.flickr.com/people/80015406@N03/ piper perabo nude photos, bbloo, http://www.flickr.com/people/80465432@N06/ heidi montag playboy, 03574, http://www.flickr.com/people/80671586@N02/ alicia keys porn, 8OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79966597@N03/ leah remini naked pictures, puwuuj, http://www.flickr.com/people/79352200@N03/ susan lucci nude photos, dln, http://www.flickr.com/people/80155763@N05/ rosamund pike playboy, sqs, http://www.flickr.com/people/80574433@N04/ penelope cruz nude photos, 9652,
- 194 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/03(火) 10:53 ID:qW9drQUY
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://www.flickr.com/people/79985284@N05/ stacey dash playboy, qcyb, http://www.flickr.com/people/79950496@N06/ jane lynch nude, :-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/79324386@N05/ eva la rue nude, :-D, http://www.flickr.com/people/78869092@N06/ annabelle wallis nude, ksbt, http://www.flickr.com/people/79445708@N06/ cerina vincent nude, mhzv, http://www.flickr.com/people/79317549@N04/ elizabeth montgomery nude, gpej, http://www.flickr.com/people/80052959@N08/ natalie imbruglia nude, saiuk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80794680@N06/ shakira pussy, ihl, http://www.flickr.com/people/80252042@N08/ danielle staub sex, pidbnz, http://www.flickr.com/people/80494026@N05/ ellen page naked, obf,
- 195 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/03(火) 11:17 ID:jHTnSTpc
- Honestly said, I don't think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don't think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That's apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., http://www.flickr.com/people/78845826@N03/ tahnee welch pussy, 727981, http://www.flickr.com/people/80992384@N05/ asa akira butt, yyxwff, http://www.flickr.com/people/79490123@N04/ paget brewster bush, >:-PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/79022319@N04/ julie benz boobs, 242173, http://www.flickr.com/people/80630377@N08/ paris hilton naked pictures, 289273, http://www.flickr.com/people/80171437@N02/ isla fisher playboy, 7935, http://www.flickr.com/people/80264207@N02/ cheryl cole playboy, bcwu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80786279@N04/ karen gillan playboy, 8[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79960734@N02/ cheryl cole topless, 8770, http://www.flickr.com/people/78992554@N02/ gabrielle reece sex scene, 9223, http://www.flickr.com/people/80442890@N03/ anne hathaway naked pics, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80199847@N03/ carla gugino ass, 8-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80757526@N07/ ashlynn brooke nipple slip, 8-],
- 196 名前:eiHCsiCcvEsaURlUu 投稿日:2012/07/06(金) 02:44 ID:Df7rccm6
- comment6, http://www.flickr.com/people/80318779@N08/ jamie lee curtis topless, %OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79387978@N02/ lea thompson naked pictures, %))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80470590@N02/ taylor swift butt, 447, http://www.flickr.com/people/78906117@N04/ rachel blakely bush, googwm, http://www.flickr.com/people/80274082@N06/ charlotte church desnuda, %)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80074547@N08/ glenn close naked photos, ynqugj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80401866@N03/ minka kelly fakes, =[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79943664@N05/ stephanie mcmahon hot pics, wva, http://www.flickr.com/people/79367347@N08/ denise van outen butt, 078, http://www.flickr.com/people/80356534@N06/ paulina rubio porn, 949402, http://www.flickr.com/people/80747623@N04/ natalie portman fakes, syjnku,
- 197 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/06(金) 03:17 ID:Mw/q0ra.
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://www.flickr.com/people/80703111@N08/ megan fox desnuda, 8-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80387594@N05/ camilla belle nude, =)), http://www.flickr.com/people/81059303@N08/ jessica alba hot, 8(, http://www.flickr.com/people/81021866@N02/ kim kardashian sex, :P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80440538@N02/ joanna krupa nude, 530049, http://www.flickr.com/people/78955053@N04/ nancy travis nude, ejx, http://www.flickr.com/people/80183397@N04/ scarlett johansson nackt, :D, http://www.flickr.com/people/80164354@N04/ malin akerman nude, =-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80664668@N06/ alyssa milano nude, 795, http://www.flickr.com/people/80540384@N02/ tyra banks naked, 8), http://www.flickr.com/people/80624978@N07/ kourtney kardashian naked, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80635468@N02/ alyssa milano naked, 549, http://www.flickr.com/people/78831726@N05/ karine vanasse nude, wayrai, http://www.flickr.com/people/80327306@N08/ zooey deschanel nude, cxnz,
- 198 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/07(土) 02:46 ID:dsIthuaI
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://www.flickr.com/people/80585904@N03/ katrina kaif naked pics, >:D, http://www.flickr.com/people/78928920@N06/ paige turco nude photos, 876838, http://www.flickr.com/people/79308216@N07/ carmen electra sex video, jsxcto, http://www.flickr.com/people/79937556@N05/ ludivine sagnier topless, 8DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80603560@N07/ rachel weisz nude photos, 73193, http://www.flickr.com/people/80786648@N05/ kristen stewart sex video, =-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80115448@N08/ carla gugino sex video, hxoffb, http://www.flickr.com/people/80672086@N02/ reese witherspoon topless, 6407, http://www.flickr.com/people/79055181@N08/ radost bokel nackt, 3901, http://www.flickr.com/people/80480644@N07/ kat von d naked pictures, >:-))),
- 199 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/07(土) 13:32 ID:Sx7VHqFo
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://www.flickr.com/people/78945869@N08/ marguerite moreau nude, :-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80309697@N06/ sarah jessica parker sex scene, 93497, http://www.flickr.com/people/80578148@N06/ cindy crawford nude, :-[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80294548@N07/ meagan good nude, 1139, http://www.flickr.com/people/81090913@N08/ katie holmes hot, 569, http://www.flickr.com/people/79425037@N04/ emmanuelle vaugier naked, 551, http://www.flickr.com/people/81027812@N06/ victoria beckham naked, lfc, http://www.flickr.com/people/80255344@N04/ jake gyllenhaal naked, >:-(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80050672@N04/ joan allen nude, 088102, http://www.flickr.com/people/80074573@N06/ famke janssen hot, 41135, http://www.flickr.com/people/80517071@N08/ catherine bell nude, ytit, http://www.flickr.com/people/80315508@N07/ stacy keibler ass, =-D,
- 200 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:29 ID:.3POjnOc
- I hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn't be a good compromise. There's something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people's awfulness., http://www.flickr.com/people/80375225@N08/ christine taylor tits, 75717, http://www.flickr.com/people/79299932@N07/ madeline zima nude photos, >:DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80405443@N04/ katie price sex scene, 855008, http://www.flickr.com/people/81007358@N07/ madonna in a bikini, 9233, http://www.flickr.com/people/79983173@N05/ shauna sand bush, vqmsnk, http://www.flickr.com/people/78969757@N04/ miranda kerr playboy, zdlh, http://www.flickr.com/people/79029722@N06/ ellie kemper pussy, 8OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79936818@N03/ dana delany nipple slip, =-PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/79013200@N07/ simone thomalla topless, :-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/81020043@N04/ tiffany nackt, %-]],
- 201 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:30 ID:Y.rS9wSg
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://www.flickr.com/people/80086568@N08/ jennifer lopez nackt, ldrb, http://www.flickr.com/people/80887678@N06/ natalie portman sex, ivmth, http://www.flickr.com/people/81056375@N08/ mariah carey sex tape, >:[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80291767@N08/ erica durance hot, 6752, http://www.flickr.com/people/80274275@N08/ amanda crew nude, 78695, http://www.flickr.com/people/80250741@N02/ catherine zeta-jones nude, ehp, http://www.flickr.com/people/80813692@N06/ cher nude, zgyw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80171421@N08/ alison brie nude, >:-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80500018@N07/ salma hayek breast, ylzj, http://www.flickr.com/people/81004942@N05/ rihanna ass, 677,
- 202 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:30 ID:boS9avE.
- Honestly said, I don't think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don't think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That's apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., http://www.flickr.com/people/79946022@N02/ rachael leigh cook nackt, 8-PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80723070@N03/ natalie portman desnuda, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80469902@N06/ kendra wilkinson playboy, 8807, http://www.flickr.com/people/80558479@N04/ sofia vergara sex scene, 8], http://www.flickr.com/people/79492820@N06/ gong li sex scene, 1558, http://www.flickr.com/people/79959454@N04/ sabrina salerno pussy, 8-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80695242@N03/ megan fox naked photos, 2829, http://www.flickr.com/people/80072165@N03/ kate bosworth ass, %(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80185940@N05/ michelle pfeiffer sex tape, jxjaa, http://www.flickr.com/people/79327126@N05/ janine turner nude pics, dhgus, http://www.flickr.com/people/79468746@N02/ indira varma sex scene, :-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/79483702@N06/ autumn reeser hot pics, 29321,
- 203 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:33 ID:O7vyL0qs
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://www.flickr.com/people/79949896@N03/ felicity jones naked photos, :-OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/78849857@N04/ maribel verdu nipple slip, vvih, http://www.flickr.com/people/79952479@N07/ elena santarelli in a bikini, tdairq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80199048@N03/ laura harris nipple slip, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80517102@N06/ taylor swift naked pictures, czmi, http://www.flickr.com/people/80205557@N04/ lucy pinder naked pics, 8-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/79308402@N02/ wendi mclendon-covey in a bikini, uxhw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80999129@N08/ kylie minogue tits, 7446, http://www.flickr.com/people/79050859@N08/ heidi klum oben ohne bush, 51346, http://www.flickr.com/people/80388072@N07/ sarah chalke sex tape, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80217395@N04/ katharine mcphee nipple slip, csuprf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80162729@N06/ mallika sherawat sex tape, zghrcs, http://www.flickr.com/people/79924316@N02/ nathalie kelley sex scene, =OOO,
- 204 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:51 ID:senBgUyw
- I see two basic options for you: Reduce visibility and do something completely different, or stay visible and continue publishing your own stuff under your own name. All the options you cite can be assigned to one of these two categories. I dearly hope you go with the second option, even though I would totally understand if you decide otherwise., http://www.flickr.com/people/78930630@N05/ greta gerwig boobs, 518146, http://www.flickr.com/people/80160641@N08/ yvonne strahovski nude photos, 241670, http://www.flickr.com/people/80072165@N03/ kate bosworth naked pictures, 19190, http://www.flickr.com/people/80398261@N08/ chelsea handler tits, ouuas, http://www.flickr.com/people/80801644@N07/ sarah connor nude pics, 95082, http://www.flickr.com/people/79416038@N02/ robin tunney in a bikini, tcs, http://www.flickr.com/people/80853013@N08/ shay laren sex tape, awny, http://www.flickr.com/people/80261137@N04/ montana fishburne in a bikini, 8PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80073003@N06/ sarah michelle gellar naked pics, nfqh, http://www.flickr.com/people/79443591@N08/ vanna white naked pictures, lgij, http://www.flickr.com/people/80574517@N08/ tara reid bush, cmrnt, http://www.flickr.com/people/78845994@N07/ mariel hemingway naked pics, eeoazu, http://www.flickr.com/people/79412544@N02/ ellen barkin ass, ijfx, http://www.flickr.com/people/80274434@N05/ miranda cosgrove nude pictures, asopqf,
- 205 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:53 ID:lzJT3SuQ
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://www.flickr.com/people/80639881@N04/ jennette mccurdy bikini, jqxxj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80636845@N08/ bar refaeli nude, :]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80541090@N02/ faye reagan nude, 876, http://www.flickr.com/people/79987539@N04/ minnie driver nude, 308, http://www.flickr.com/people/80923455@N08/ usher naked, knqnjj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80537629@N04/ blake lively naked, 49799, http://www.flickr.com/people/80048769@N07/ neha dhupia nude, bczjqd, http://www.flickr.com/people/81014604@N06/ megan fox ass, 838016, http://www.flickr.com/people/80452582@N03/ barbara mori hot, akcjbg, http://www.flickr.com/people/80996598@N02/ charlize theron hot, yozsf,
- 206 名前:ZgQzBZptgxiSKW 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 09:56 ID:gPRcHbj2
- comment1, http://www.flickr.com/people/80287559@N07/ katherine heigl boobs, 8082, http://www.flickr.com/people/78952504@N02/ sofia milos tits, 9937, http://www.flickr.com/people/78890969@N04/ maribel guardia nackt, =)), http://www.flickr.com/people/78930630@N05/ greta gerwig nude pics, 66048, http://www.flickr.com/people/80898352@N07/ maria ozawa desnuda, 23889, http://www.flickr.com/people/80068513@N07/ diora baird naked photos, %D, http://www.flickr.com/people/80588476@N05/ carmen electra nude pics, 7309, http://www.flickr.com/people/80229434@N04/ kashmira shah porn, ygr, http://www.flickr.com/people/80289780@N07/ jennifer morrison hot pics, 841778, http://www.flickr.com/people/80476658@N03/ ashlee simpson hot pics, 599915, http://www.flickr.com/people/80555976@N07/ kelly rowland tits, 877587, http://www.flickr.com/people/80462504@N05/ tila tequila playboy, %-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80293508@N07/ rachel riley ass, rafe,
- 207 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/08(日) 10:16 ID:VRCjpNkU
- I do hesitate to run with the other commenters that say you should monetize this, but you should make it at least a part-time passion where you are getting to stretch out on the things you write about, and then allow experiences to craft other posts., http://www.flickr.com/people/79981102@N07/ kashmira shah nude, nrkf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80880990@N07/ angelina jolie nude, 260, http://www.flickr.com/people/78998756@N07/ gwen garci nude, 936, http://www.flickr.com/people/80732601@N08/ dita von teese sex, 6028, http://www.flickr.com/people/80035097@N08/ juno temple hot, 571250, http://www.flickr.com/people/79978901@N06/ sarah connor nude, 072805, http://www.flickr.com/people/80432644@N03/ leann rimes naked, =PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/79964893@N06/ sara rue in a bikini, >:-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80368784@N08/ penelope cruz pussy, 199, http://www.flickr.com/people/80204188@N07/ cate blanchett naked, 62933, http://www.flickr.com/people/80160609@N05/ lindsay lohan fakes, 661103, http://www.flickr.com/people/80531397@N04/ jayden cole nude, :PP,
- 208 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/12(木) 19:45 ID:.VmdzPDs
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://www.flickr.com/people/80739732@N06/ tom cruise naked, %-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80832739@N04/ tori spelling boobs, 906973, http://www.flickr.com/people/79397170@N05/ ana de la reguera nude, 92042, http://www.flickr.com/people/80562538@N02/ mila kunis boobs, 273, http://www.flickr.com/people/79360371@N04/ dina meyer nude, lffzyw, http://www.flickr.com/people/79944022@N05/ amanda tapping naked, kumi, http://www.flickr.com/people/80204574@N03/ bipasha basu porn, wihy, http://www.flickr.com/people/78890261@N04/ laila rouass nude, :-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80214964@N03/ mallika sherawat porn, hgkxb, http://www.flickr.com/people/80265452@N02/ madhuri dixit nude, %), http://www.flickr.com/people/79915938@N05/ mary elizabeth winstead naked, %-[[,
- 209 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/13(金) 05:41 ID:LDrOSc66
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://www.flickr.com/people/80172247@N03/ bree olson playboy, 417, http://www.flickr.com/people/80703048@N07/ jessica biel bikini, %], http://www.flickr.com/people/79898019@N05/ julianna margulies naked, uxodli, http://www.flickr.com/people/78848048@N02/ bettina zimmermann nude, 461, http://www.flickr.com/people/79028310@N06/ briana evigan nude, 0769, http://www.flickr.com/people/79428811@N04/ bridget regan hot, 90841, http://www.flickr.com/people/79925144@N07/ jaimie alexander hot, =((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80496058@N03/ naomi campbell nude, 8-OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/78862986@N05/ kathleen quinlan nude, 8], http://www.flickr.com/people/80998122@N03/ paris hilton playboy, kwiume, http://www.flickr.com/people/79445709@N08/ dita von teese sex tape, 202, http://www.flickr.com/people/80299675@N02/ halle berry tits, ikj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80532633@N08/ abbie cornish hot, >:)),
- 210 名前:mTvWNinEGqs 投稿日:2012/07/13(金) 05:45 ID:Ar.luoX2
- comment1, http://www.flickr.com/people/78987490@N05/ perrey reeves nude, qfiru, http://www.flickr.com/people/80073611@N08/ piper perabo naked, 016, http://www.flickr.com/people/79941415@N06/ christina hendricks nude pics, vpdz, http://www.flickr.com/people/80929778@N02/ zooey deschanel sex, =-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/79295612@N07/ laura wiggins nude, dcacal, http://www.flickr.com/people/78900167@N04/ tatjana simic playboy, 23599, http://www.flickr.com/people/80667716@N02/ courtney love naked, 98461, http://www.flickr.com/people/80333682@N03/ alice eve sex scene, eqn, http://www.flickr.com/people/79074795@N08/ lisa kudrow nu, 7437, http://www.flickr.com/people/79419372@N05/ gemma hiles porn, hszhit, http://www.flickr.com/people/80202093@N04/ lyndsy fonseca hot, :-PPP,
- 211 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/14(土) 14:52 ID:33BLjNMo
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://www.flickr.com/people/79401864@N06/ natasha henstridge sex scene, =-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80166573@N07/ charlize theron nude pics, 9910, http://www.flickr.com/people/79404361@N08/ sabrina salerno porn, kbdl, http://www.flickr.com/people/79386626@N06/ shirley jones playboy, mthno, http://www.flickr.com/people/80844980@N05/ lady gaga naked pictures, %-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80032447@N08/ ginnifer goodwin nude, tgh, http://www.flickr.com/people/80810071@N04/ jane march nude, 9096, http://www.flickr.com/people/80779696@N06/ amber rose tits, okwkf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80507882@N03/ kate upton playboy, 402525, http://www.flickr.com/people/79397086@N02/ lena endre nude, 6212, http://www.flickr.com/people/79441048@N05/ kate bosworth sex scene, qxqfh, http://www.flickr.com/people/78945397@N08/ teresa palmer desnuda, 4884, http://www.flickr.com/people/80306646@N06/ piper perabo hot, gbpr,
- 212 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/15(日) 23:34 ID:uxXLEqYo
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://www.flickr.com/people/80418786@N06/ naomi watts naked, gicfxd, http://www.flickr.com/people/79324022@N03/ nathalie kelley nude, vblwt, http://www.flickr.com/people/79481057@N04/ jill wagner naked, 9495, http://www.flickr.com/people/79357262@N07/ miranda richardson nude, :)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80018623@N06/ kaley cuoco sex tape, zwms, http://www.flickr.com/people/80544199@N08/ shannon tweed sex, jhgl, http://www.flickr.com/people/80058473@N08/ sarah michelle gellar sex scene, 327, http://www.flickr.com/people/80564624@N07/ holly madison nude, 18853, http://www.flickr.com/people/79381106@N02/ noomi rapace sex scene, 9694, http://www.flickr.com/people/80021864@N08/ sarah wayne callies hot, ougyea, http://www.flickr.com/people/80640413@N08/ amber rose porn, 633, http://www.flickr.com/people/79429211@N08/ hannah spearritt nude, 94066,
- 213 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 04:58 ID:GRzoUR2Q
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in., http://www.flickr.com/people/82336268@N07/ MICHELLE MONAGHAN NUDE PICS, :OO, http://tlindsaylohantitsj.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN SEX SCENE, =-))), http://ipriyankachopranakedu.tumblr.com PRIYANKA CHOPRA BOOBS, yinu, http://vajcooknudet.tumblr.com AJ COOK NUDE PICS, vdo, http://ebonniewrightnuded.tumblr.com BONNIE WRIGHT FAKES, 840, http://www.flickr.com/people/82650675@N08/ JESSICA ALBA PORN, >:PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82564030@N07/ KIM KARDASHIAN SEX VIDEO, kbshw, http://www.flickr.com/people/82595808@N06/ LAURA RAMSEY NACKT, :D, http://www.flickr.com/people/82504112@N07/ OLIVIA MUNN BUTT, 710271, http://www.flickr.com/people/82590345@N04/ MIRANDA COSGROVE BUTT, 399394, http://www.flickr.com/people/82567202@N03/ GABRIELLE UNION DESNUDA, jupsh, http://vlindsaylohansextapek.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NUDE PICTURES, hzmury, http://www.flickr.com/people/82303892@N03/ SARA RUE NAKED PHOTOS, cajbtr,
- 214 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 05:15 ID:ye93pgeM
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/80352168@N06/ alyson hannigan porn, 915, http://www.flickr.com/people/80883378@N06/ january jones hot, :-[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80145833@N07/ shilpa shetty nude, 44998, http://www.flickr.com/people/79370274@N06/ juhi chawla naked, cvu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80484700@N02/ ashton kutcher sex tape, >:-[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80274202@N07/ cate blanchett nude, etdvpi, http://www.flickr.com/people/79452061@N08/ barbara hershey nude, jpxmlx, http://www.flickr.com/people/80322067@N08/ selma blair nude, ebqq, http://www.flickr.com/people/79967984@N07/ shakira nackt, %)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80992732@N02/ tera patrick porn, rywukk,
- 215 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 05:17 ID:qbPxqwpY
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://www.flickr.com/people/80654191@N08/ scarlett johansson breast, 596, http://www.flickr.com/people/80610048@N02/ anne hathaway porn, 8-], http://www.flickr.com/people/80489484@N05/ bar refaeli topless, xyn, http://www.flickr.com/people/78945186@N03/ jenny wade nude, 8DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/78918978@N06/ charlotte engelhardt nude, 8079, http://www.flickr.com/people/80129814@N06/ lily allen nipple, ountbu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80772180@N06/ keeley hazell hot, usnkip, http://www.flickr.com/people/79445312@N06/ brigitte nielsen porn, =-O, http://www.flickr.com/people/79378079@N08/ christy carlson romano naked, =PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80701625@N08/ stacy keibler sex, 56111, http://www.flickr.com/people/80098208@N02/ eva longoria desnuda, zdwshb, http://www.flickr.com/people/79439338@N03/ ophelia lovibond nude, %[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79056913@N08/ amanda righetti sex scene, qljc, http://www.flickr.com/people/80061786@N02/ jill flint nude, 12823,
- 216 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 05:17 ID:RisVVjo.
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://www.flickr.com/people/80151940@N05/ gillian anderson porn, ltfdy, http://www.flickr.com/people/80964212@N06/ katy perry nude photos, opvlwb, http://www.flickr.com/people/80136924@N08/ kathy griffin naked, bte, http://www.flickr.com/people/80736004@N06/ adriana lima ass, 94605, http://www.flickr.com/people/80252624@N03/ cameron diaz nude pics, =-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79363168@N02/ dana plato playboy, bdnemn, http://www.flickr.com/people/80171477@N07/ maggie gyllenhaal naked, =-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80440321@N08/ berenice marlohe nude, >:-OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79020033@N08/ jaime murray sex scene, 8-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80067823@N03/ scarlett johansson fakes, 647, http://www.flickr.com/people/79483063@N08/ manuela arcuri porn, 519, http://www.flickr.com/people/78924257@N04/ lori singer nude, xtvckf,
- 217 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 17:39 ID:GRzoUR2Q
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., http://www.flickr.com/people/82292088@N05/ RIHANNA BOOBS, 8647, http://ekatebeckinsalenude7.tumblr.com KATE BECKINSALE PUSSY, 8405, http://www.flickr.com/people/82530382@N06/ RIHANNA NIPPLE SLIP, 8-]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82574794@N07/ HOLLY WILLOUGHBY NAKED PHOTOS, %-]]], http://zcassidyfreemannudeg.tumblr.com CASSIDY FREEMAN SEX VIDEO, =-PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82370055@N04/ KAT DENNINGS BUTT, 0896, http://www.flickr.com/people/82597608@N07/ GISELE BUNDCHEN NAKED PHOTOS, 559810, http://xselenagomezpornv.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NACKT, =-DDD, http://pselenagomezsextape0.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ FAKES, 25861, http://2sophiemarceaunudej.tumblr.com SOPHIE MARCEAU NAKED PICS, pdcvs, http://www.flickr.com/people/82301999@N04/ MEGAN FOX BUTT, ctqrp,
- 218 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 17:43 ID:6NanabAI
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://www.flickr.com/people/79036591@N08/ andrea sawatzki playboy, 8[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80213083@N04/ olga kurylenko naked, gldza, http://www.flickr.com/people/80205372@N08/ sarah chalke porn, 8DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/79013200@N07/ simone thomalla playboy, 38378, http://www.flickr.com/people/80990523@N08/ angelina jolie bikini, 127, http://www.flickr.com/people/78996420@N05/ phoebe tonkin nude, nod, http://www.flickr.com/people/79353784@N05/ shannyn sossamon nude, 792, http://www.flickr.com/people/80563808@N02/ kristen bell sex, :PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80346447@N08/ jessica lucas nude, 886896, http://www.flickr.com/people/80040808@N04/ lisa rinna nude, sxqwg, http://www.flickr.com/people/79329789@N04/ kaley cuoco nackt, xheh, http://www.flickr.com/people/80344300@N03/ jessica simpson desnuda, 1176,
- 219 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 18:00 ID:8DFL0cn2
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://www.flickr.com/people/79282842@N05/ catherine bach nude, ydrt, http://www.flickr.com/people/80904643@N04/ kristen stewart topless, pxtln, http://www.flickr.com/people/78904656@N02/ kellita smith nude, =-O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80992732@N02/ tera patrick porn, ccinou, http://www.flickr.com/people/80503968@N02/ ashley tisdale boobs, zyvwkd, http://www.flickr.com/people/80854920@N02/ lindsay lohan nude photos, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80912662@N05/ audrey bitoni sex, iidf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80533644@N07/ miranda kerr topless, 94001, http://www.flickr.com/people/79921448@N03/ fearne cotton naked, 525418, http://www.flickr.com/people/80464057@N08/ crystal harris naked, 94588, http://www.flickr.com/people/79419106@N02/ ashley massaro porn, 534276,
- 220 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 18:07 ID:U2JnmwTQ
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://www.flickr.com/people/82292506@N07/ ANNA FARIS SEX VIDEO, 92221, http://0amandabynesnakedi.tumblr.com AMANDA BYNES PORN, 604206, http://1kaleycuocoporny.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO BOOBS, 3480, http://0thandienewtonnudel.tumblr.com THANDIE NEWTON NACKT, 8-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82340689@N04/ COBIE SMULDERS TOPLESS, :-))), http://7kareenakapoornakedz.tumblr.com KAREENA KAPOOR NUDE PHOTOS, 497, http://qrebeccaromijnnude9.tumblr.com REBECCA ROMIJN NUDE PICTURES, 24914, http://www.flickr.com/people/82540997@N04/ DIANE LANE HOT PICS, fgxa, http://jcrystalharrisnudeq.tumblr.com CRYSTAL HARRIS BUSH, 472386, http://www.flickr.com/people/82341503@N04/ EMMA STONE SEX TAPE, =-O,
- 221 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/18(水) 18:13 ID:5URE1Hfs
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://www.flickr.com/people/82340689@N04/ COBIE SMULDERS PUSSY, 11144, http://klilkimsextape4.tumblr.com LIL KIM SEX VIDEO, 8DDD, http://falyssamilanonakeds.tumblr.com ALYSSA MILANO BUTT, sejt, http://aemmawatsonhotp.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON SEX SCENE, wxfa, http://www.flickr.com/people/82547834@N05/ KIM KARDASHIAN NAKED PICTURES, 530, http://www.flickr.com/people/82398056@N06/ EMILY OSMENT NUDE PHOTOS, >:OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/82531784@N02/ JENNIFER CARPENTER NAKED PICS, %)), http://www.flickr.com/people/82565802@N05/ LAURA LINNEY SEX TAPE, 217705, http://yreesewitherspoonnude0.tumblr.com REESE WITHERSPOON FAKES, tzgkss, http://jashleygreenenakedt.tumblr.com ASHLEY GREENE SEX TAPE, wrp, http://www.flickr.com/people/82294954@N07/ EMMA STONE PLAYBOY, 89496, http://www.flickr.com/people/82482584@N05/ VANESSA MINNILLO BOOBS, %-PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82549442@N07/ ADRIANA LIMA FAKES, qudx, http://mjennymccarthynakedn.tumblr.com JENNY MCCARTHY NAKED PICTURES, >:-DD,
- 222 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 05:09 ID:lOoZeeBc
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://www.flickr.com/people/80014297@N04/ laura linney naked, 45868, http://www.flickr.com/people/79931491@N05/ clara morgane sex tape, bqu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80640468@N06/ emma stone naked, 62832, http://www.flickr.com/people/80761314@N07/ katrina law naked, 0034, http://www.flickr.com/people/80198460@N08/ scarlett johansson nipples, :), http://www.flickr.com/people/80818498@N03/ faye reagan porn, tbkdxo, http://www.flickr.com/people/79431234@N06/ ashley massaro naked, 132284, http://www.flickr.com/people/80729879@N04/ alessandra ambrosio bikini, :-), http://www.flickr.com/people/80432644@N03/ leann rimes naked, 766, http://www.flickr.com/people/79428710@N06/ lola glaudini nude, qhv,
- 223 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 05:10 ID:naeiUYDA
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://www.flickr.com/people/80091510@N03/ sarah hyland bikini, xof, http://www.flickr.com/people/80549848@N02/ carmen electra topless, vqvrsg, http://www.flickr.com/people/79401829@N04/ kat dennings nude pics, utmwf, http://www.flickr.com/people/79383286@N05/ bianca kajlich nude, kbactq, http://www.flickr.com/people/78933994@N06/ kerry condon nude, 8[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79935793@N04/ christina aguilera nackt, %-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/78914702@N06/ shantel vansanten nude, 8P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80890028@N06/ jennifer taylor breast, hfdf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80556161@N08/ soleil moon frye breast, 044, http://www.flickr.com/people/80183570@N03/ candice michelle sex scene, :PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80061786@N02/ jill flint nude, wxlt, http://www.flickr.com/people/78896768@N06/ jaime koeppe nude, 6443, http://www.flickr.com/people/79019204@N07/ jennifer lyons nude, 9345, http://www.flickr.com/people/79076193@N08/ tara reid nackt, :-((,
- 224 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 05:10 ID:ehVlhbFI
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://www.flickr.com/people/82555081@N04/ MISA CAMPO TITS, 678, http://www.flickr.com/people/82585858@N07/ ASHLEY GREENE BUTT, 4059, http://www.flickr.com/people/82302290@N02/ KELLY KELLY FAKES, exaac, http://www.flickr.com/people/82379924@N06/ KELLY REILLY SEX SCENE, 07612, http://www.flickr.com/people/82609252@N06/ KRYSTAL FORSCUTT NUDE PICS, =-), http://flenaheadeynudeu.tumblr.com LENA HEADEY TOPLESS, iwse, http://8sarahchalkenuder.tumblr.com SARAH CHALKE NACKT, >:-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82422385@N08/ SARA UNDERWOOD BOOBS, 8), http://www.flickr.com/people/82530946@N07/ NAMITHA NUDE PICS, 261739, http://www.flickr.com/people/82530772@N07/ MEGAN FOX BOOBS, 103523, http://www.flickr.com/people/82511799@N04/ DEMI MOORE BUSH, atun, http://www.flickr.com/people/82577253@N08/ CLAUDIA BLACK FAKES, 235, http://www.flickr.com/people/82540790@N03/ CHARISMA CARPENTER NACKT, jvv, http://www.flickr.com/people/82420369@N08/ JILL WAGNER NAKED PICS, 8-D,
- 225 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 09:30 ID:d0vqa0zA
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://www.flickr.com/people/82482584@N05/ VANESSA MINNILLO PLAYBOY, mxzevv, http://www.flickr.com/people/82591954@N07/ ALI LARTER BUTT, %]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82483498@N05/ CAREY MULLIGAN ASS, 390519, http://www.flickr.com/people/82574793@N08/ MEAGAN GOOD PORN, :PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82612713@N04/ MELINA PEREZ NACKT, 822676, http://cvanessahudgenspussyw.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS SEX TAPE, =-]]], http://mjennafischernude0.tumblr.com JENNA FISCHER HOT PICS, tdey, http://www.flickr.com/people/82422178@N07/ JULIE BOWEN BUTT, 99952, http://rchynasextapeg.tumblr.com CHYNA PLAYBOY, ogvn, http://www.flickr.com/people/82502814@N07/ JUDY GREER BOOBS, 8-DDD,
- 226 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 10:12 ID:naeiUYDA
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://www.flickr.com/people/80481498@N05/ kristen bell bikini, svbj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80027727@N05/ yvonne strahovski sex, 1302, http://www.flickr.com/people/80338882@N08/ penelope cruz nude pics, zvrmt, http://www.flickr.com/people/78934146@N06/ diana rigg nude, rpoqhq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80157520@N07/ sara paxton hot, 8-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80250990@N08/ amy adams sex scene, irz, http://www.flickr.com/people/79048843@N08/ deanna russo nude, :[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79418821@N04/ kim raver hot, =-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80976026@N03/ christina aguilera bikini, 214, http://www.flickr.com/people/80471690@N06/ torrie wilson hot, >:OO,
- 227 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 10:13 ID:lOoZeeBc
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/80851209@N08/ ashley tisdale sex, ntvk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80780080@N06/ amy winehouse naked, =), http://www.flickr.com/people/80231850@N08/ kelly brook ass, 8-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80194945@N04/ natalia oreiro hot, qlq, http://www.flickr.com/people/81052267@N08/ heidi klum bikini, %PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/78984388@N05/ kacey barnfield naked, dlumdb, http://www.flickr.com/people/79999740@N06/ kelly monaco naked, 765, http://www.flickr.com/people/80215701@N04/ linda park nude, 05081, http://www.flickr.com/people/80594807@N08/ michelle monaghan hot, =-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79439028@N02/ karrine steffans porn, fdfvlt,
- 228 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 10:15 ID:9R4bY5oY
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://www.flickr.com/people/80200807@N06/ eliza dushku naked, :), http://www.flickr.com/people/79329336@N06/ laura san giacomo nude, zggbt, http://www.flickr.com/people/80028700@N08/ pauley perrette hot, 486, http://www.flickr.com/people/80189337@N07/ mario lopez naked, 549, http://www.flickr.com/people/79058663@N08/ christy carlson romano nude, >:-]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80458152@N06/ brittany daniel nude, 705, http://www.flickr.com/people/80702427@N04/ cassie naked, =-D, http://www.flickr.com/people/80288383@N08/ sarah silverman naked, 912, http://www.flickr.com/people/79988258@N03/ jessica burciaga nude, 8]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80479236@N06/ jennifer connelly sex, 4477, http://www.flickr.com/people/79040314@N06/ amy winehouse nackt, ognc, http://www.flickr.com/people/80277004@N03/ rose mcgowan naked, =]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80213529@N04/ shannon tweed playboy, >:((,
- 229 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 20:54 ID:d0vqa0zA
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://jashleytisdalepornz.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE NAKED PICTURES, >:-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/82550594@N06/ SUSAN SARANDON SEX SCENE, =[, http://wbridgettewilsonnude0.tumblr.com BRIDGETTE WILSON ASS, 8(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82321574@N05/ PATSY KENSIT SEX TAPE, ifjf, http://www.flickr.com/people/82351636@N05/ KIM KARDASHIAN TOPLESS, 371234, http://www.flickr.com/people/82592242@N06/ BRITTANY MURPHY PUSSY, ihe, http://www.flickr.com/people/82647021@N08/ KATE MARA NACKT, 012014, http://ymarinasirtisnudel.tumblr.com MARINA SIRTIS NACKT, 141240, http://8katemaranaked1.tumblr.com KATE MARA NIPPLE SLIP, 8-PP, http://vtarareidnakedj.tumblr.com TARA REID NAKED PHOTOS, 8-), http://www.flickr.com/people/82305095@N04/ VANESSA HUDGENS PLAYBOY, :-OOO,
- 230 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 20:55 ID:BxDZHgoc
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://www.flickr.com/people/80383592@N05/ catherine bell naked, 8-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80063973@N07/ raven symone nude, forjw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80015068@N05/ angie everhart nude, 67219, http://www.flickr.com/people/80607574@N05/ kate winslet naked, 6569, http://www.flickr.com/people/79372556@N06/ tricia helfer nude, 8-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/81018112@N07/ jennifer lopez sex, %O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80497836@N03/ marisa miller nude, :-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80698562@N07/ amanda seyfried hot, zihxy, http://www.flickr.com/people/79963527@N03/ britney spears nackt, gzoog, http://www.flickr.com/people/80722010@N07/ megan fox tits, bmnrfm, http://www.flickr.com/people/80250146@N08/ kate walsh nude, mqde, http://www.flickr.com/people/79372556@N06/ tricia helfer nude, tga, http://www.flickr.com/people/79409662@N02/ beth littleford nude, 1017,
- 231 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 21:01 ID:9R4bY5oY
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://www.flickr.com/people/80462537@N04/ sandra bullock porn, :-O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80582994@N02/ kate hudson naked, ivzex, http://www.flickr.com/people/80420636@N02/ eva green pussy, 8-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80789547@N08/ denise richards sex, 2338, http://www.flickr.com/people/78948396@N07/ analeigh tipton nude, %[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80696710@N07/ amber rose ass, arj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80375272@N03/ robert pattinson naked, bnkk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80285718@N05/ michelle trachtenberg naked, 269715, http://www.flickr.com/people/81022495@N04/ jennifer love hewitt sex, dzthtm, http://www.flickr.com/people/80088420@N03/ alison brie naked, neure,
- 232 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 21:02 ID:lOoZeeBc
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://www.flickr.com/people/80264074@N02/ emma bell nude, 891, http://www.flickr.com/people/80780080@N06/ amy winehouse naked, kei, http://www.flickr.com/people/78976115@N04/ shannon elizabeth desnuda, 18863, http://www.flickr.com/people/79020162@N02/ rihanna oben ohne, 80738, http://www.flickr.com/people/78960235@N08/ arden myrin nude, 9139, http://www.flickr.com/people/79321662@N05/ dawn wells nude, buwwx, http://www.flickr.com/people/80028678@N04/ venus williams naked, rhlimk, http://www.flickr.com/people/79944065@N07/ courtney thorne-smith sex, 004, http://www.flickr.com/people/78887232@N02/ kay lenz nude, nubp, http://www.flickr.com/people/81003862@N02/ kelly kelly hot, 1997, http://www.flickr.com/people/79953816@N07/ holly valance topless, lvlxc,
- 233 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 21:03 ID:naeiUYDA
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://www.flickr.com/people/80433592@N02/ julie benz hot, xqdk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80034211@N06/ lynn collins naked, 30884, http://www.flickr.com/people/80267485@N03/ monica bellucci nude pics, :OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80085208@N03/ sharni vinson hot, 2782, http://www.flickr.com/people/78878740@N03/ lynsey bartilson nude, =-[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79952922@N04/ bridgette wilson desnuda, cntpg, http://www.flickr.com/people/80569362@N06/ cameron diaz boobs, 155031, http://www.flickr.com/people/80396546@N07/ janet jackson nude, 7521, http://www.flickr.com/people/80757926@N06/ heather vandeven sex, zpnfwo, http://www.flickr.com/people/79306100@N03/ rachelle leah nude, :-DD,
- 234 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/21(土) 21:14 ID:x7w5LRDs
- Honestly said, I don't think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don't think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That's apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., http://www.flickr.com/people/80163469@N03/ heidi klum desnuda, 0023, http://www.flickr.com/people/79546357@N08/ ali larter sex scene, 8-), http://www.flickr.com/people/80829862@N07/ pamela anderson boobs, qdk, http://www.flickr.com/people/79450506@N02/ amy weber nude, ygil, http://www.flickr.com/people/80952299@N04/ marilyn monroe hot, 398, http://www.flickr.com/people/80811589@N04/ heather morris nude, uvqon, http://www.flickr.com/people/80620769@N08/ christina aguilera tits, 045777, http://www.flickr.com/people/78995042@N02/ holly davidson nude, kzmfub, http://www.flickr.com/people/80217813@N02/ alyssa milano sex scene, qpbo, http://www.flickr.com/people/80569875@N04/ aishwarya rai sex video, obabx, http://www.flickr.com/people/80248701@N07/ chloe sevigny nude, 7314, http://www.flickr.com/people/80103249@N07/ jennifer coolidge hot, 4418, http://www.flickr.com/people/80198052@N04/ sophie howard nude, 733, http://www.flickr.com/people/79432736@N02/ sonya walger nude, apgl,
- 235 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:21 ID:HUHsVBl2
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://ckristindavissextapei.tumblr.com KRISTIN DAVIS NUDE PICS, 598248, http://www.flickr.com/people/82596224@N06/ LUCY LAWLESS TOPLESS, >:(((, http://5kaleycuocosexg.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO TITS, ivzu, http://9laceychabertnudeq.tumblr.com LACEY CHABERT DESNUDA, yzm, http://8elizadushkunude4.tumblr.com ELIZA DUSHKU PORN, 130, http://www.flickr.com/people/82596508@N07/ VIOLANTE PLACIDO ASS, swdbmj, http://cjuliebowennaked7.tumblr.com JULIE BOWEN SEX SCENE, 07200, http://www.flickr.com/people/82398851@N08/ ASHLEY TISDALE PLAYBOY, =O, http://9laceychabertnudeq.tumblr.com LACEY CHABERT NAKED PICS, lrfsw, http://jadrianalimasextapej.tumblr.com ADRIANA LIMA DESNUDA, >:-], http://www.flickr.com/people/82368820@N06/ KRISTEN STEWART PUSSY, chdtxa, http://www.flickr.com/people/82307982@N03/ KATE BECKINSALE PORN, 409, http://www.flickr.com/people/82355326@N05/ COLIN FARRELL ASS, >:-D, http://www.flickr.com/people/82514498@N03/ COBIE SMULDERS IN A BIKINI, %-[,
- 236 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:30 ID:9tKdgihw
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://www.flickr.com/people/80211286@N03/ kate gosselin naked, :DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80912852@N05/ lisa ann boobs, >:-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/79896923@N05/ catherine zeta jones sex scene, fmjrol, http://www.flickr.com/people/79347684@N02/ amanda righetti sex, :-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/79365318@N05/ america olivo nude, fsnt, http://www.flickr.com/people/79413966@N05/ zooey deschanel fakes, 036, http://www.flickr.com/people/80479619@N04/ mary-louise parker hot, bug, http://www.flickr.com/people/78958307@N04/ lisa edelstein desnuda, >:-PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80539254@N02/ kristin cavallari bikini, 097, http://www.flickr.com/people/81003862@N02/ kelly kelly hot, byz,
- 237 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:31 ID:Va6XktXY
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://www.flickr.com/people/80636845@N08/ bar refaeli nude, 8-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80841122@N05/ sunny leone pussy, 772, http://www.flickr.com/people/80061819@N07/ bai ling playboy, >:[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79435169@N08/ loretta swit nude, 9540, http://www.flickr.com/people/80068857@N08/ tricia helfer playboy, bli, http://www.flickr.com/people/80730993@N08/ nicki minaj topless, ubnnpj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80669813@N04/ gwen stefani naked, gchp, http://www.flickr.com/people/80022623@N04/ allison mack nude, 9131, http://www.flickr.com/people/79483529@N08/ gal gadot hot, 62337, http://www.flickr.com/people/80575590@N03/ demi moore topless, %P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80855366@N07/ kristen stewart sex, 09190, http://www.flickr.com/people/79962986@N04/ marcia cross nude, 8PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80064598@N07/ jessica chastain nude, npqr,
- 238 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:32 ID:cLcg5uws
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://www.flickr.com/people/82327824@N05/ JENNIFER MORRISON BUSH, 541143, http://www.flickr.com/people/82329110@N05/ VICTORIA JUSTICE NIPPLE SLIP, mrey, http://2juliarobertsnuded.tumblr.com JULIA ROBERTS IN A BIKINI, >:-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/82410018@N05/ LINDSAY LOHAN FAKES, %-[[, http://8millajovovichnudeq.tumblr.com MILLA JOVOVICH BOOBS, qkeesw, http://www.flickr.com/people/82530314@N02/ HALLE BERRY BUTT, %(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82564466@N05/ KAT DENNINGS NIPPLE SLIP, lnuhj, http://ckatherineheiglnakedi.tumblr.com KATHERINE HEIGL TOPLESS, ahfcna, http://klindsaylohanpornj.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NACKT, 676, http://5haydenpanettierepornl.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE TOPLESS, qzhs, http://5karibyronnudee.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NIPPLE SLIP, :(((, http://ktrishstratusnakedh.tumblr.com TRISH STRATUS IN A BIKINI, 0748, http://www.flickr.com/people/82287488@N05/ ANNA POPPLEWELL NACKT, :-((, http://kjanefondanudex.tumblr.com JANE FONDA DESNUDA, xzhwyb,
- 239 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:41 ID:aiStVhE.
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/82625408@N06/ JENNIFER ANISTON BOOBS, 4718, http://www.flickr.com/people/82594222@N02/ JENNIFER ANISTON NUDE PICTURES, 366514, http://www.flickr.com/people/82385118@N06/ SIENNA MILLER NAKED PICS, qhy, http://www.flickr.com/people/82366996@N05/ KACEY BARNFIELD SEX SCENE, resn, http://edianekrugernudea.tumblr.com DIANE KRUGER PUSSY, 78739, http://www.flickr.com/people/82619842@N06/ MEG RYAN PORN, ziwdm, http://www.flickr.com/people/82559914@N03/ SOPHIA LOREN NUDE PICS, dxrd, http://jjenniferanistonnippless.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTON DESNUDA, %O, http://gsarahhylandnudeq.tumblr.com SARAH HYLAND FAKES, 869, http://www.flickr.com/people/82585315@N08/ SOFIA VERGARA BUTT, vygh, http://www.flickr.com/people/82398411@N08/ JAMIE CHUNG NUDE PICTURES, 39509, http://www.flickr.com/people/82578847@N04/ TRISH STRATUS NUDE PHOTOS, yzwlv,
- 240 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:50 ID:7yMuTVN.
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://www.flickr.com/people/82565562@N02/ KATIE PRICE HOT PICS, 8-P, http://qrebeccaromijnnude9.tumblr.com REBECCA ROMIJN IN A BIKINI, 080575, http://dtealeoninudek.tumblr.com TEA LEONI NIPPLE SLIP, 3452, http://www.flickr.com/people/82416448@N03/ CHRISTINA RICCI FAKES, >:PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82524358@N07/ MONICA BELLUCCI BUSH, 52541, http://5karibyronnudee.tumblr.com KARI BYRON TITS, jncf, http://www.flickr.com/people/82354972@N07/ GRACE PARK PUSSY, 8OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/82369787@N04/ HAYLEY ATWELL BUSH, >:-]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82370055@N04/ KAT DENNINGS BUTT, :DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/82511426@N03/ GOLDIE HAWN BUTT, 8624, http://www.flickr.com/people/82599520@N02/ SOPHIE MARCEAU NIPPLE SLIP, cgxudm,
- 241 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 09:55 ID:IlizorjY
- I always wondered if the Manchurian Candidate McLame would make an appearance. I think he is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, too., http://www.flickr.com/people/82304172@N07/ MARIAH CAREY SEX SCENE, %-O, http://kevalongorianakedc.tumblr.com EVA LONGORIA NAKED PHOTOS, 77179, http://www.flickr.com/people/82534670@N03/ VANESSA WILLIAMS SEX VIDEO, :O, http://omarshathomasonnudey.tumblr.com MARSHA THOMASON NUDE PICTURES, khmusj, http://fjessicalangenude5.tumblr.com JESSICA LANGE NAKED PICTURES, coxzyz, http://www.flickr.com/people/82502602@N07/ YVONNE STRAHOVSKI NAKED PICTURES, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/82345884@N05/ JENNY MCCARTHY ASS, 64096, http://www.flickr.com/people/82511417@N04/ AMANDA BYNES NAKED PICS, 547, http://ykourtneykardashiannudev.tumblr.com KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN PLAYBOY, :-[[, http://apazveganude1.tumblr.com PAZ VEGA SEX SCENE, 3425, http://www.flickr.com/people/82537672@N03/ RACHAEL RAY DESNUDA, orwqo, http://www.flickr.com/people/82470594@N05/ ANGIE HARMON PUSSY, 28241, http://www.flickr.com/people/82530772@N07/ MEGAN FOX NUDE PHOTOS, gdu,
- 242 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 10:02 ID:H5/HMcJM
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://www.flickr.com/people/79935793@N04/ christina aguilera nackt, fwjn, http://www.flickr.com/people/79968294@N02/ karina smirnoff naked, 010, http://www.flickr.com/people/78983612@N05/ willa holland nude, 7166, http://www.flickr.com/people/80123582@N04/ petra nemcova nude, 5130, http://www.flickr.com/people/78874166@N05/ romola garai nude, =(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80742905@N08/ jessica alba tits, 7956, http://www.flickr.com/people/78912144@N02/ kristen wiig sex scene, >:-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79027045@N08/ kari ann peniche nude, :(, http://www.flickr.com/people/80339939@N06/ drew barrymore porn, >:-], http://www.flickr.com/people/79920009@N03/ rachel mcadams sex scene, :DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80185559@N02/ grace park sex scene, 458006, http://www.flickr.com/people/79936818@N03/ dana delany naked, 19353, http://www.flickr.com/people/80366835@N04/ elle macpherson playboy, pubnof, http://www.flickr.com/people/80246823@N03/ carmen electra nude pics, =-DD,
- 243 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 17:22 ID:aiStVhE.
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://xdenisemilaninude0.tumblr.com DENISE MILANI SEX TAPE, vluvy, http://www.flickr.com/people/82573088@N07/ SHAUNA SAND ASS, kyarzc, http://www.flickr.com/people/82480908@N05/ MARIAH CAREY NUDE PICTURES, >:]]], http://tselenagomeznakedpics4.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NAKED PICS, 8663, http://www.flickr.com/people/82284994@N05/ MARIAH CAREY NUDE PICS, %O, http://3annehathawayporni.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY SEX SCENE, =-[[, http://bdavinamccallnude6.tumblr.com DAVINA MCCALL TOPLESS, 749, http://ojordanabrewsternudeo.tumblr.com JORDANA BREWSTER FAKES, :]]], http://3kristenstewartnude3.tumblr.com KRISTEN STEWART NUDE PICTURES, jfq, http://www.flickr.com/people/82372242@N03/ KRISTEN BELL FAKES, %((,
- 244 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 17:28 ID:HUHsVBl2
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://www.flickr.com/people/82649275@N08/ TILDA SWINTON IN A BIKINI, sslc, http://xjenniferlawrencenuder.tumblr.com JENNIFER LAWRENCE PUSSY, 1171, http://www.flickr.com/people/82376638@N02/ KATHLEEN ROBERTSON NAKED PHOTOS, hqbi, http://www.flickr.com/people/82589084@N07/ EMILY PROCTER NAKED PICTURES, 3987, http://www.flickr.com/people/82352540@N02/ PAMELA ANDERSON NAKED PHOTOS, 8((, http://xzacefronnakedh.tumblr.com ZAC EFRON NAKED PICTURES, >:-D, http://kpaulapattonnude1.tumblr.com PAULA PATTON TITS, 722, http://www.flickr.com/people/82508068@N07/ SARAH CHALKE NIPPLE SLIP, swvbie, http://fnathaliekelleynudeu.tumblr.com NATHALIE KELLEY PLAYBOY, 79570, http://sgemmaartertonnudem.tumblr.com GEMMA ARTERTON NUDE PICS, irq, http://www.flickr.com/people/82502435@N04/ JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT NUDE PICTURES, 8-]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82362112@N03/ SUMMER GLAU NAKED PICTURES, 2566,
- 245 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 17:28 ID:cLcg5uws
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://3annehathawayporni.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY TITS, %)), http://www.flickr.com/people/82488054@N03/ SHAKIRA NAKED PHOTOS, hzbof, http://3torriewilsonplayboyz.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON NUDE PHOTOS, >:D, http://www.flickr.com/people/82429096@N02/ KAT VON D HOT PICS, 8((, http://qalexandradaddarionude5.tumblr.com ALEXANDRA DADDARIO PORN, 8752, http://ealisonlohmannudep.tumblr.com ALISON LOHMAN NAKED PHOTOS, 36611, http://www.flickr.com/people/82366926@N02/ DEMI LOVATO SEX TAPE, 8-[[[, http://qtilatequilaporne.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA DESNUDA, 470, http://brihannatitsy.tumblr.com RIHANNA IN A BIKINI, =[[[, http://5haydenpanettierepornl.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE PLAYBOY, :-PP, http://vjaymamaysnuder.tumblr.com JAYMA MAYS NUDE PICS, =(, http://4tilatequilanakedh.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA HOT PICS, uay,
- 246 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 17:45 ID:7yMuTVN.
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://www.flickr.com/people/82453760@N06/ HOLLY MADISON TOPLESS, 639, http://dkimkardashiantitsd.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICS, %-D, http://7catherinebellnakedz.tumblr.com CATHERINE BELL PLAYBOY, hvrg, http://www.flickr.com/people/82303744@N02/ SARA UNDERWOOD NAKED PICTURES, 0992, http://pavrillavignenude6.tumblr.com AVRIL LAVIGNE BOOBS, lgqxc, http://lpenelopecruznakedt.tumblr.com PENELOPE CRUZ IN A BIKINI, lkw, http://www.flickr.com/people/82531784@N02/ JENNIFER CARPENTER ASS, %-)), http://7maggielawsonnudeq.tumblr.com MAGGIE LAWSON PUSSY, 950572, http://zbodereknuder.tumblr.com BO DEREK NAKED PHOTOS, ixkwc, http://www.flickr.com/people/82610161@N04/ CLAIRE FORLANI BUTT, %(((,
- 247 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 17:47 ID:IlizorjY
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://www.flickr.com/people/82274542@N05/ SELENA GOMEZ SEX SCENE, jiebz, http://qemmarobertsnuden.tumblr.com EMMA ROBERTS ASS, :(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82297332@N02/ KELLY KELLY BOOBS, %-)), http://ikristyswansonnudey.tumblr.com KRISTY SWANSON TITS, 8-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/82291686@N02/ KALEY CUOCO BUTT, 724858, http://www.flickr.com/people/82655005@N08/ TINA FEY PUSSY, 6740, http://www.flickr.com/people/82590802@N07/ NATALIE PORTMAN TITS, 027, http://0kristenbellnakedl.tumblr.com KRISTEN BELL SEX TAPE, qei, http://www.flickr.com/people/82385118@N06/ SIENNA MILLER SEX VIDEO, jkmhry, http://www.flickr.com/people/82592776@N02/ KAJOL BUTT, 917, http://uhilaryduffnudeh.tumblr.com HILARY DUFF SEX VIDEO, 608, http://www.flickr.com/people/82551086@N07/ KAJOL NUDE PHOTOS, 980, http://www.flickr.com/people/82551884@N02/ LIL KIM ASS, weui,
- 248 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/23(月) 18:10 ID:bZMJnYOM
- I do hesitate to run with the other commenters that say you should monetize this, but you should make it at least a part-time passion where you are getting to stretch out on the things you write about, and then allow experiences to craft other posts., http://www.flickr.com/people/80249824@N03/ tia carrere nude, bws, http://www.flickr.com/people/80163233@N05/ trish stratus porn, %-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80544108@N05/ elisha cuthbert nude, hrv, http://www.flickr.com/people/80708720@N05/ natalie portman nude, :-[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80052917@N03/ laura prepon naked, pez, http://www.flickr.com/people/80142525@N06/ dolly parton nude, 8(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80425962@N05/ sienna miller nude, :PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80608976@N03/ jennifer aniston tits, 8-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80793687@N08/ anne hathaway nude, >:-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80586466@N05/ avril lavigne sex video, >:))),
- 249 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:00 ID:jQSIzPFw
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., http://gtiacarrerenuden.tumblr.com TIA CARRERE SEX TAPE, =(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/82589084@N07/ EMILY PROCTER SEX SCENE, 457, http://fbrooklyndeckernakedx.tumblr.com BROOKLYN DECKER NAKED PICTURES, 18908, http://www.flickr.com/people/82577442@N03/ KATIE PRICE NIPPLE SLIP, %-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/82351744@N07/ JENNIFER TILLY PUSSY, 1330, http://qpauleyperrettenude7.tumblr.com PAULEY PERRETTE SEX SCENE, bthu, http://mashleygreenenudeg.tumblr.com ASHLEY GREENE BUSH, fyf, http://www.flickr.com/people/82290898@N05/ SHAKIRA SEX TAPE, hoh, http://www.flickr.com/people/82492206@N02/ JAYMA MAYS SEX SCENE, 6118, http://www.flickr.com/people/82502060@N03/ RACHEL BILSON DESNUDA, 504, http://cchristinariccinudem.tumblr.com CHRISTINA RICCI NUDE PICTURES, 0553, http://www.flickr.com/people/82336014@N03/ ROSAMUND PIKE BOOBS, hezli,
- 250 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:19 ID:DhCswPQw
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://www.flickr.com/people/80729089@N04/ mila kunis bikini, >:], http://www.flickr.com/people/79399644@N06/ teri polo playboy, xjytpq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80291586@N08/ jessica biel sex scene, >:], http://www.flickr.com/people/79396044@N03/ connie britton nude, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80956440@N06/ jennifer aniston hot, 9133, http://www.flickr.com/people/80680344@N03/ amber rose bikini, >:-PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/80527138@N02/ aishwarya rai boobs, vyqflf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80458152@N06/ brittany daniel nude, 1879, http://www.flickr.com/people/80946481@N08/ sunny leone boobs, qraj, http://www.flickr.com/people/79937776@N02/ gemma atkinson sex tape, arrls, http://www.flickr.com/people/80655524@N02/ keeley hazell sex, 14851, http://www.flickr.com/people/80310564@N04/ olivia wilde topless, ahnjh,
- 251 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:24 ID:82Zd1KuE
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://www.flickr.com/people/80436771@N04/ diane lane hot, 148655, http://www.flickr.com/people/80918338@N06/ maria ozawa hot, :[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80939861@N04/ lisa ray hot, :-]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80840450@N07/ julia roberts hot, 24028, http://www.flickr.com/people/79391786@N03/ lara bingle naked, qxg, http://www.flickr.com/people/81087123@N08/ lady gaga sex video, :-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80174235@N06/ jaime pressly porn, >:), http://www.flickr.com/people/80437862@N07/ tila tequila pussy, >:-]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80368546@N08/ miranda cosgrove nude pics, lai, http://www.flickr.com/people/80554656@N03/ kate moss topless, 671, http://www.flickr.com/people/79545467@N08/ ellie kemper hot, 142461, http://www.flickr.com/people/79959680@N04/ anna falchi hot, 49657, http://www.flickr.com/people/79943958@N07/ alison brie boobs, :DD,
- 252 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:31 ID:RBLxfWhQ
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://www.flickr.com/people/78910766@N06/ bridgette wilson sex scene, 6661, http://www.flickr.com/people/78962146@N06/ navi rawat nude, 8O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80869960@N07/ amy reid nude, 155, http://www.flickr.com/people/79967235@N06/ emily blunt sex scene, 795, http://www.flickr.com/people/79956070@N03/ adriana lima nackt, qhuuq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80951365@N04/ lady gaga nude photos, cppk, http://www.flickr.com/people/79001596@N05/ courteney cox desnuda, :-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80911314@N02/ nicki minaj nude photos, 9432, http://www.flickr.com/people/79312716@N03/ brooke shields desnuda, osa, http://www.flickr.com/people/79367347@N08/ denise van outen nude, hmw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80646916@N05/ alicia silverstone sex, 847993, http://www.flickr.com/people/79355478@N07/ jo joyner sex, 168993,
- 253 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:31 ID:TtYbhGg.
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://8camerondiaznakede.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ SEX TAPE, srir, http://www.flickr.com/people/82609887@N04/ VICTORIA SILVSTEDT NUDE PICS, 2421, http://www.flickr.com/people/82323146@N05/ SOPHIA HOT PICS, =-(((, http://5lucypinderpornf.tumblr.com LUCY PINDER SEX TAPE, 14993, http://daliceevenakedb.tumblr.com ALICE EVE DESNUDA, =D, http://5haydenpanettierepornl.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE ASS, 338, http://www.flickr.com/people/82293618@N03/ MEGAN FOX NAKED PICTURES, zkpn, http://www.flickr.com/people/82502021@N08/ KELLY OVERTON PUSSY, :-]], http://7aishwaryarainakedc.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI NUDE PICTURES, %-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/82674227@N08/ PAZ VEGA NAKED PICS, >:-((,
- 254 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 00:32 ID:QcTBzQWQ
- Oodles of bloggers great and small would give a #1 Technorati rank (or insert personal thing of inestimable value here) to be able to host Kathy Sierra as a guest blogger. (Myself included.), http://www.flickr.com/people/80173320@N04/ shannon tweed naked, gdmvl, http://www.flickr.com/people/80712659@N08/ tara reid sex, 8-(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80118433@N02/ erykah badu naked, kpo, http://www.flickr.com/people/79011266@N07/ cheryl ladd nude, =DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80889431@N08/ tera patrick nude, >:]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80028101@N02/ blake lively sex scene, 14950, http://www.flickr.com/people/80797218@N07/ vanessa hudgens naked photos, tqu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80237833@N08/ olivia munn nude photos, qwe, http://www.flickr.com/people/80984960@N02/ mariah carey sex, 8-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/79985327@N06/ katherine heigl sex scene, :-((,
- 255 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 01:15 ID:0Kee7D2A
- It'd be kinda like the group blog idea, but with more of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" vibe. And who didn't love playing that? :), http://vkaleycuoconaked5.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO NUDE PICTURES, lruu, http://www.flickr.com/people/82317586@N06/ SOFIA VERGARA DESNUDA, 62746, http://hcotedepablonudeq.tumblr.com COTE DE PABLO PUSSY, 736695, http://www.flickr.com/people/82365571@N04/ JENNA ELFMAN BUSH, ikr, http://www.flickr.com/people/82663621@N08/ AMANDA PEET BUTT, uozta, http://www.flickr.com/people/82470594@N05/ ANGIE HARMON NIPPLE SLIP, 765630, http://www.flickr.com/people/82543810@N06/ SARAH HYLAND NIPPLE SLIP, 8-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/82416132@N05/ VANESSA ANGEL TITS, 31489, http://5kaleycuocosexg.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO NAKED PICTURES, 011311, http://wmirandacosgroveporna.tumblr.com MIRANDA COSGROVE NACKT, 05713, http://www.flickr.com/people/82375876@N02/ CARLA GUGINO BUSH, 173, http://www.flickr.com/people/82596190@N07/ REESE WITHERSPOON NUDE PICTURES, jqhpuv, http://www.flickr.com/people/82565038@N06/ MARINA SIRTIS NAKED PICS, 5696,
- 256 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 01:32 ID:x7fJj9.Q
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://www.flickr.com/people/80996762@N03/ sunny leone porn, 4778, http://www.flickr.com/people/80990221@N04/ nicki minaj naked, rhbuo, http://www.flickr.com/people/81027528@N06/ britney spears porn, %D, http://www.flickr.com/people/80728370@N06/ fergie naked, :)), http://www.flickr.com/people/80747623@N04/ natalie portman naked, 9241, http://www.flickr.com/people/79431054@N02/ melanie lynskey hot, 273, http://www.flickr.com/people/80537872@N06/ milla jovovich nude, %DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/79936285@N04/ jennifer love hewitt nackt, 49794, http://www.flickr.com/people/80541607@N04/ sara underwood naked, ddis, http://www.flickr.com/people/80103561@N05/ heather morris naked, aonblk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80142235@N02/ jamie lee curtis naked, >:-DD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80513618@N06/ olivia munn nude, 785426, http://www.flickr.com/people/80647022@N03/ penelope cruz nude, jsp,
- 257 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 01:43 ID:nh1iaWzo
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://www.flickr.com/people/82448827@N08/ JESSICA SIMPSON NUDE PICTURES, 8PPP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82411535@N08/ EMMA WATSON NUDE PICTURES, 058, http://vdenisemilanitoplessv.tumblr.com DENISE MILANI SEX VIDEO, nst, http://qparishiltonpussyf.tumblr.com PARIS HILTON NIPPLE SLIP, 39703, http://www.flickr.com/people/82498950@N03/ TORRIE WILSON IN A BIKINI, 538675, http://www.flickr.com/people/82523682@N05/ EVA LONGORIA PORN, 353861, http://ckhloekardashiannudem.tumblr.com KHLOE KARDASHIAN NUDE PICTURES, :-[, http://www.flickr.com/people/82355158@N02/ ADRIANA LIMA SEX TAPE, hutsy, http://wmaggieqsextape5.tumblr.com MAGGIE Q SEX VIDEO, vsvg, http://www.flickr.com/people/82523372@N07/ MARILYN MONROE SEX TAPE, >:D, http://www.flickr.com/people/82361474@N07/ CAMERON DIAZ PUSSY, 68321, http://ymirandacosgrovefakes0.tumblr.com MIRANDA COSGROVE NAKED PICTURES, 57730, http://gvanessahudgensnakedpicsc.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS TOPLESS, 1012,
- 258 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 02:01 ID:jQSIzPFw
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://ekatebeckinsalenude7.tumblr.com KATE BECKINSALE DESNUDA, ktdxst, http://www.flickr.com/people/82294954@N07/ EMMA STONE PORN, 100393, http://nevamendesnude8.tumblr.com EVA MENDES SEX SCENE, 747, http://www.flickr.com/people/82511996@N03/ MEGAN FOX SEX TAPE, xwbes, http://www.flickr.com/people/82411692@N05/ SELENA GOMEZ PLAYBOY, tzcxmn, http://www.flickr.com/people/82586934@N05/ SALMA HAYEK BUSH, 646246, http://xellemacphersonnudea.tumblr.com ELLE MACPHERSON BUTT, 069, http://www.flickr.com/people/82598734@N02/ JENNIFER GREY HOT PICS, 57847, http://www.flickr.com/people/82538812@N06/ KIM CATTRALL PORN, 3877, http://3kristannalokennude6.tumblr.com KRISTANNA LOKEN PORN, bweezq, http://orosemcgowannakeds.tumblr.com ROSE MCGOWAN PLAYBOY, 061, http://7evetorresnakedn.tumblr.com EVE TORRES NAKED PICS, fkbgoi, http://www.flickr.com/people/82562704@N03/ KELLY BROOK TITS, gvivh, http://ojaimepresslynakedz.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY NACKT, %(,
- 259 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 02:09 ID:DhCswPQw
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/81020860@N03/ jennifer lopez hot, >:-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/78868382@N05/ radost bokel nackt, >:-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/78889560@N02/ halle berry oben ohne, 285910, http://www.flickr.com/people/80286714@N07/ john cena naked, :-O, http://www.flickr.com/people/78909107@N08/ traylor howard nude, %OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/78859560@N06/ antoinette nikprelaj nude, =P, http://www.flickr.com/people/80867433@N08/ selena gomez naked pics, dfaf, http://www.flickr.com/people/80896774@N05/ jennifer aniston sex video, %]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80112835@N04/ blake lively naked pics, zbu, http://www.flickr.com/people/80023400@N02/ odette yustman nude, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/78837474@N02/ laura surrich nude, 205,
- 260 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 02:14 ID:82Zd1KuE
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://www.flickr.com/people/79367076@N07/ leigh allyn baker porn, :-P, http://www.flickr.com/people/79332772@N02/ andrea sawatzki nackt, culnc, http://www.flickr.com/people/79408068@N05/ lucy lawless sex scene, uml, http://www.flickr.com/people/79930080@N07/ helen mirren tits, 742, http://www.flickr.com/people/79318362@N03/ joely richardson nude, 20981, http://www.flickr.com/people/80467380@N02/ miranda kerr porn, bhv, http://www.flickr.com/people/79956232@N06/ shannon tweed sex scene, uojmwq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80051343@N08/ brigitte nielsen nackt, 220, http://www.flickr.com/people/80148160@N05/ elsa pataky naked, 753, http://www.flickr.com/people/80214015@N03/ vanessa hudgens fakes, uzc, http://www.flickr.com/people/80147616@N04/ danielle lloyd naked, qnfxho,
- 261 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 13:44 ID:x7fJj9.Q
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://www.flickr.com/people/80926273@N04/ katy perry sex tape, %-]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/80013958@N04/ julie bowen nude, xasc, http://www.flickr.com/people/80258516@N04/ anna paquin porn, bee, http://www.flickr.com/people/80350828@N06/ helen mirren naked, 50992, http://www.flickr.com/people/79946221@N05/ jennifer aniston nackt, yguhpj, http://www.flickr.com/people/81026057@N04/ nicki minaj sex, %))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80793687@N08/ anne hathaway nude, :))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80296356@N08/ rachel mcadams naked, rwtt, http://www.flickr.com/people/81001286@N05/ paris hilton sex, yej, http://www.flickr.com/people/80586684@N05/ christina hendricks nude, 8((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80855770@N02/ paris hilton sex video, >:-((,
- 262 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/24(火) 15:56 ID:jQSIzPFw
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/82504112@N07/ OLIVIA MUNN PORN, lav, http://www.flickr.com/people/82544160@N05/ MALIN AKERMAN SEX SCENE, mht, http://drhonamitranudeg.tumblr.com RHONA MITRA PLAYBOY, ewofwf, http://kshakirapornb.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NACKT, gcj, http://kislafishernude7.tumblr.com ISLA FISHER DESNUDA, 31100, http://8kimkardashianpussy2.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN PLAYBOY, 78849, http://pmeganfoxnakedb.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX NUDE PHOTOS, 70736, http://eangieharmonnudez.tumblr.com ANGIE HARMON PORN, 295, http://jsarahsilvermannakeda.tumblr.com SARAH SILVERMAN BOOBS, lfkt, http://ealisonlohmannudep.tumblr.com ALISON LOHMAN BUSH, :-]]],
- 263 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 22:32 ID:hnJ3uM22
- Honestly said, I don't think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don't think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That's apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., http://tracebos.livejournal.com AMBER HEARD NIPPLE SLIP, posg, http://donohouwi.livejournal.com CONSTANCE MARIE NIPPLE SLIP, 753, http://chenguhod.livejournal.com COTE DE PABLO BOOBS, 50068, http://donelasib.livejournal.com BONNIE WRIGHT FAKES, zik, http://pierozyv.livejournal.com JESSE JANE NAKED PHOTOS, 542046, http://gerwugo.livejournal.com AJ COOK NAKED PICS, :)), http://tunuc.livejournal.com KATRINA KAIF NUDE PICTURES, 847400, http://nelleozy.livejournal.com KATRINA KAIF SEX TAPE, zjaxw, http://erniefepo.livejournal.com DILSHAD VADSARIA BUTT, zffbln, http://keeganyvu.livejournal.com NATHALIE KELLEY NAKED PICS, vardnb, http://guntarzazaf.livejournal.com KAREENA KAPOOR SEX VIDEO, 09411, http://otinaati.livejournal.com RACHEL WEISZ TOPLESS, xvt, http://maxentianir.livejournal.com MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL PUSSY, :[, http://ambrosiusj.livejournal.com MARIAH CAREY NIPPLE SLIP, %D,
- 264 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 22:50 ID:GspfRmLc
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://elihuovox.livejournal.com ISABEL LUCAS FAKES, gkpzqz, http://wareingigajo.livejournal.com ABI TITMUSS SEX TAPE, byyvh, http://halimedaape.livejournal.com VICTORIA JUSTICE IN A BIKINI, =(, http://mclaurindoq.livejournal.com JENNIFER LAWRENCE NAKED PICS, skfjil, http://balliolrebyf.livejournal.com JEWEL STAITE DESNUDA, 820, http://mariloby.livejournal.com SARAH SILVERMAN NAKED PICTURES, :-))), http://janeydyfyr.livejournal.com MASIELA LUSHA NAKED PICS, 032, http://belierwin.livejournal.com MINKA KELLY SEX VIDEO, rprpqh, http://killigrewtin.livejournal.com GISELE BUNDCHEN SEX SCENE, 416, http://rodolfoqesa.livejournal.com VINESSA SHAW SEX TAPE, 8[[,
- 265 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 23:03 ID:a98mp5bA
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://finneganev.livejournal.com LINDSAY LOHAN TOPLESS, kvkbf, http://noakescek.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ SEX TAPE, vhzeu, http://delloraetis.livejournal.com LESLIE BIBB IN A BIKINI, 597, http://rozeigusu.livejournal.com THANDIE NEWTON PUSSY, iqhm, http://erniefepo.livejournal.com DILSHAD VADSARIA ASS, 8PP, http://grondinpiv.livejournal.com KRISTEN STEWART SEX VIDEO, %]], http://venuhyze.livejournal.com BRENDA SONG DESNUDA, :OOO, http://peershep.livejournal.com DENISE MILANI SEX VIDEO, 8-(, http://badryxy.livejournal.com PAULEY PERRETTE NUDE PICTURES, 4290, http://malenaume.livejournal.com PAMELA ANDERSON TITS, 5535, http://candramyw.livejournal.com CATHERINE BELL TOPLESS, 201923, http://chancetup.livejournal.com ELIZABETH BANKS HOT PICS, :]]], http://finniganys.livejournal.com COCO NACKT, bjto, http://heallovyno.livejournal.com KELLY BROOK TOPLESS, 367,
- 266 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 23:08 ID:7tVwoyF6
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://arianeonagi.livejournal.com ZAC EFRON PLAYBOY, dqlxd, http://landahlucux.livejournal.com EVE TORRES BUSH, 972706, http://stockmonyh.livejournal.com DANA DELANY NAKED PICTURES, lqxy, http://leonoraycaqa.livejournal.com JENNIFER ANISTON PORN, msxo, http://groomesowob.livejournal.com DREW BARRYMORE NUDE PICS, 663078, http://parryupej.livejournal.com SHAKIRA PLAYBOY, ome, http://aloketojah.livejournal.com NICOLE EGGERT BUTT, 405, http://dixyryqu.livejournal.com SHAKIRA BUSH, yyav, http://neukamvyqo.livejournal.com EMILY OSMENT IN A BIKINI, :-]], http://westfahliq.livejournal.com KRISTEN STEWART NIPPLE SLIP, 2064, http://brattonidu.livejournal.com MONICA BELLUCCI IN A BIKINI, 8-[[,
- 267 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 23:09 ID:JzDNx4L2
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., http://grimesobok.livejournal.com LUCY LAWLESS HOT PICS, zvipm, http://pashoupah.livejournal.com SALLY FIELD DESNUDA, bcsyc, http://gerhanepuq.livejournal.com CHANNING TATUM NUDE PICTURES, 1797, http://cheriseatus.livejournal.com JANUARY JONES NACKT, 7663, http://armallaikehu.livejournal.com LYNDA CARTER ASS, >:D, http://braxtonisos.livejournal.com JAMIE LYNN SPEARS TITS, 3486, http://avanafal.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICTURES, vshyzr, http://colleyukyz.livejournal.com RAQUEL WELCH DESNUDA, 5515, http://kumagaibyvi.livejournal.com EMILY BLUNT DESNUDA, azpp, http://tarkanyqexev.livejournal.com DIANE LANE PORN, 316968,
- 268 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/25(水) 23:14 ID:bpD6YiXM
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://lurakiq.livejournal.com MARIA OZAWA PUSSY, upbx, http://otinaati.livejournal.com RACHEL WEISZ PLAYBOY, dxwe, http://dygalludy.livejournal.com KELLY BROOK BOOBS, 8-O, http://sikesivico.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ HOT PICS, 99142, http://delcinaijade.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX BOOBS, edy, http://melliykuh.livejournal.com LAKE BELL BOOBS, :-), http://loferskixili.livejournal.com SHANNEN DOHERTY BUTT, >:-O, http://jamarcusdawo.livejournal.com PAGET BREWSTER NAKED PICTURES, 3558, http://bronnieyseko.livejournal.com ANGELINA JOLIE PLAYBOY, hjzjmj, http://lavernzufy.livejournal.com STACEY DASH HOT PICS, 7099, http://killigrewtin.livejournal.com GISELE BUNDCHEN NAKED PICS, nsodj, http://ianryde.livejournal.com ISLA FISHER DESNUDA, =DDD,
- 269 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 08:40 ID:B6CtipvY
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://sayresnuqeh.livejournal.com NATASHA HENSTRIDGE BOOBS, xgaz, http://guntarzazaf.livejournal.com KAREENA KAPOOR NAKED PICTURES, %-O, http://secundaula.livejournal.com CARRIE UNDERWOOD SEX TAPE, 7225, http://sherurdwor.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX NUDE PHOTOS, fjq, http://bronnieyseko.livejournal.com ANGELINA JOLIE PORN, xkibip, http://filomenaby.livejournal.com REBECCA DE MORNAY PORN, 5379, http://braxtonisos.livejournal.com JAMIE LYNN SPEARS FAKES, 923112, http://laskoixyty.livejournal.com AISHWARYA RAI BOOBS, zxhi, http://cheriseatus.livejournal.com JANUARY JONES NUDE PHOTOS, 9235, http://saundereru.livejournal.com MARILYN MONROE SEX VIDEO, hbfuv, http://estrinbyxo.livejournal.com KEELEY HAZELL SEX SCENE, 8996,
- 270 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 09:02 ID:VkdNw8LY
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://jasminacoqim.livejournal.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL PLAYBOY, 135170, http://kelbeecapod.livejournal.com JENNIFER TILLY DESNUDA, nhlgef, http://thrasherud.livejournal.com CARRIE FISHER NUDE PICS, %-)), http://dotyuhavu.livejournal.com RENEE ZELLWEGER SEX VIDEO, =-D, http://cobenmopy.livejournal.com IMOGEN THOMAS FAKES, =-], http://nelleozy.livejournal.com KATRINA KAIF PUSSY, %-((, http://kezerhuke.livejournal.com KATY MIXON BOOBS, 7517, http://longleybogi.livejournal.com RACHEL BILSON NAKED PHOTOS, 452120, http://schmittaxefa.livejournal.com EVA LONGORIA ASS, >:PPP, http://delloraetis.livejournal.com LESLIE BIBB BUTT, 8-(,
- 271 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 09:06 ID:6...O2VM
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://blakeorepy.livejournal.com MORENA BACCARIN SEX VIDEO, >:-], http://brynnawawut.livejournal.com DIANE LANE FAKES, ujgp, http://koloskikejag.livejournal.com GOLDIE HAWN PUSSY, 169535, http://brentwibe.livejournal.com SALMA HAYEK HOT PICS, 216911, http://melliykuh.livejournal.com LAKE BELL BUTT, 8[, http://carltonnagys.livejournal.com MILA KUNIS TITS, ucv, http://sherafox.livejournal.com TAYLOR LAUTNER NACKT, 5179, http://maitlandbo.livejournal.com BROOKLYN DECKER NAKED PICTURES, xdwgjh, http://hescockgog.livejournal.com KAJOL NUDE PICTURES, >:-((, http://loganjode.livejournal.com KELLY STABLES NACKT, jxnb, http://curreyyri.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS NAKED PICS, :-]], http://alarickokife.livejournal.com JAIME PRESSLY NUDE PHOTOS, 8-),
- 272 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 09:07 ID:ZYVYYco6
- I'm not sure what you have against "The Five". I mean, four of the five panel members are on the right. The only creep is Bob Beckel. I admit, his creepiness makes the show a bit harder to handle. But Greg Gutfeld makes up for it! I LOVE him!! Beckel will probably have a stroke or a heart attack on the show one day and they can just shove him off the stage and continue on., http://gwenethgixip.livejournal.com SUSAN WARD BUSH, vvpybx, http://pierozyv.livejournal.com JESSE JANE NUDE PICS, 24131, http://clyteseryj.livejournal.com CRYSTAL HARRIS BOOBS, =[[[, http://francisris.livejournal.com SARAH HYLAND PLAYBOY, 28239, http://laskoixyty.livejournal.com AISHWARYA RAI BUSH, %], http://aileelyz.livejournal.com CONSTANCE MARIE PORN, 290, http://galiteayxycy.livejournal.com BRIDGET MARQUARDT NAKED PHOTOS, 893570, http://normanulura.livejournal.com SASHA ALEXANDER PLAYBOY, 59828, http://malenaume.livejournal.com PAMELA ANDERSON NIPPLE SLIP, 5254, http://stylesalyce.livejournal.com CAMERON DIAZ HOT PICS, 8[[, http://streeterofok.livejournal.com PRIYANKA CHOPRA NUDE PICTURES, szysu, http://zsakiri.livejournal.com LACEY CHABERT BUTT, ynjl,
- 273 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 09:08 ID:uniFUbg.
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://okuboyfen.livejournal.com KRISTEN STEWART ASS, 290820, http://ropercuji.livejournal.com MONICA POTTER DESNUDA, 626, http://finneganev.livejournal.com LINDSAY LOHAN IN A BIKINI, vysxpo, http://kellykanis.livejournal.com FAMKE JANSSEN BUTT, %-PP, http://pierozyv.livejournal.com JESSE JANE BOOBS, jvc, http://blakeorepy.livejournal.com MORENA BACCARIN NUDE PHOTOS, 56001, http://loriegas.livejournal.com EVE TORRES NAKED PICTURES, 588743, http://luteroryqoh.livejournal.com REESE WITHERSPOON PLAYBOY, qluf, http://janiferket.livejournal.com NATALIE PORTMAN NUDE PICS, vxmmjp, http://reetaibaw.livejournal.com SELA WARD DESNUDA, fjxxzl, http://weisbartyg.livejournal.com DEMI LOVATO BUSH, >:PPP,
- 274 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 10:41 ID:B6CtipvY
- ould also do your (wonderful) thing around the blogosphere for a while (just not always here). Keep the juices flowing, continue to help people, foster even greater community growth, and not be an (ugh) static single target., http://ruvoloyfero.livejournal.com ROSARIO DAWSON FAKES, :-DDD, http://porteutaf.livejournal.com MICHELLE WILLIAMS SEX SCENE, sdyq, http://timfaha.livejournal.com ANNA FARIS NUDE PICS, 2187, http://slotnickixy.livejournal.com RIHANNA PLAYBOY, veztb, http://samuelainig.livejournal.com AMY SMART PORN, zkrk, http://ankogug.livejournal.com NIGELLA LAWSON BOOBS, 443931, http://thibaultpy.livejournal.com FEARNE COTTON HOT PICS, 614, http://carltonnagys.livejournal.com MILA KUNIS NACKT, :]], http://goldfinchupe.livejournal.com VIDYA BALAN PORN, =-[[[, http://ardenufit.livejournal.com EMMA WATSON ASS, 6234, http://tracebos.livejournal.com AMBER HEARD NUDE PHOTOS, ytvoi, http://fayinaebaxu.livejournal.com LAURA RAMSEY ASS, opbvn, http://aubryyfofy.livejournal.com KALEY CUOCO BOOBS, 891,
- 275 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 11:01 ID:VkdNw8LY
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in., http://kehrguju.livejournal.com JENNETTE MCCURDY PLAYBOY, =))), http://jessalinih.livejournal.com EVA MENDES SEX SCENE, mgwbg, http://cormiersuzuz.livejournal.com ASHTON KUTCHER IN A BIKINI, 94560, http://donohouwi.livejournal.com CONSTANCE MARIE BUSH, 189, http://tuchmancap.livejournal.com TORRIE WILSON SEX VIDEO, 787, http://daniellapul.livejournal.com VALERIE BERTINELLI SEX TAPE, gym, http://wiskindduc.livejournal.com LISA KUDROW NAKED PICS, 789, http://louannajigib.livejournal.com KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICTURES, 430558, http://seraakuso.livejournal.com AVRIL LAVIGNE ASS, tjr, http://kyriakofyse.livejournal.com COURTNEY THORNE-SMITH NAKED PICTURES, 8((,
- 276 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 11:10 ID:ZYVYYco6
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://griffithsyri.livejournal.com KATRINA KAIF HOT PICS, 567602, http://judusbac.livejournal.com JENNIFER CONNELLY SEX TAPE, 45789, http://sherilynkana.livejournal.com EVA GREEN FAKES, wlld, http://dahlgel.livejournal.com KHLOE KARDASHIAN PUSSY, fze, http://stockmonyh.livejournal.com DANA DELANY NAKED PICTURES, 78501, http://groomesowob.livejournal.com DREW BARRYMORE NUDE PICS, 3873, http://octavlasij.livejournal.com CHRISTINE MENDOZA NAKED PICTURES, :-O, http://brynnawawut.livejournal.com DIANE LANE TOPLESS, 469, http://rabkinuke.livejournal.com DAVINA MCCALL TOPLESS, 225, http://redmertoco.livejournal.com LISA EDELSTEIN NAKED PICS, 415738, http://claybornoryc.livejournal.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE SEX TAPE, :-OOO, http://antheaubyf.livejournal.com TILA TEQUILA BOOBS, 2333, http://sontichxiku.livejournal.com KATHLEEN ROBERTSON HOT PICS, :),
- 277 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 11:11 ID:uniFUbg.
- I see two basic options for you: Reduce visibility and do something completely different, or stay visible and continue publishing your own stuff under your own name. All the options you cite can be assigned to one of these two categories. I dearly hope you go with the second option, even though I would totally understand if you decide otherwise., http://karynjajad.livejournal.com BRITTANY MURPHY TITS, dyvf, http://kahliliqiv.livejournal.com JENNIFER ANISTON PLAYBOY, 11987, http://siselyoxej.livejournal.com KATHY GRIFFIN TOPLESS, 875, http://judddoqoc.livejournal.com CARLA GUGINO BUSH, 40064, http://romolagyj.livejournal.com NOUREEN DEWULF NAKED PICTURES, 607693, http://casonwit.livejournal.com KATHERINE HEIGL FAKES, rjcmk, http://bracesir.livejournal.com LAURIE HOLDEN NACKT, 8PP, http://buduxipy.livejournal.com CHARISMA CARPENTER BUTT, =-PP, http://zerlinaefyva.livejournal.com HOLLY WILLOUGHBY SEX TAPE, :-OO, http://basiaomoby.livejournal.com MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ PUSSY, 13785,
- 278 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/26(木) 11:11 ID:6...O2VM
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://lavoieynu.livejournal.com ODETTE YUSTMAN SEX VIDEO, fytqo, http://maxentianir.livejournal.com MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL HOT PICS, pjm, http://sharmankycaj.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX SEX SCENE, >:O, http://marisoltubuh.livejournal.com KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE, %OO, http://fletaysi.livejournal.com KAT VON D NUDE PICS, 050, http://mariloby.livejournal.com SARAH SILVERMAN BUSH, :-(, http://marcelluse.livejournal.com ALICE EVE DESNUDA, 228510, http://galiteayxycy.livejournal.com BRIDGET MARQUARDT BUSH, =((, http://jacintheam.livejournal.com EMMANUELLE CHRIQUI PLAYBOY, 62582, http://nortonymino.livejournal.com DANICA MCKELLAR BUSH, swsjlu, http://loganjode.livejournal.com KELLY STABLES NACKT, ardnns, http://marategy.livejournal.com CHRISTA MILLER TOPLESS, 242, http://ingarzep.livejournal.com DEBBY RYAN PUSSY, 404945,
- 279 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/27(金) 03:37 ID:8zsutALw
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://winiogife.livejournal.com TOM CRUISE BUSH, tga, http://reetaibaw.livejournal.com SELA WARD TITS, 6143, http://fayinaebaxu.livejournal.com LAURA RAMSEY NUDE PICS, ajm, http://willtrudeami.livejournal.com EMMA WATSON NAKED PHOTOS, %-]]], http://willytnivoq.livejournal.com KENDRA WILKINSON NAKED PICTURES, jlmqe, http://cyprodel.livejournal.com HELEN HUNT SEX SCENE, vooo, http://brannonesil.livejournal.com KRISTIN KREUK NUDE PICS, 3607, http://goneoqu.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS NUDE PICS, 8-PP, http://garlingekite.livejournal.com BRIDGETTE WILSON FAKES, ibwhbo, http://goneoqu.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS DESNUDA, 64622, http://ionacujof.livejournal.com KAT VON D TOPLESS, wrrht,
- 280 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/27(金) 04:00 ID:bY2gDprs
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://hughettyqosa.livejournal.com CHRISTINA AGUILERA PLAYBOY, 8483, http://fasanozon.livejournal.com JORDANA BREWSTER NACKT, 0872, http://neilleozeb.livejournal.com COLIN FARRELL NIPPLE SLIP, 3693, http://kolevomo.livejournal.com KELLY PRESTON NAKED PICS, xcloo, http://francisris.livejournal.com SARAH HYLAND ASS, waoc, http://dotyuhavu.livejournal.com RENEE ZELLWEGER TITS, njx, http://sternjen.livejournal.com ALI LARTER TOPLESS, bhw, http://nicksemyty.livejournal.com AMANDA RIGHETTI NUDE PICTURES, 536, http://aldrichecy.livejournal.com OLIVIA WILDE NUDE PICS, >:), http://jodievemec.livejournal.com JULIE BOWEN TITS, 666397,
- 281 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/27(金) 04:09 ID:OR/y3Cz6
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://ellenpev.livejournal.com VIDA GUERRA DESNUDA, %-O, http://sierackiadi.livejournal.com NATASCHA MCELHONE TOPLESS, vrpax, http://bowejiwut.livejournal.com LEAH REMINI DESNUDA, hpjgea, http://raymundyfase.livejournal.com KIM KARDASHIAN BOOBS, >:-], http://hitoshicapa.livejournal.com JENNIFER ELLISON SEX TAPE, =DD, http://lavernzufy.livejournal.com STACEY DASH NAKED PICTURES, ujmpp, http://goerneza.livejournal.com PATSY KENSIT HOT PICS, :-], http://thornbot.livejournal.com RACHEL BILSON TITS, 5220, http://thorlieyvak.livejournal.com VIDA GUERRA SEX TAPE, zbgqk, http://thrasherud.livejournal.com CARRIE FISHER NUDE PICS, 25280, http://lavoieynu.livejournal.com ODETTE YUSTMAN BUTT, kjlp, http://rabassapawyw.livejournal.com VICTORIA JUSTICE BUSH, 402, http://skillernyce.livejournal.com MISCHA BARTON NUDE PICTURES, 67738, http://krystalami.livejournal.com KATE BECKINSALE NUDE PHOTOS, 6820,
- 282 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/28(土) 03:29 ID:cBMkae9s
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://www.flickr.com/people/79318378@N07/ DAWN PORTER NUDE, kby, http://www.flickr.com/people/79363030@N03/ TIFFANY FALLON NUDE, xanzdf, http://dailybooth.com/epbuycurant1974/26426092 SELENA GOMEZ PLAYBOY, =-), http://dailybooth.com/gretalpaera1974/26087292 JENNA FISCHER BIKINI, 8), http://dailybooth.com/egigramen1972/26372845 CHRISTINA AGUILERA PUSSY, bhl, http://www.flickr.com/people/80329598@N05/ ADRIANNE CURRY TOPLESS, dgyx, http://www.flickr.com/people/79348788@N07/ KAREN GILLAN TOPLESS, 1476, http://dailybooth.com/listtenlunchmy1982/26000162 ANN-MARGRET NUDE, wfzjna, http://www.flickr.com/people/80865260@N07/ NAOMI CAMPBELL HOT, vdsvw, http://dailybooth.com/erdarnapsked1980/26404752 ERICA CAMPBELL PORN, =-O,
- 283 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/28(土) 03:47 ID:f5bnncyI
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://xamandarighettinudec.tumblr.com AMANDA RIGHETTI NUDE, 293, http://xamandarighettinudec.tumblr.com AMANDA RIGHETTI NUDE, ekfh, http://dailybooth.com/ringbarguacomp1987/26449616 TAYLOR SWIFT BIKINI, kyoh, http://dailybooth.com/wiecentwallfa1987/26361083 AVRIL LAVIGNE BOOBS, 3178, http://www.flickr.com/people/82582394@N07/ SHANNON ELIZABETH NAKED, ddqi, http://www.flickr.com/people/80643460@N06/ EMILY OSMENT HOT, 528, http://dailybooth.com/zewssastcommli1985/26078233 KRISTIN CHENOWETH NUDE, :((, http://www.flickr.com/people/81058939@N08/ KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE, =-]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82596147@N08/ NATHALIE KELLEY HOT, 25351, http://dailybooth.com/exmcafdeora1972/25997493 GILLIAN JACOBS NAKED, :((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80401866@N03/ MINKA KELLY NUDE, 544444,
- 284 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/28(土) 03:53 ID:8AC11faQ
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://dailybooth.com/tithcesourbern1981/26263366 ANGIE HARMON HOT, =), http://dailybooth.com/benmetely1971/25998519 ALYSON HANNIGAN DESNUDA, 5953, http://dailybooth.com/jiublowrajmetch1970/26043825 PORTIA DE ROSSI NAKED, xaintr, http://www.flickr.com/people/79329000@N06/ TERI POLO NAKED, >:OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80738296@N06/ YUMA ASAMI SEX, :OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80484621@N04/ KATRINA BOWDEN HOT, kcqn, http://www.flickr.com/people/80626531@N08/ MALIN AKERMAN HOT, =DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/80988814@N03/ KATIE MORGAN SEX, =-DD, http://dailybooth.com/bumultifor1983/26398078 DEVON AOKI NAKED, fvyb, http://dailybooth.com/tosalwico1973/25988493 LINDSAY WAGNER NUDE, :)), http://dailybooth.com/topulcimet1989/26323134 HILARY SWANK SEX, 131, http://dailybooth.com/nairaifescamp1974/26374947 CANDICE SWANEPOEL BIKINI, 971087, http://dailybooth.com/coibivite1970/26331774 PADMA LAKSHMI HOT, 8[, http://dailybooth.com/slopserini1986/26228744 KEIRA KNIGHTLEY TITS, 8((,
- 285 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 03:07 ID:UWEF7feE
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://dailybooth.com/mecorabo1987/26093438 LYNDA CARTER HOT, enwgxq, http://dailybooth.com/kinlebotta1977/26094971 MADONNA NACKT, 8DDD, http://dailybooth.com/adnecconsca1981/26061155 RACHEL MCADAMS SEX SCENE, 100, http://www.flickr.com/people/80529472@N03/ KELLY BROOK PUSSY, 77195, http://www.flickr.com/people/81003706@N02/ LISA ANN HOT, %((, http://www.flickr.com/people/79030256@N06/ BARBARA MORI DESNUDA, piifpy, http://dailybooth.com/funcspitafpos1974/26225323 EVA LONGORIA SEX SCENE, %-O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80381516@N08/ MARIA SHARAPOVA NAKED, :-D, http://www.flickr.com/people/80462735@N08/ AMY JO JOHNSON NUDE, 7528, http://dailybooth.com/trabygzione1973/25993537 CARMELLA DECESARE NUDE, 70581, http://dailybooth.com/necdioprehac1986/26180416 MICHELLE MARSH NUDE, 8[[, http://dailybooth.com/trucyptiatran1980/26067550 ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY SEX TAPE, :-DDD,
- 286 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 03:07 ID:06ZknJTY
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://dailybooth.com/refguistevmec1970/26314147 NINA DOBREV BIKINI, 631, http://www.flickr.com/people/80138048@N07/ JERI RYAN NAKED, 1363, http://dailybooth.com/manpifuncoi1975/26355297 EMMA WATSON NAKED PICS, 068884, http://www.flickr.com/people/80669813@N04/ GWEN STEFANI NAKED, :[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80624840@N05/ KHLOE KARDASHIAN ASS, 8OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79479451@N04/ CAMILLE GRAMMER NUDE, 102, http://www.flickr.com/people/80321975@N08/ RHONA MITRA SEX, 9502, http://www.flickr.com/people/82545693@N04/ DEEPIKA PADUKONE NUDE, 650, http://www.flickr.com/people/80646310@N06/ ANNA NICOLE SMITH NUDE, qjvy, http://www.flickr.com/people/82565038@N06/ MARINA SIRTIS NUDE, %-(((, http://dailybooth.com/coungardwindca1972/26395495 NATALIE PORTMAN BIKINI, zoiup, http://dailybooth.com/rurunokan1975/26067010 EVA IONESCO PLAYBOY, xsluoo, http://dailybooth.com/firmtufolkfunc1984/25930950 MAURA TIERNEY NUDE, 01888, http://www.flickr.com/people/82541660@N07/ ADRIANNE CURRY NUDE, ehnchv,
- 287 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 03:08 ID:MpWuDVkI
- I see two basic options for you: Reduce visibility and do something completely different, or stay visible and continue publishing your own stuff under your own name. All the options you cite can be assigned to one of these two categories. I dearly hope you go with the second option, even though I would totally understand if you decide otherwise., http://www.flickr.com/people/78998608@N07/ PRISCILLA BARNES NUDE, zdfoau, http://www.flickr.com/people/80593890@N06/ RENEE ZELLWEGER HOT, %-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80227237@N03/ DOUTZEN KROES NAKED, 2824, http://dailybooth.com/gadnewalle1980/25975904 ALISON BRIE SEX SCENE, vah, http://dailybooth.com/franerzenri1983/26020918 ALISON BRIE TOPLESS, 709101, http://www.flickr.com/people/80805587@N04/ JENNIFER LOPEZ SEX VIDEO, 86133, http://dailybooth.com/lirefodel1985/26084352 COBIE SMULDERS PORN, hjzg, http://www.flickr.com/people/80594807@N08/ MICHELLE MONAGHAN HOT, 0381, http://www.flickr.com/people/78856658@N05/ ELIZABETH BERRIDGE NUDE, 8((, http://dailybooth.com/sofcnamensu1986/26017823 LAURA HARRING NUDE, =-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/78853305@N04/ JULIE GONZALO NUDE, 711,
- 288 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 03:18 ID:7gqAZeWw
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://dailybooth.com/atangleampa1981/26036123 MELINA PEREZ NUDE, %)), http://www.flickr.com/people/82537230@N06/ CRYSTAL HARRIS NUDE, khh, http://dailybooth.com/blockannguarphi1983/25997455 TERI POLO NUDE, :[[, http://dailybooth.com/gravarplenov1976/25990693 CASSIDY FREEMAN NUDE, :))), http://yjennettemccurdyhot2.tumblr.com JENNETTE MCCURDY HOT, igrzk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80728370@N06/ FERGIE NAKED, %((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80795432@N03/ BROOKLYN DECKER HOT, 9575, http://www.flickr.com/people/82582705@N08/ CHRISTINA AGUILERA SEX TAPE, 768535, http://www.flickr.com/people/82578332@N07/ ASHLEY SCOTT NUDE, 895, http://www.flickr.com/people/79985284@N05/ STACEY DASH PLAYBOY, 417, http://www.flickr.com/people/80794614@N02/ NICKI MINAJ PORN, taanmq, http://dailybooth.com/aninantas1972/26408230 EMMA WATSON ASS, oee, http://www.flickr.com/people/80591791@N04/ CARRIE UNDERWOOD NAKED, 24261,
- 289 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 14:49 ID:7gqAZeWw
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://www.flickr.com/people/80728330@N03/ NICOLE SCHERZINGER ASS, :-]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/82492862@N05/ LUCY PUNCH NAKED, cso, http://www.flickr.com/people/80680344@N03/ AMBER ROSE BIKINI, emrv, http://www.flickr.com/people/81034079@N04/ NICKI MINAJ HOT, opsk, http://www.flickr.com/people/80686658@N07/ CARMEN ELECTRA PLAYBOY, :PP, http://www.flickr.com/people/82301999@N04/ MEGAN FOX NUDE, %-DDD, http://dailybooth.com/dritinabiv1986/25926501 SONYA KRAUS NACKT, podu, http://www.flickr.com/people/81014604@N06/ MEGAN FOX ASS, 13257, http://www.flickr.com/people/80130633@N06/ TORRIE WILSON PLAYBOY, =[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80265098@N03/ NATALIE WOOD NUDE, :-], http://www.flickr.com/people/80147003@N03/ DENISE RICHARDS NUDE, 975, http://www.flickr.com/people/82526054@N02/ JENNIFER CONNELLY NUDE, tyvjlw, http://dailybooth.com/steelopuncio1982/26193825 VANESSA MINNILLO NUDE, :D,
- 290 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 15:00 ID:UWEF7feE
- It'd be kinda like the group blog idea, but with more of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" vibe. And who didn't love playing that? :), http://www.flickr.com/people/80338074@N08/ DEMI MOORE NUDE PICS, ekvg, http://dailybooth.com/cacabmeehak1988/25991079 KARRINE STEFFANS SEX TAPE, 82284, http://www.flickr.com/people/78893364@N02/ BETSY RUE NUDE, %-(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80051343@N08/ BRIGITTE NIELSEN NACKT, ytdvdb, http://dailybooth.com/orbegora1973/26244232 KALEY CUOCO BOOBS, :[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80253577@N07/ ALICIA SILVERSTONE NAKED, 62400, http://www.flickr.com/people/78889936@N07/ NATALIA TENA NUDE, 2172, http://dailybooth.com/singtimede1982/26464307 KELLY ROWLAND HOT, 1200, http://dailybooth.com/cerelebit1971/26025810 EVANNA LYNCH NUDE, =))), http://www.flickr.com/people/78874740@N02/ SONDRA LOCKE NUDE, >:-((, http://dailybooth.com/lutermubon1980/26045316 MARY STEENBURGEN HOT, 2661, http://www.flickr.com/people/79012264@N07/ DEBORAH ANN WOLL NAKED, %-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/79981102@N07/ KASHMIRA SHAH NUDE, 955, http://dailybooth.com/etaparun1977/26304298 HALLE BERRY TITS, 2421,
- 291 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 15:07 ID:MpWuDVkI
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://dailybooth.com/ruimismofe1979/26060600 JILL FLINT NUDE, wvlj, http://www.flickr.com/people/80494992@N05/ ASHLEY TISDALE PORN, >:D, http://dailybooth.com/mepiltioder1977/26012593 TONI COLLETTE NUDE, 9379, http://www.flickr.com/people/79318362@N03/ JOELY RICHARDSON NUDE, =O, http://www.flickr.com/people/80634770@N03/ BROOKLYN DECKER BIKINI, >:-((, http://dailybooth.com/erlatima1970/26049061 ROSAMUND PIKE NAKED, qfjqjw, http://dailybooth.com/dagchopslinma1978/26363511 CHARLIZE THERON PORN, 089, http://dailybooth.com/stenzutniovi1982/26244653 ALICE EVE SEX SCENE, >:OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/80587224@N02/ GISELE BUNDCHEN NUDE, gkdsch, http://www.flickr.com/people/80937981@N08/ SASHA GREY SEX VIDEO, 8[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80805587@N04/ JENNIFER LOPEZ SEX VIDEO, rmdqt, http://www.flickr.com/people/79363866@N03/ RESHMA SHETTY NUDE, 5250, http://dailybooth.com/glasraisema1984/26367953 STACY KEIBLER SEX, lngqi, http://dailybooth.com/blatmarconspen1974/26058134 DIMPLE KAPADIA HOT, wvzkmm,
- 292 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/29(日) 15:08 ID:06ZknJTY
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://www.flickr.com/people/79017794@N02/ GEMMA ATKINSON DESNUDA, 7766, http://www.flickr.com/people/80943332@N07/ CHELSEA HANDLER SEX, zzquwt, http://dailybooth.com/linklawebwell1970/26386986 ALYSSA MILANO SEX, 7375, http://www.flickr.com/people/79406346@N05/ LAUREN POPE TOPLESS, 599, http://www.flickr.com/people/82649457@N08/ ALISON LOHMAN NUDE, 404, http://dailybooth.com/manadmaseg1982/25915255 JANE KACZMAREK NUDE, %O, http://dailybooth.com/titolara1980/25934778 MELINDA CLARKE NUDE, 141642, http://dailybooth.com/renlimyte1974/26405708 SHAKIRA PUSSY, >:), http://www.flickr.com/people/79896539@N05/ BRIDGET MARQUARDT NAKED, 732917, http://dailybooth.com/tavakaldong1987/26263073 MAGGIE Q NAKED, :],
- 293 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/30(月) 07:04 ID:pCwjIZkA
- I see two basic options for you: Reduce visibility and do something completely different, or stay visible and continue publishing your own stuff under your own name. All the options you cite can be assigned to one of these two categories. I dearly hope you go with the second option, even though I would totally understand if you decide otherwise., http://www.flickr.com/people/82547834@N05/ KIM KARDASHIAN PLAYBOY PICS, 66355, http://dailybooth.com/golfwobbdingme1971/26064022 JENNETTE MCCURDY FAKES, kuakb, http://dailybooth.com/egensnarbe1974/26217873 HELEN HUNT NAKED, hnmhe, http://www.flickr.com/people/82444398@N06/ BRITNEY SPEARS SEX TAPE, 028413, http://www.flickr.com/people/80644808@N06/ TILA TEQUILA SEX, tsgoog, http://dailybooth.com/fiathanare1987/26049265 JILL WAGNER NUDE, wfrndo, http://www.flickr.com/people/80700168@N02/ CHARLIZE THERON NAKED, gjg, http://dailybooth.com/chafserara1985/26320491 HEATHER MORRIS HOT, 043531, http://www.flickr.com/people/82316866@N06/ EMMA WATSON PORN, oie, http://www.flickr.com/people/82359952@N03/ JESSICA ALBA SEX TAPE, =-((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80521308@N02/ SCARLETT JOHANSSON DESNUDA, cqiir,
- 294 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/30(月) 15:44 ID:Xnz/pDPk
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://www.flickr.com/people/80166062@N03/ HAYDEN PANETTIERE SEX SCENE, %-]]], http://www.flickr.com/people/79364464@N02/ EVAN RACHEL WOOD SEX SCENE, =DD, http://dailybooth.com/atwardehuns1979/26058095 EMILY PROCTER HOT, vbws, http://www.flickr.com/people/80491836@N06/ BLAKE LIVELY PORN, qjev, http://www.flickr.com/people/80154163@N08/ TILDA SWINTON NUDE, :]]], http://dailybooth.com/luedavoris1971/26341034 DOUTZEN KROES NUDE, 48658, http://www.flickr.com/people/79316501@N04/ KENDRA WILKINSON NACKT, 786786, http://dailybooth.com/tocanemel1975/26216742 SHILPA SHETTY NUDE, 609, http://www.flickr.com/people/82558931@N04/ ANNE HECHE NUDE, >:((, http://www.flickr.com/people/79953693@N07/ CARRIE PREJEAN NUDE, kzkzln,
- 295 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 05:28 ID:C7tm45Qg
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://dailybooth.com/nalherota1970/26317761 MIRANDA COSGROVE NUDE, 05070, http://dailybooth.com/symtioclowti1974/26080604 FARRAH FAWCETT NAKED, gdqmfw, http://www.flickr.com/people/80989069@N08/ RIHANNA PORN, :(, http://www.flickr.com/people/79468509@N04/ MAGGIE Q NUDE PICS, 8))), http://www.flickr.com/people/80269465@N04/ KIRSTEN DUNST NUDE, 8-DDD, http://www.flickr.com/people/82442349@N08/ BRENDA SONG NUDE, nyg, http://dailybooth.com/resanabor1982/26394289 MONICA BELLUCCI HOT, kxhupf, http://dailybooth.com/retttosinno1976/26090742 SARAH SHAHI NUDE, 245, http://www.flickr.com/people/82495995@N08/ HAYDEN PANETTIERE NAKED, 988, http://www.flickr.com/people/80797481@N04/ SELENA GOMEZ SEX TAPE, 2246,
- 296 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 06:09 ID:c4GcN2V.
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://www.flickr.com/people/79367935@N04/ ELISANDRA TOMACHESKI NUDE, mcmk, http://dailybooth.com/leicismiwes1978/26064736 AMANDA HOLDEN NAKED, %D, http://www.flickr.com/people/82605299@N08/ EMILY OSMENT PORN, >:O, http://dailybooth.com/tauroperho1989/26023943 IMOGEN POOTS HOT, 894012, http://www.flickr.com/people/80632559@N08/ EMMA WATSON BREAST, fag, http://dailybooth.com/idicmicto1974/26066946 HAYLEY ATWELL HOT, 621992, http://dailybooth.com/progorcisbo1970/26053699 EMMANUELLE BEART NUDE, 401385, http://dailybooth.com/tentiofultio1982/26440838 JESSICA BIEL HOT, 8-(, http://dailybooth.com/psathlipylo1976/26408705 SOFIA VERGARA HOT, =[[, http://dailybooth.com/vircabbmotbest1979/26020118 CASSANDRA PETERSON NUDE, xmeoer, http://www.flickr.com/people/80623026@N03/ COURTNEY LOVE NUDE, 58875, http://dailybooth.com/cratopanna1986/26092418 KIM KARDASHIAN NACKT, 0594, http://www.flickr.com/people/79458119@N08/ GAL GADOT SEX SCENE, 23210, http://dailybooth.com/risbomebell1984/26452995 LUCY PINDER PUSSY, rcql,
- 297 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 09:07 ID:r/V6u5dg
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://www.flickr.com/people/78960265@N04/ GONG LI SEX SCENE, 2766, http://dailybooth.com/neczbilmici1972/26088526 REBECCA ROMIJN NAKED, %[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/79473129@N08/ LAUREN POPE NUDE, %OOO, http://dailybooth.com/harvahammaa1970/26339883 MARION COTILLARD HOT, :((, http://dailybooth.com/ininovtu1976/26339261 SOPHIE MONK NAKED, hqypl, http://dailybooth.com/steergetuta1975/26396407 JENNIFER LOPEZ DESNUDA, 8[, http://www.flickr.com/people/80597550@N06/ CAMERON DIAZ SEX VIDEO, 8(, http://dailybooth.com/genicinwa1973/26454528 VICTORIA BECKHAM NAKED, zhsf, http://dailybooth.com/esinartar1984/26035771 AUDREY TAUTOU NAKED, 81864, http://www.flickr.com/people/80639415@N08/ CONNIE BRITTON HOT, =PP,
- 298 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 09:09 ID:PRN8nZ5M
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://www.flickr.com/people/80230328@N08/ TAYLOR SWIFT NAKED PICS, whrzt, http://www.flickr.com/people/80666606@N02/ MISCHA BARTON SEX, 561101, http://dailybooth.com/lowmowhidisc1982/25908479 GATES MCFADDEN NUDE, 812, http://dailybooth.com/incasisa1975/26088944 MARY LOUISE PARKER NAKED, dyw, http://www.flickr.com/people/78941612@N02/ SOMAYA REECE NUDE, tvkv, http://dailybooth.com/seicuosecla1974/26301652 KATE BECKINSALE TOPLESS, =DD, http://dailybooth.com/seripeccast1981/26381319 SCARLETT JOHANSSON PLAYBOY, obf, http://dailybooth.com/rodevari1980/26027065 ANDIE MACDOWELL NUDE, 699, http://dailybooth.com/abchrisinin1987/26300752 BRIGITTE NIELSEN NAKED, 768442, http://www.flickr.com/people/79477586@N03/ WHITNEY CUMMINGS PORN, cndnox, http://dailybooth.com/compuvolcia1973/26046918 NOUREEN DEWULF HOT, =-)), http://www.flickr.com/people/79371605@N04/ KAYLA COLLINS NUDE, bwre, http://dailybooth.com/caykelcuimist1970/25993824 VANNA WHITE NAKED, =-)), http://dailybooth.com/roaspeclame1978/26076364 TORRIE WILSON ASS, qklcei,
- 299 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 09:14 ID:7wu/RDfM
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://dailybooth.com/hotpfisramin1982/26186816 NICOLE KIDMAN SEX SCENE, oxpj, http://dailybooth.com/lighcoretxe1987/25965834 KELLI WILLIAMS NUDE, 3906, http://dailybooth.com/papornote1983/26224643 JORDANA BREWSTER SEX, :), http://www.flickr.com/people/79028310@N06/ BRIANA EVIGAN NUDE, >:(((, http://dailybooth.com/plasamamab1986/25946337 ALLISON SCAGLIOTTI NUDE, 659, http://dailybooth.com/tmourmicvobu1980/26273887 BLAKE LIVELY NAKED PHOTOS, %))), http://dailybooth.com/basourlema1977/26218943 NINA DOBREV NAKED, 070, http://www.flickr.com/people/80061037@N02/ CHRISTINA HENDRICKS TITS, :-OO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79988632@N07/ VIDA GUERRA DESNUDA, 858, http://www.flickr.com/people/80983342@N03/ ANNA NICOLE SMITH SEX, pcdnan, http://dailybooth.com/phoesmolunam1974/26338357 AISHWARYA RAI BOOBS, feysqq, http://www.flickr.com/people/80924466@N07/ PARIS HILTON BIKINI, 8-[[[, http://dailybooth.com/cuirelele1972/26198990 CLAIRE SINCLAIR NUDE, 960003,
- 300 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/07/31(火) 09:14 ID:tBNkX04k
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://dailybooth.com/ripsubcdestcham1975/26453978 TORI BLACK ASS, ijpocl, http://dailybooth.com/anelerad1979/25967962 HEDY LAMARR NUDE, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/78867140@N06/ JESSICA STEEN NUDE, suk, http://dailybooth.com/persandcommo1981/25941399 ROXANNE MCKEE NUDE, bfo, http://dailybooth.com/zarichiri1980/26231359 SUNNY LEONE NUDE PICTURES, 8(((, http://www.flickr.com/people/80041443@N06/ STANA KATIC SEX, :), http://dailybooth.com/pezucloaccur1978/26179226 CHERYL HINES HOT, uwbcw, http://www.flickr.com/people/78928920@N06/ PAIGE TURCO NUDE, :OOO, http://www.flickr.com/people/79021002@N07/ BARBARA MORI SEX SCENE, 350, http://www.flickr.com/people/79461547@N04/ JENNIFER MORRISON SEX SCENE, dxumv, http://dailybooth.com/tertuguangpo1974/26302541 CHRISTINA HENDRICKS ASS, =-D, http://dailybooth.com/passdrogenem1974/25929571 DENISE CROSBY NUDE, =PPP,
- 301 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/03(金) 12:05 ID:yhu2YAjo
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://www.flickr.com/people/83626870@N02/ DAKOTA FANNING NUDE, wzjqfd, http://www.flickr.com/people/83668815@N08/ MEGAN FOX SEX TAPE, alurx, http://www.flickr.com/people/83627478@N05/ JENNETTE MCCURDY NAKED, =-))), http://www.flickr.com/people/83606758@N02/ LAUREN HOLLY NUDE, >:)), http://www.flickr.com/people/83643828@N06/ VICTORIA JUSTICE NUDE PICS, %[, http://www.flickr.com/people/83643108@N05/ ZAC EFRON NAKED, 43470, http://www.flickr.com/people/83597316@N02/ SOFIA VERGARA NUDE, :[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/83618088@N05/ KELLY REILLY NUDE, =(, http://www.flickr.com/people/83622598@N03/ ASHLEY TISDALE NUDE, %-(, http://www.flickr.com/people/83645684@N07/ BRENDA SONG NUDE, snc, http://www.flickr.com/people/83654914@N02/ KARI BYRON PORN, %[[[, http://www.flickr.com/people/83632590@N02/ LESLIE MANN NUDE, 015,
- 302 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/16(木) 17:57 ID:sFe47d3c
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://s8emmastonenudeih.tumblr.com EMMA STONE NUDE, :-(, http://cbkaribyronporn83.tumblr.com KARI BYRON PORN, uuj, http://xzkristinchenowethnudeg3.tumblr.com KRISTIN CHENOWETH NUDE, 62092, http://n5cobiesmuldershotcz.tumblr.com COBIE SMULDERS HOT, noe, http://nklesliemannnudei1.tumblr.com LESLIE MANN NUDE, >:-P, http://17saffronburrowsnudewb.tumblr.com SAFFRON BURROWS NUDE, pmy, http://xyangiedickinsonnudefx.tumblr.com ANGIE DICKINSON NUDE, %-]]], http://qiemilyosmentbikini6v.tumblr.com EMILY OSMENT BIKINI, 063358, http://lrmeganfoxporn91.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX PORN, 167, http://d6debbyryanporng5.tumblr.com DEBBY RYAN PORN, 8-OOO, http://vzemmawatsonpornez.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON PORN, 7795, http://irkatherineheiglnaked64.tumblr.com KATHERINE HEIGL NAKED, nabn,
- 303 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/16(木) 17:59 ID:FNb2Auwc
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://e4denisemilaninakedmq.tumblr.com DENISE MILANI NIPPLE SLIP, 6508, http://gjgemmaartertonnakedrl.tumblr.com GEMMA ARTERTON PORN, ash, http://kbdemilovatosextapebi.tumblr.com DEMI LOVATO SEX TAPE, 8]], http://5fsharonstonenakedoj.tumblr.com SHARON STONE NAKED PHOTOS, valxh, http://ybkatymixonnudeue.tumblr.com KATY MIXON NUDE PICTURES, tgt, http://0ykimkardashiannakedpics2f.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN SEX VIDEO, wsbf, http://1xtamarataylornakedrh.tumblr.com TAMARA TAYLOR BUSH, 8], http://2elucypunchnaked8d.tumblr.com LUCY PUNCH NAKED PICS, 21211, http://nmselenagomeznudefakesq3.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICS, ygf, http://4xjanetjacksonnaked3f.tumblr.com JANET JACKSON DESNUDA, tqww, http://p0lucypinderpornpb.tumblr.com LUCY PINDER NAKED PHOTOS, 3304, http://h5adrianalimasextape2a.tumblr.com ADRIANA LIMA NACKT, yidi, http://w9emmawatsonsextapecv.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON PUSSY, 8-OO,
- 304 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/16(木) 18:19 ID:cCFwcHaU
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://knsusanwardnudemg.tumblr.com SUSAN WARD NIPPLE SLIP, 880, http://x2haydenpanettierenude0f.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE SEX VIDEO, 3820, http://zwkellanlutznakedwz.tumblr.com KELLAN LUTZ NUDE PICTURES, ypoiz, http://ovcamillabellenudepics0t.tumblr.com CAMILLA BELLE FAKES, fywh, http://bjkeiraknightleynude42.tumblr.com KEIRA KNIGHTLEY TOPLESS, %P, http://x3marisatomeinuden7.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI SEX TAPE, izpnzy, http://folakebellnudew9.tumblr.com LAKE BELL NIPPLE SLIP, :-]], http://i6violanteplacidonudec3.tumblr.com VIOLANTE PLACIDO NAKED PHOTOS, 385, http://pjmelinapereznude02.tumblr.com MELINA PEREZ ASS, 640, http://odjuliannehoughnude5r.tumblr.com JULIANNE HOUGH DESNUDA, :-P, http://3bannapaquinnakedxq.tumblr.com ANNA PAQUIN PLAYBOY, hkg, http://6zsalmahayeknakednj.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK BOOBS, :-P,
- 305 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 03:20 ID:bEUNO5eI
- One condition would be that the groupblog would adopt your style. Similar to how the headfirst books have the same style but different writers. If you join the 37signals blog where you put up highly visual articles, in a see of more textual posts, you will still stand out., http://citildaswintonnudem8.tumblr.com TILDA SWINTON TITS, dizj, http://lxselenagomezboobses.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ BUTT, %-OOO, http://ljshakiranude3t.tumblr.com SHAKIRA IN A BIKINI, fdq, http://0jkristincavallarinudel7.tumblr.com KRISTIN CAVALLARI HOT PICS, hdps, http://9dhilaryduffnaked9q.tumblr.com HILARY DUFF NACKT, lxux, http://nmselenagomeznudefakesq3.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NACKT, luc, http://npalyssamilanonakedwa.tumblr.com ALYSSA MILANO NAKED PICS, 7901, http://3hchanningtatumnudesn.tumblr.com CHANNING TATUM NUDE PICTURES, :-P, http://4ekristenstewartnudepicsb8.tumblr.com KRISTEN STEWART NAKED PHOTOS, lbijhs, http://xgdanicamckellarnudeu5.tumblr.com DANICA MCKELLAR TOPLESS, aactf, http://53sandrabullocknude36.tumblr.com SANDRA BULLOCK PUSSY, jbvl, http://76camerondiazpornsa.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ NAKED PICTURES, jwk, http://3zscarlettjohanssontopless8m.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON FAKES, %-DDD,
- 306 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 03:39 ID:vs57uHO2
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://2aelishacuthbertnakedxo.tumblr.com ELISHA CUTHBERT BUTT, :-DD, http://7sericadurancenakedd6.tumblr.com ERICA DURANCE PLAYBOY, 500836, http://3zemmawatsonnudepicsmw.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON NACKT, ndyeoq, http://mbmariahcareyporn4n.tumblr.com MARIAH CAREY SEX VIDEO, =-DDD, http://a4carlaguginonude6s.tumblr.com CARLA GUGINO SEX VIDEO, 034901, http://27heatherlocklearnude8a.tumblr.com HEATHER LOCKLEAR NUDE PHOTOS, 3021, http://7tdemimoorenudey0.tumblr.com DEMI MOORE PLAYBOY, hieqjo, http://26mariaozawapornx9.tumblr.com MARIA OZAWA TITS, bkw, http://2ymichellewilliamsnudene.tumblr.com MICHELLE WILLIAMS PLAYBOY, wsk, http://zeashleytisdalesextapeul.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE NUDE PICS, 8-)), http://bzlaurapreponnaked6u.tumblr.com LAURA PREPON NUDE PICTURES, %P, http://r1ellenpagenudedv.tumblr.com ELLEN PAGE DESNUDA, 2138, http://6xtilatequilasexvideogs.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA NAKED PICTURES, =-(,
- 307 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 08:28 ID:72hJXG2E
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://6ajanefondanudecd.tumblr.com JANE FONDA NAKED PHOTOS, oor, http://hwsalmahayeksextape4q.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK BUSH, 44104, http://dlkellystablesnudets.tumblr.com KELLY STABLES SEX VIDEO, nacs, http://89helenmirrennakedl4.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN SEX SCENE, qra, http://pqdianelanenaked69.tumblr.com DIANE LANE NUDE PICTURES, 2690, http://8brashidajonesnudefr.tumblr.com RASHIDA JONES PLAYBOY, =DD, http://fqhilaryswanknudez8.tumblr.com HILARY SWANK BUTT, 8OOO, http://z7kimkardashiantoplessfl.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN SEX SCENE, 666540, http://mdzooeydeschanelnude8b.tumblr.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL NUDE PICTURES, dlzhey, http://0qjenniferlawrencenude9t.tumblr.com JENNIFER LAWRENCE SEX TAPE, >:-P, http://zuranimukherjeenudexn.tumblr.com RANI MUKHERJEE NUDE, :))), http://qxmarghelgenbergernude7o.tumblr.com MARG HELGENBERGER NUDE, 908202, http://nmselenagomeznudefakesq3.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICS, hxqo, http://61penelopecruznakedcr.tumblr.com PENELOPE CRUZ ASS, 8-))),
- 308 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 08:29 ID:lpzwrr8s
- I do hesitate to run with the other commenters that say you should monetize this, but you should make it at least a part-time passion where you are getting to stretch out on the things you write about, and then allow experiences to craft other posts., http://oramberheardnaked0c.tumblr.com AMBER HEARD NAKED, 9802, http://tvcobiesmuldersnudefe.tumblr.com COBIE SMULDERS NUDE, =DDD, http://rlnicoleeggertnudejn.tumblr.com NICOLE EGGERT NUDE, %-))), http://cwevamendesnudesw.tumblr.com EVA MENDES NUDE, =), http://p6aishwaryarainudeyn.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI NUDE, 4587, http://57christinaaguilerasextapetj.tumblr.com CHRISTINA AGUILERA SEX TAPE, %((, http://d9ashleytisdalepornqy.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE PORN, %-DDD, http://6jadriennebarbeaunudezs.tumblr.com ADRIENNE BARBEAU NUDE, 4876, http://wlkellybrookporn4r.tumblr.com KELLY BROOK PORN, luuycs, http://hkscarlettjohanssonsextapec1.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON SEX TAPE, >:-))), http://mdzooeydeschanelnude8b.tumblr.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL NUDE, >:-[, http://vtoliviawildenudenw.tumblr.com OLIVIA WILDE NUDE, %-OOO, http://wcnoureendewulfnudez2.tumblr.com NOUREEN DEWULF NUDE, =-(((, http://vqkaribyronnude8m.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NUDE, =-[[[,
- 309 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 08:58 ID:LqqcKKXw
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://vqkaribyronnude8m.tumblr.com KARI BYRON IN A BIKINI, 49801, http://gjkimkardashianfuckingbc.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NAKED PICS, quptz, http://v0jennettemccurdyhot97.tumblr.com JENNETTE MCCURDY IN A BIKINI, %(((, http://a1sunnyleonenude6x.tumblr.com SUNNY LEONE NUDE PICS, hik, http://zmjennifercoolidgenudepv.tumblr.com JENNIFER COOLIDGE BUSH, llbkq, http://6jadriennebarbeaunudezs.tumblr.com ADRIENNE BARBEAU SEX TAPE, 68397, http://nrmeganfoxnackt3x.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX DESNUDA, 14286, http://zwkellanlutznakedwz.tumblr.com KELLAN LUTZ NIPPLE SLIP, 8-))), http://j6kourtneykardashiannudely.tumblr.com KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN NIPPLE SLIP, 039338, http://7ydanadelanynudeha.tumblr.com DANA DELANY SEX TAPE, 596, http://b6ursulaandressnude4e.tumblr.com URSULA ANDRESS ASS, hsag, http://gklucyliunakedis.tumblr.com LUCY LIU PLAYBOY, %[[, http://b8jenniferellisonnudeek.tumblr.com JENNIFER ELLISON SEX VIDEO, 8D, http://yblindsaylohannudegn.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NIPPLE SLIP, bvdbj,
- 310 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 12:45 ID:lpzwrr8s
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://2eselenagomezpussyp3.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ PUSSY, kgyoc, http://aytilatequilaporneq.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA PORN, 689, http://nntarareidnudey4.tumblr.com TARA REID NUDE, aarb, http://f8jennettemccurdynakedes.tumblr.com JENNETTE MCCURDY NAKED, lvegn, http://dtvictoriajusticenude2f.tumblr.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NUDE, sayp, http://p8jamielynnspearsnakedat.tumblr.com JAMIE LYNN SPEARS NAKED, =-DD, http://b9britneyspearssextape55.tumblr.com BRITNEY SPEARS SEX TAPE, hjhh, http://8jhelenmirrennude20.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN NUDE, rjocc, http://30scarlettjohanssonporn6i.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON PORN, osr, http://tvcobiesmuldersnudefe.tumblr.com COBIE SMULDERS NUDE, :DD,
- 311 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 12:45 ID:72hJXG2E
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://gmmirandacosgroveporn03.tumblr.com MIRANDA COSGROVE ASS, 8760, http://jlsarahchalkenude9x.tumblr.com SARAH CHALKE SEX SCENE, 9946, http://bymelinakanakaredesnudepicsu8.tumblr.com MELINA KANAKAREDES NACKT, 8-(((, http://sihayleyatwellnudefp.tumblr.com HAYLEY ATWELL PUSSY, :-(((, http://e4evagreennaked6c.tumblr.com EVA GREEN NUDE PICTURES, 795, http://qsjaimepresslynakedf6.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY NAKED PICTURES, 8)), http://azfearnecottonnudeg8.tumblr.com FEARNE COTTON NACKT, 665, http://t3lindakozlowskinudejc.tumblr.com LINDA KOZLOWSKI DESNUDA, 8-DD, http://zgmariaozawasex0o.tumblr.com MARIA OZAWA NAKED PHOTOS, %-(((, http://yckatrinakaifpornx2.tumblr.com KATRINA KAIF NAKED PICTURES, bndx, http://0oannehathawayporn0g.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY HOT PICS, 6584,
- 312 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 13:11 ID:LqqcKKXw
- Is there a way use some sort of third party forum moderation to cut through this problem? Then you could go on in whatever way you are comfortable, your forums could coninue to buzz and anyone that's up to no good would hit a brick wall (or get a call from their local authorities, as appropriate). It's just a thought., http://3ccamillabellenude2d.tumblr.com CAMILLA BELLE NAKED PHOTOS, 8-[, http://b9britneyspearssextape55.tumblr.com BRITNEY SPEARS NUDE PHOTOS, yuqbvt, http://ebsalmahayektits8m.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK ASS, xjc, http://vkjanetjacksonnude0z.tumblr.com JANET JACKSON BUSH, psvxz, http://zzamysmartnakedw1.tumblr.com AMY SMART SEX TAPE, 810279, http://h9lilkimsextapens.tumblr.com LIL KIM BOOBS, 964, http://wzhelenabonhamcarternudekf.tumblr.com HELENA BONHAM CARTER IN A BIKINI, 428910, http://60sarahsilvermannakedpg.tumblr.com SARAH SILVERMAN SEX SCENE, 3109, http://e4evagreennaked6c.tumblr.com EVA GREEN NAKED PHOTOS, zrbin, http://w2shakirasextapeu0.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NUDE PICTURES, =[, http://fjadrianalimasexxq.tumblr.com ADRIANA LIMA NAKED PICS, 86504, http://01pagetbrewsternudezi.tumblr.com PAGET BREWSTER PLAYBOY, 966571,
- 313 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 15:39 ID:bEUNO5eI
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in., http://6osarahroemernudey1.tumblr.com SARAH ROEMER BUTT, :-[[, http://kfannalynnemccordnude0n.tumblr.com ANNALYNNE MCCORD NAKED PICS, fswb, http://ettorriewilsonnudect.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON DESNUDA, 93618, http://xtkareenakapoornudet7.tumblr.com KAREENA KAPOOR BOOBS, =PP, http://kvjenniferanistonnipplesj8.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTON BUSH, wlexy, http://iskimkardashianplayboypicswi.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN BOOBS, 49563, http://k9priyankachoprasexpk.tumblr.com PRIYANKA CHOPRA BUSH, ttnndw, http://4uselenagomeznakedyh.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NAKED PICTURES, bzi, http://p8hollywilloughbynakedxm.tumblr.com HOLLY WILLOUGHBY NAKED PICTURES, tniqq, http://qsjaimepresslynakedf6.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY DESNUDA, 580, http://mmelizadushkunudez9.tumblr.com ELIZA DUSHKU DESNUDA, ossu, http://bdemilybluntnudejm.tumblr.com EMILY BLUNT ASS, >:O,
- 314 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 15:52 ID:vs57uHO2
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://klmeganfoxnudepics60.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX NAKED PICTURES, stkljb, http://57christinaaguilerasextapetj.tumblr.com CHRISTINA AGUILERA TOPLESS, :-[[[, http://wpdemilovatonuderp.tumblr.com DEMI LOVATO TITS, 488, http://euravensymonenakedog.tumblr.com RAVEN SYMONE TOPLESS, 11710, http://vnsuzannesomersnude2p.tumblr.com SUZANNE SOMERS BUSH, osvc, http://cdjennafischernudesi.tumblr.com JENNA FISCHER NUDE PICTURES, 1512, http://1xtamarataylornakedrh.tumblr.com TAMARA TAYLOR SEX VIDEO, 52452, http://ozmariahcareynakedkt.tumblr.com MARIAH CAREY NAKED PHOTOS, dgq, http://elcassidyfreemannude03.tumblr.com CASSIDY FREEMAN NIPPLE SLIP, 722, http://ovcamillabellenudepics0t.tumblr.com CAMILLA BELLE SEX SCENE, vmwdwv, http://p6aishwaryarainudeyn.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI BUSH, freu, http://r9rebeccademornaynude0g.tumblr.com REBECCA DE MORNAY PUSSY, txvab,
- 315 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 16:19 ID:thDA0OZg
- Oodles of bloggers great and small would give a #1 Technorati rank (or insert personal thing of inestimable value here) to be able to host Kathy Sierra as a guest blogger. (Myself included.), http://vvkendrawilkinsonsextapeac.tumblr.com KENDRA WILKINSON TITS, :-OOO, http://7zjewelstaitenuder6.tumblr.com JEWEL STAITE SEX SCENE, %-DD, http://7wmilakunisnakedr7.tumblr.com MILA KUNIS NUDE PICTURES, 8], http://95alysonhannigannudexf.tumblr.com ALYSON HANNIGAN DESNUDA, 854, http://3jrosebyrnenude37.tumblr.com ROSE BYRNE SEX VIDEO, 690, http://evemilydeschanelnakedjl.tumblr.com EMILY DESCHANEL TOPLESS, iyex, http://wzhelenabonhamcarternudekf.tumblr.com HELENA BONHAM CARTER SEX TAPE, 426156, http://94kristenstewartnaked4q.tumblr.com KRISTEN STEWART NAKED PICTURES, dme, http://lrmeganfoxporn91.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX IN A BIKINI, dex, http://0tvanessamarcilnudef7.tumblr.com VANESSA MARCIL NIPPLE SLIP, idsn, http://16lucypindersextapels.tumblr.com LUCY PINDER TOPLESS, jdh, http://yetilatequilanakedb3.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA ASS, 8850,
- 316 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 20:39 ID:thDA0OZg
- Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande's idea isn't the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I'm not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that's the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., http://nuemmawatsonfakestd.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON NIPPLE SLIP, 72359, http://jgamandaholdensextapeen.tumblr.com AMANDA HOLDEN NIPPLE SLIP, =-O, http://tnshannendohertynude1d.tumblr.com SHANNEN DOHERTY HOT PICS, klfm, http://letiacarrerenudejq.tumblr.com TIA CARRERE NUDE PHOTOS, 8-D, http://tikimkardashiantits4d.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE, :]], http://ozmariahcareynakedkt.tumblr.com MARIAH CAREY NIPPLE SLIP, zvaj, http://2eselenagomezpussyp3.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ DESNUDA, >:-(((, http://v8rihannanudeix.tumblr.com RIHANNA NACKT, 0723, http://q5angelinajolietitsm8.tumblr.com ANGELINA JOLIE NUDE PICTURES, 26955, http://iskimkardashianplayboypicswi.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NAKED PICS, :-)),
- 317 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 21:14 ID:lpzwrr8s
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://vqkaribyronnude8m.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NUDE, 8-]]], http://nrmeganfoxnackt3x.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX NACKT, mxavq, http://shemilybluntnakedpc.tumblr.com EMILY BLUNT NAKED, sepzh, http://ywmalinakermannakedxo.tumblr.com MALIN AKERMAN NAKED, 552547, http://k6katdenningsnudesw.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS NUDE, :-O, http://tdtorriewilsonplayboyva.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON PLAYBOY, :]], http://hkscarlettjohanssonsextapec1.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON SEX TAPE, opahm, http://j6kourtneykardashiannudely.tumblr.com KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN NUDE, 43996, http://09marinasirtisnudeiy.tumblr.com MARINA SIRTIS NUDE, 719, http://z4brooklyndeckernudebl.tumblr.com BROOKLYN DECKER NUDE, 466809, http://y8selenagomeznudepics7k.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICS, >:-)),
- 318 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/17(金) 21:14 ID:72hJXG2E
- I always wondered if the Manchurian Candidate McLame would make an appearance. I think he is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, too., http://oisofiavergaratoplesscs.tumblr.com SOFIA VERGARA NUDE PICS, 6777, http://pjnatashahenstridgenudeaz.tumblr.com NATASHA HENSTRIDGE SEX SCENE, =(((, http://k2deepikapadukonenudefz.tumblr.com DEEPIKA PADUKONE PUSSY, 70024, http://8epamelaandersonsexvideo80.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON TOPLESS, 280, http://f2reesewitherspoonnudeob.tumblr.com REESE WITHERSPOON NUDE, 4890, http://jmclairedanesnude9p.tumblr.com CLAIRE DANES ASS, :-((, http://z4brooklyndeckernudebl.tumblr.com BROOKLYN DECKER ASS, 6683, http://wlkellybrookporn4r.tumblr.com KELLY BROOK SEX VIDEO, 36624, http://94megryannudehc.tumblr.com MEG RYAN HOT PICS, dzmk, http://4xjanetjacksonnaked3f.tumblr.com JANET JACKSON PLAYBOY, 89120, http://qpamyadamsnakedwu.tumblr.com AMY ADAMS PLAYBOY, 233383, http://8gannanicolesmithnudeqr.tumblr.com ANNA NICOLE SMITH NUDE PICTURES, >:-D, http://qxmarghelgenbergernude7o.tumblr.com MARG HELGENBERGER FAKES, =-))),
- 319 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 00:28 ID:osrk4awA
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://axemmarobertsnudew2.tumblr.com EMMA ROBERTS PUSSY, >:OOO, http://q9daniellefishelnudeii.tumblr.com DANIELLE FISHEL ASS, :-P, http://fsvidyabalannudevq.tumblr.com VIDYA BALAN SEX SCENE, %-), http://4qluisanalopilatonude0j.tumblr.com LUISANA LOPILATO NAKED PICTURES, tueuj, http://4xjanetjacksonnaked3f.tumblr.com JANET JACKSON PLAYBOY, 5415, http://gqdemilovatonaked0z.tumblr.com DEMI LOVATO SEX SCENE, oxvng, http://x9marisatomeinakedjo.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI NUDE PICTURES, dyzs, http://qemariskahargitaynudebr.tumblr.com MARISKA HARGITAY NUDE PICTURES, %O, http://lxselenagomezboobses.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ BOOBS, :DDD, http://zuranimukherjeenudexn.tumblr.com RANI MUKHERJEE NUDE, >:]], http://4vselawardnude33.tumblr.com SELA WARD NUDE PHOTOS, wbciqa, http://09marinasirtisnudeiy.tumblr.com MARINA SIRTIS PUSSY, 25717, http://92vanessahudgenssextapexn.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS NAKED PHOTOS, 8-]]],
- 320 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 00:28 ID:.j7mumOs
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://r2jessicabielnakedpg.tumblr.com JESSICA BIEL NAKED, 06693, http://dtvictoriajusticenude2f.tumblr.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NUDE, 8-PP, http://3zdianelanenude96.tumblr.com DIANE LANE NUDE, 62969, http://quhollymadisonnudexw.tumblr.com HOLLY MADISON NUDE, voddh, http://0qmaggielawsonnudewx.tumblr.com MAGGIE LAWSON NUDE, 1540, http://m0jennymccarthyporne3.tumblr.com JENNY MCCARTHY PORN, eeoep, http://r7amandarighettinude2r.tumblr.com AMANDA RIGHETTI NUDE, saxpzc, http://fypaulapattonnudezn.tumblr.com PAULA PATTON NUDE, 007, http://2urachelmcadamsnudeph.tumblr.com RACHEL MCADAMS NUDE, 741063, http://rjmeganfoxnudehb.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX NUDE, =), http://yggemmaatkinsonnude7i.tumblr.com GEMMA ATKINSON NUDE, 28204,
- 321 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 00:33 ID:DrsBjgeU
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://4eamberheardnudeo9.tumblr.com AMBER HEARD TOPLESS, 089811, http://afmeganfoxsextape3r.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX SEX VIDEO, 02484, http://crmonicapotternudeyf.tumblr.com MONICA POTTER NUDE PICS, 84507, http://nuemmawatsonfakestd.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON NAKED PHOTOS, ufvh, http://rjmeganfoxnudehb.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX HOT PICS, 8-DD, http://53sandrabullocknude36.tumblr.com SANDRA BULLOCK SEX TAPE, :DDD, http://o2vanessahudgenssexvideo12.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS BOOBS, nuv, http://inpauleyperrettenude08.tumblr.com PAULEY PERRETTE NIPPLE SLIP, dqxjuf, http://mdzooeydeschanelnude8b.tumblr.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL BUSH, nihw, http://qsjaimepresslynakedf6.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY SEX TAPE, 8-], http://o1hilaryduffporn4m.tumblr.com HILARY DUFF SEX TAPE, =O,
- 322 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 00:46 ID:t7e4fUnE
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://suyvonnestrahovskinude73.tumblr.com YVONNE STRAHOVSKI ASS, 057, http://d1bonniewrightnudeo2.tumblr.com BONNIE WRIGHT NUDE PHOTOS, 45675, http://dcisabellucasnudepm.tumblr.com ISABEL LUCAS PLAYBOY, kkovw, http://xbjessicalangenudeu0.tumblr.com JESSICA LANGE SEX VIDEO, %PPP, http://35kirstiealleynudep5.tumblr.com KIRSTIE ALLEY TOPLESS, 8-)), http://a2emmawatsonboobsbk.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON TITS, 1634, http://5pbrittanymurphynudeab.tumblr.com BRITTANY MURPHY DESNUDA, wumvki, http://i9jaimepresslynudej2.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY SEX SCENE, 637755, http://5ojessicasimpsonnaked7m.tumblr.com JESSICA SIMPSON TITS, >:)), http://lwparishiltonpussywo.tumblr.com PARIS HILTON IN A BIKINI, >:)), http://69emmastonenaked3g.tumblr.com EMMA STONE NUDE PICTURES, :-]]], http://uslaraduttanude0g.tumblr.com LARA DUTTA NUDE PICTURES, =-D, http://3zemmawatsonnudepicsmw.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON BOOBS, zuko,
- 323 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 00:50 ID:IHU4HtCA
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://gklucyliunakedis.tumblr.com LUCY LIU FAKES, %PPP, http://a1mariahcareynude1y.tumblr.com MARIAH CAREY NIPPLE SLIP, foxl, http://xzkristinchenowethnudeg3.tumblr.com KRISTIN CHENOWETH ASS, 4628, http://fodianekrugernakedzm.tumblr.com DIANE KRUGER DESNUDA, 083911, http://tdtorriewilsonplayboyva.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON ASS, 96715, http://s3kaceybarnfieldnudew2.tumblr.com KACEY BARNFIELD TITS, =-(, http://ybkatymixonnudeue.tumblr.com KATY MIXON SEX VIDEO, 785, http://movanessahudgensnudepics1c.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS NAKED PICTURES, 7543, http://sglindacardellininudesk.tumblr.com LINDA CARDELLINI TITS, 054, http://fumichellemonaghannudeab.tumblr.com MICHELLE MONAGHAN BOOBS, pit, http://m8stephaniemcmahonnudeen.tumblr.com STEPHANIE MCMAHON NAKED PICS, 470, http://yggemmaatkinsonnude7i.tumblr.com GEMMA ATKINSON NUDE PICTURES, yxab,
- 324 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 02:04 ID:0oYNnyck
- Kathy, the content you have graciously shared with us every once in a while is both inspiring and entertaining. And a blog is the perfect medium for this. A lot of the content is about your style and creative personality. Thus, I would rule out the community-based ideas. I would probably only read your stuff anyway., http://36siennamillernudegx.tumblr.com SIENNA MILLER SEX VIDEO, wya, http://azfearnecottonnudeg8.tumblr.com FEARNE COTTON NIPPLE SLIP, 8-)), http://femaggiegyllenhaalnudelm.tumblr.com MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL NAKED PHOTOS, tbrk, http://g3chynasextape5i.tumblr.com CHYNA PLAYBOY, 33133, http://gklaurasangiacomonude9f.tumblr.com LAURA SAN GIACOMO NUDE PHOTOS, %)), http://zlalessandraambrosionude01.tumblr.com ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO NIPPLE SLIP, >:), http://53sandrabullocknude36.tumblr.com SANDRA BULLOCK PLAYBOY, zlcj, http://xzkristinchenowethnudeg3.tumblr.com KRISTIN CHENOWETH HOT PICS, 780, http://qiemilyosmentbikini6v.tumblr.com EMILY OSMENT SEX TAPE, 870217, http://hzcarlaguginonaked32.tumblr.com CARLA GUGINO NIPPLE SLIP, 866130, http://7okathrynmorrisnude7i.tumblr.com KATHRYN MORRIS TITS, 78770, http://ppvinessashawnude9y.tumblr.com VINESSA SHAW SEX VIDEO, 4265, http://lgrosiepereznudebu.tumblr.com ROSIE PEREZ TITS, :DD,
- 325 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 19:23 ID:DrsBjgeU
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://1arobintunneynude4z.tumblr.com ROBIN TUNNEY NUDE PICS, :-)), http://zpsarahchalkenakedpb.tumblr.com SARAH CHALKE SEX VIDEO, zga, http://3zemmawatsonnudepicsmw.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON HOT PICS, %DD, http://8jhelenmirrennude20.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN SEX SCENE, 38794, http://xyangiedickinsonnudefx.tumblr.com ANGIE DICKINSON BUTT, ovec, http://movanessahudgensnudepics1c.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS PUSSY, bakdf, http://k9priyankachoprasexpk.tumblr.com PRIYANKA CHOPRA BUTT, oxrxc, http://b7kellyhunudevl.tumblr.com KELLY HU PORN, 431, http://aqpatriciaheatonnudemo.tumblr.com PATRICIA HEATON TITS, 2236, http://4eislafishernakedba.tumblr.com ISLA FISHER SEX TAPE, 2782, http://17saffronburrowsnudewb.tumblr.com SAFFRON BURROWS NACKT, ogevk, http://0bkerrywashingtonnude29.tumblr.com KERRY WASHINGTON TOPLESS, betb,
- 326 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/19(日) 19:34 ID:IHU4HtCA
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://psdemimoorenakedyd.tumblr.com DEMI MOORE NUDE PICTURES, 8(, http://parachelnicholsnude5e.tumblr.com RACHEL NICHOLS BUSH, 894, http://0oannehathawayporn0g.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY DESNUDA, 03056, http://g1haydenpanettierenakedbt.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE HOT PICS, :-]], http://5pbrittanymurphynudeab.tumblr.com BRITTANY MURPHY ASS, bjz, http://2hkimkardashianboobs8d.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE, jfeq, http://y5chynapornak.tumblr.com CHYNA BUTT, ywx, http://e1allisonmacknudeg1.tumblr.com ALLISON MACK SEX TAPE, acd, http://ecemmyrossumnudenb.tumblr.com EMMY ROSSUM BOOBS, jjq, http://0vtiffaniamberthiessennudeu4.tumblr.com TIFFANI AMBER THIESSEN TOPLESS, tkqhj,
- 327 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 08:09 ID:S/wKX96c
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://v9kristindavissextapedp.tumblr.com KRISTIN DAVIS SEX TAPE, 37310, http://ggconstancemarienude65.tumblr.com CONSTANCE MARIE NUDE, 694511, http://cbkaribyronporn83.tumblr.com KARI BYRON PORN, hfaqg, http://76camerondiazpornsa.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ PORN, buo, http://uvminkakellynudeym.tumblr.com MINKA KELLY NUDE, %(((, http://a0juliebowennakedns.tumblr.com JULIE BOWEN NAKED, 78021, http://4qluisanalopilatonude0j.tumblr.com LUISANA LOPILATO NUDE, :-OOO, http://ettorriewilsonnudect.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON NUDE, 8563, http://npalyssamilanonakedwa.tumblr.com ALYSSA MILANO NAKED, =-[[[, http://jmclairedanesnude9p.tumblr.com CLAIRE DANES NUDE, uqy, http://cnlindsaylohantitsgg.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN TITS, %-((, http://q9daniellefishelnudeii.tumblr.com DANIELLE FISHEL NUDE, >:-PPP,
- 328 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 08:10 ID:74zE72qY
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://tzhalleberrynakedw9.tumblr.com HALLE BERRY NAKED PICS, nig, http://zwkellanlutznakedwz.tumblr.com KELLAN LUTZ NAKED, yim, http://65rachelbilsonnude2w.tumblr.com RACHEL BILSON NAKED PHOTOS, faaofx, http://gsmarilynmonroenakedy9.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE SEX VIDEO, >:-OOO, http://ovcamillabellenudepics0t.tumblr.com CAMILLA BELLE HOT PICS, :-], http://6zsalmahayeknakednj.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK HOT PICS, iufrbp, http://ocjuliannemoorenude8l.tumblr.com JULIANNE MOORE ASS, 231816, http://vpmirandacosgrovefakeszp.tumblr.com MIRANDA COSGROVE BUTT, 659183, http://h4laceychabertnudenh.tumblr.com LACEY CHABERT FAKES, 78604, http://x9marisatomeinakedjo.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI NAKED, 422940,
- 329 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 08:11 ID:gHtFsw.c
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://kukimkardashiannude8r.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN DESNUDA, fzx, http://lzmischabartonnuden9.tumblr.com MISCHA BARTON BOOBS, lzskd, http://a4carlaguginonude6s.tumblr.com CARLA GUGINO NUDE PICS, 763, http://euravensymonenakedog.tumblr.com RAVEN SYMONE PLAYBOY, azxtl, http://uemeganfoxpussypq.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX SEX VIDEO, 060577, http://yjemmawatsonhotl2.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON BUTT, zrqhu, http://cvevetorresnaked75.tumblr.com EVE TORRES NACKT, 67892, http://l7vannawhitenude2q.tumblr.com VANNA WHITE NUDE PICTURES, >:-PP, http://q5juliebowennude9d.tumblr.com JULIE BOWEN PORN, figao, http://z9careymulligannudeyv.tumblr.com CAREY MULLIGAN NAKED PICTURES, 1431, http://y6vanessahudgensnudecn.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS NACKT, 8[[, http://6cjenniferanistonpornad.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTON NUDE PICS, 758, http://amkatebosworthnudevy.tumblr.com KATE BOSWORTH BUSH, 11198, http://3zemmawatsonnudepicsmw.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON NAKED PICTURES, >:],
- 330 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 16:28 ID:gHtFsw.c
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://b2kimkardashiansexgh.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PHOTOS, 8)), http://u3emilyosmentnudegu.tumblr.com EMILY OSMENT HOT PICS, 032388, http://4vlindsaylohannudepicsm3.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN PORN, 314449, http://ztrihannaporndl.tumblr.com RIHANNA SEX SCENE, 32525, http://lushannonelizabethnakedc2.tumblr.com SHANNON ELIZABETH FAKES, 746, http://arellemacphersonnudegm.tumblr.com ELLE MACPHERSON BOOBS, =O, http://h9olgakurylenkonudesx.tumblr.com OLGA KURYLENKO DESNUDA, xcaab, http://fscrystalharrisnudeax.tumblr.com CRYSTAL HARRIS PLAYBOY, %(, http://gzvictoriajusticenudepicsw8.tumblr.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NAKED PHOTOS, 19694, http://nhjennettemccurdynude8h.tumblr.com JENNETTE MCCURDY PUSSY, vch, http://nvvictoriajusticenakedug.tumblr.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NAKED PICS, qgn, http://17saffronburrowsnudewb.tumblr.com SAFFRON BURROWS NIPPLE SLIP, eoqc,
- 331 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 16:39 ID:2z5lG44I
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://6zsalmahayeknakednj.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK NUDE PICS, dnxzsc, http://b8jenniferellisonnudeek.tumblr.com JENNIFER ELLISON SEX TAPE, iymhzf, http://x9emilyosmentpornuv.tumblr.com EMILY OSMENT NIPPLE SLIP, :-)), http://f4teresapalmernudeyl.tumblr.com TERESA PALMER TOPLESS, euduci, http://60jennymccarthynudeyg.tumblr.com JENNY MCCARTHY PLAYBOY, urm, http://knelizabethbanksnude3o.tumblr.com ELIZABETH BANKS NUDE PHOTOS, 724, http://6ajanefondanudecd.tumblr.com JANE FONDA SEX SCENE, 756, http://35kirstiealleynudep5.tumblr.com KIRSTIE ALLEY PORN, =-(((, http://69emmastonenaked3g.tumblr.com EMMA STONE NAKED PICS, bhvq, http://nakatrinakaifnaked2b.tumblr.com KATRINA KAIF SEX SCENE, 8-]]], http://esdemimoorebushxg.tumblr.com DEMI MOORE PORN, 7472, http://djmariasharapovanudees.tumblr.com MARIA SHARAPOVA TITS, 396, http://sihayleyatwellnudefp.tumblr.com HAYLEY ATWELL HOT PICS, uroc,
- 332 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/20(月) 16:44 ID:wqpkScUs
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://lbalexisdzienanudefm.tumblr.com ALEXIS DZIENA NAKED PHOTOS, qycga, http://ssmonicabelluccinaked38.tumblr.com MONICA BELLUCCI NAKED PHOTOS, 82370, http://3zdianelanenude96.tumblr.com DIANE LANE SEX VIDEO, 703448, http://xgdanicamckellarnudeu5.tumblr.com DANICA MCKELLAR PORN, 743948, http://bwsalmahayekbreastul.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK BUSH, =-(((, http://bumollysimsnude0a.tumblr.com MOLLY SIMS NUDE PICTURES, =DDD, http://imellenbarkinnude0z.tumblr.com ELLEN BARKIN TOPLESS, xmh, http://fodianekrugernakedzm.tumblr.com DIANE KRUGER PORN, 443042, http://kfannalynnemccordnude0n.tumblr.com ANNALYNNE MCCORD SEX VIDEO, ttxniu, http://4iconstancemarienakedge.tumblr.com CONSTANCE MARIE NAKED PHOTOS, 0911,
- 333 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 00:04 ID:5pnad.Bo
- I do think that by working in a team, it will make it easier for you. The passion moves away from you and to the team of writers, the hate will move with it. Being a part of a groupblog would be a good solution., http://p2jaimiealexandernudezl.tumblr.com JAIMIE ALEXANDER SEX VIDEO, 3973, http://44lanaparrillanudelt.tumblr.com LANA PARRILLA BOOBS, 8052, http://9dblakelivelytitsrs.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY NAKED PICS, =], http://x9reonkadenanudel8.tumblr.com REON KADENA FAKES, 77996, http://12brianaevigannudenp.tumblr.com BRIANA EVIGAN NUDE PICS, 135, http://jrnataliaverbekedesnudad4.tumblr.com NATALIA VERBEKE NUDE PICTURES, nxgrjo, http://gojennifergarnerdesnudark.tumblr.com JENNIFER GARNER SEX TAPE, 27266, http://3oalisonbrieboobs6f.tumblr.com ALISON BRIE BOOBS, 54396, http://qmlorrainebracconudeeg.tumblr.com LORRAINE BRACCO NACKT, 9047, http://n1sonyawalgernudeuc.tumblr.com SONYA WALGER NAKED PHOTOS, 6583, http://bgdavinamccallnudety.tumblr.com DAVINA MCCALL TITS, >:-[, http://a3alexandradaddarionakedxd.tumblr.com ALEXANDRA DADDARIO NAKED PHOTOS, 666,
- 334 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 00:06 ID:3dEYfmo2
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://unann-margretnude51.tumblr.com ANN-MARGRET NUDE PHOTOS, 382190, http://aymarisatomeisexscenedk.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI NUDE PHOTOS, gkep, http://ulcherylcolefakesgm.tumblr.com CHERYL COLE SEX TAPE, 24990, http://f9sarahconnornude8i.tumblr.com SARAH CONNOR SEX TAPE, =((, http://0rallisonmillernudewh.tumblr.com ALLISON MILLER SEX TAPE, 917, http://3eannafarissexscenesn.tumblr.com ANNA FARIS TOPLESS, 539022, http://unann-margretnude51.tumblr.com ANN-MARGRET ASS, 105, http://emrachelmcadamssexscene6f.tumblr.com RACHEL MCADAMS PUSSY, 94193, http://fvgiselebundchendesnudadf.tumblr.com GISELE BUNDCHEN IN A BIKINI, %-(((, http://xpkimbasingerplayboy8k.tumblr.com KIM BASINGER IN A BIKINI, gmlde, http://oyautumnreesersexsceneq4.tumblr.com AUTUMN REESER SEX TAPE, 172,
- 335 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 00:09 ID:jWLaFkf2
- I always wondered if the Manchurian Candidate McLame would make an appearance. I think he is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, too., http://irrosiehuntington-whiteleyhottc.tumblr.com ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY IN A BIKINI, 418, http://c6clairedanesnudelk.tumblr.com CLAIRE DANES NAKED PICS, ftow, http://37pamelaandersonsextapeyj.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON SEX SCENE, 687, http://romarilynmonroenakedvb.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE HOT PICS, 8(, http://9tvanessahudgensporn5u.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS SEX SCENE, :D, http://34emilyosmenthotri.tumblr.com EMILY OSMENT SEX TAPE, 051145, http://vxkateuptonnudesb.tumblr.com KATE UPTON IN A BIKINI, :-[, http://vwkellyrowlandnude9i.tumblr.com KELLY ROWLAND SEX TAPE, 8-(, http://brcharlizetheronplayboylm.tumblr.com CHARLIZE THERON IN A BIKINI, jong, http://rioliviamunnnakedgd.tumblr.com OLIVIA MUNN NACKT, fgmhf, http://o3meganfoxnackt13.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX NAKED PICTURES, 8844,
- 336 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 00:14 ID:3lnFjMW2
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://hyandreasawatzkinudeua.tumblr.com ANDREA SAWATZKI BUTT, wzyxv, http://ngjuliannemoorenude30.tumblr.com JULIANNE MOORE NAKED PICS, 8DDD, http://weamyadamssexyp.tumblr.com AMY ADAMS PORN, >:O, http://k1natalieportmanporn7e.tumblr.com NATALIE PORTMAN NUDE PHOTOS, :)), http://ryjenniferanistonsexx0.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTON NAKED PICTURES, efunqd, http://64mirandacosgrovepornuh.tumblr.com MIRANDA COSGROVE NAKED PICS, =(((, http://huemmawatsonnudepictures0l.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON SEX VIDEO, 2605, http://0vrachelmcadamsnakedik.tumblr.com RACHEL MCADAMS NIPPLE SLIP, ibcy, http://ykelizabethbanksnude0g.tumblr.com ELIZABETH BANKS NUDE PICS, nauhl, http://4kgemmaatkinsonnaked7y.tumblr.com GEMMA ATKINSON SEX VIDEO, gzvz, http://dwlucyliunudewt.tumblr.com LUCY LIU TITS, 8[, http://o9selenagomeznakediz.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ SEX VIDEO, >:DDD, http://p3amberrosenudepicturesec.tumblr.com AMBER ROSE IN A BIKINI, 928, http://f8kristenbellnudeo3.tumblr.com KRISTEN BELL BUSH, irclpb,
- 337 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 00:26 ID:ehVlhbFI
- I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., http://0zstanakatichotgz.tumblr.com STANA KATIC NUDE PHOTOS, 104866, http://xwjenniferlopezfakesxh.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOPEZ SEX VIDEO, 9267, http://wvoliviawildenakedb8.tumblr.com OLIVIA WILDE BOOBS, 026, http://kapamelaandersonsexvideo7b.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON PUSSY, xtxsdk, http://m2selenagomezdesnuda89.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ FAKES, 8511, http://5bnehadhupiahot3l.tumblr.com NEHA DHUPIA TITS, >:-OO, http://3bvanessahudgensnudepics75.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS NACKT, zet, http://d1lilycoleplayboy70.tumblr.com LILY COLE DESNUDA, 16812, http://6wevamendesbikinis1.tumblr.com EVA MENDES NACKT, %-), http://o0imogenthomasnude8t.tumblr.com IMOGEN THOMAS BUTT, 2592, http://k7keeleyhazellnude1m.tumblr.com KEELEY HAZELL DESNUDA, 8-P, http://azkellykellynakeduq.tumblr.com KELLY KELLY IN A BIKINI, mjj, http://9nchristyhemmenudete.tumblr.com CHRISTY HEMME BUTT, 8599, http://c6rihannabikinijx.tumblr.com RIHANNA BUTT, rff,
- 338 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 01:36 ID:d0vqa0zA
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://b5courtneyfordnudefy.tumblr.com COURTNEY FORD NUDE PHOTOS, :)), http://nuamandatappingsex5i.tumblr.com AMANDA TAPPING BUSH, aue, http://qgangelinapivarnicknude6k.tumblr.com ANGELINA PIVARNICK NIPPLE SLIP, :PPP, http://tomelorahardinnudesq.tumblr.com MELORA HARDIN NAKED PICTURES, xjpafu, http://jdjeannetripplehornnakedw1.tumblr.com JEANNE TRIPPLEHORN PLAYBOY, anwk, http://u2kristyswansonplayboy86.tumblr.com KRISTY SWANSON TOPLESS, pqzg, http://mkshakiranacktve.tumblr.com SHAKIRA BUTT, 105, http://f5amysmartdesnudasz.tumblr.com AMY SMART NACKT, ztx, http://w8melanielynskeynudela.tumblr.com MELANIE LYNSKEY TITS, pskg, http://hnnancytravisnudeqj.tumblr.com NANCY TRAVIS BUTT, 299933, http://zxcamillegrammernudeb8.tumblr.com CAMILLE GRAMMER SEX TAPE, wlkuz, http://knsophiemarceaunudekw.tumblr.com SOPHIE MARCEAU BUTT, 039525, http://7odawnporternudetf.tumblr.com DAWN PORTER SEX VIDEO, 85206, http://7kjillianmurraynuded5.tumblr.com JILLIAN MURRAY BOOBS, 8-OOO,
- 339 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 02:16 ID:jWLaFkf2
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://h8annafarisnudepicskc.tumblr.com ANNA FARIS NUDE PHOTOS, gghuk, http://u0olgakurylenkonudee7.tumblr.com OLGA KURYLENKO NAKED PHOTOS, fesb, http://eeamandacrewnude3t.tumblr.com AMANDA CREW NUDE PICS, 98392, http://7yhalleberrynacktuo.tumblr.com HALLE BERRY TOPLESS, 353069, http://yrlivtylernudelr.tumblr.com LIV TYLER SEX SCENE, %-[[, http://z8millajovovichnudevm.tumblr.com MILLA JOVOVICH TITS, 8-]]], http://fbmarilynmonroeplayboyso.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE PLAYBOY, lls, http://v4leightonmeesternudeh2.tumblr.com LEIGHTON MEESTER HOT PICS, 8O, http://f6angelinajolienakedpicsbk.tumblr.com ANGELINA JOLIE NUDE PICS, 74072, http://40jessiejnudez9.tumblr.com JESSIE J ASS, 437, http://jfmarilynmonroenude77.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE SEX TAPE, >:-[, http://gckeiraknightleysexvz.tumblr.com KEIRA KNIGHTLEY PUSSY, ydqfm, http://8ileightonmeestersextapev4.tumblr.com LEIGHTON MEESTER SEX VIDEO, ctouqo, http://kekaribyronnakedov.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NUDE PICTURES, 8OO,
- 340 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 02:17 ID:5pnad.Bo
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://6nembethdavidtznude1z.tumblr.com EMBETH DAVIDTZ SEX TAPE, %-((, http://5vkarenallennudeuc.tumblr.com KAREN ALLEN PLAYBOY, ahpli, http://9rmichelleborthnudew9.tumblr.com MICHELLE BORTH BUTT, ewq, http://w6lesleyannwarrennudeua.tumblr.com LESLEY ANN WARREN SEX TAPE, fmxll, http://rlbrigittenielsennudek4.tumblr.com BRIGITTE NIELSEN NAKED PICTURES, >:-PPP, http://rechelansimmonsnudexy.tumblr.com CHELAN SIMMONS BOOBS, =-(((, http://udmarshathomasonnudemp.tumblr.com MARSHA THOMASON BUTT, =-[, http://8fvannawhiteplayboy64.tumblr.com VANNA WHITE SEX SCENE, mjr, http://uafarrahfawcettnudeno.tumblr.com FARRAH FAWCETT ASS, %D, http://l8cherylladdnudelt.tumblr.com CHERYL LADD TOPLESS, =], http://8eannafalchihot8v.tumblr.com ANNA FALCHI TOPLESS, fqawoi,
- 341 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 06:09 ID:d0vqa0zA
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://mgambertamblynnudewo.tumblr.com AMBER TAMBLYN NAKED PICS, sbbprh, http://8zroxannemckeenude4e.tumblr.com ROXANNE MCKEE TOPLESS, 7157, http://g1montanafishburnesextapejs.tumblr.com MONTANA FISHBURNE HOT PICS, :], http://7odawnporternudetf.tumblr.com DAWN PORTER PUSSY, >:-OO, http://pdoliviahusseynudehq.tumblr.com OLIVIA HUSSEY NUDE PHOTOS, 9645, http://9kleighallynbakerbreastjq.tumblr.com LEIGH ALLYN BAKER BUTT, %-[[[, http://cxkatebeckinsaledesnudalc.tumblr.com KATE BECKINSALE NAKED PICTURES, qoqf, http://xqpauleyperrettehotc4.tumblr.com PAULEY PERRETTE BUSH, 966247, http://thjessicajaneclementplayboyz0.tumblr.com JESSICA JANE CLEMENT SEX SCENE, 8[[[, http://ulcherylcolefakesgm.tumblr.com CHERYL COLE BUSH, cbhbgv, http://d1juliannemooresexscenezw.tumblr.com JULIANNE MOORE FAKES, 1453, http://4eerikaeleniakdesnuda1o.tumblr.com ERIKA ELENIAK NACKT, vzlrz,
- 342 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 09:09 ID:jWLaFkf2
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://c4emmawatsonfake78.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON SEX SCENE, 165050, http://96katiepricenudehh.tumblr.com KATIE PRICE NUDE PICTURES, :-DDD, http://4tkristindavissextapepc.tumblr.com KRISTIN DAVIS PORN, 75022, http://cfsunnyleonenudemt.tumblr.com SUNNY LEONE NUDE PHOTOS, 914, http://glpamelaandersonnudem1.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON NAKED PHOTOS, >:PP, http://rmsofiavergaradesnudaw8.tumblr.com SOFIA VERGARA SEX VIDEO, =-OOO, http://kbericadurancehotmt.tumblr.com ERICA DURANCE DESNUDA, 8-OOO, http://s0debbyryannakedlp.tumblr.com DEBBY RYAN PLAYBOY, 8961, http://mtshakirahoty7.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NUDE PHOTOS, 34976, http://j3luisanalopilatonudek5.tumblr.com LUISANA LOPILATO NAKED PHOTOS, =O, http://qugemmaartertonhot5a.tumblr.com GEMMA ARTERTON NIPPLE SLIP, %-[, http://qvvanessahudgenshotw0.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS ASS, 470717,
- 343 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 09:10 ID:5pnad.Bo
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://dknatalyarudakovanudexm.tumblr.com NATALYA RUDAKOVA SEX VIDEO, 8], http://sigoldiehawnnaked9d.tumblr.com GOLDIE HAWN SEX VIDEO, xoap, http://twselawardnude0l.tumblr.com SELA WARD NUDE PICS, ktz, http://apcatherinedeneuvenudeg5.tumblr.com CATHERINE DENEUVE NAKED PICS, 6982, http://0gloriloughlinnuder8.tumblr.com LORI LOUGHLIN PUSSY, zcyyw, http://65vanessahudgensnacktvh.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS SEX VIDEO, rwkao, http://analexadavalosnude9n.tumblr.com ALEXA DAVALOS NUDE PICTURES, >:PPP, http://tmlizzycaplannudex9.tumblr.com LIZZY CAPLAN BUTT, >:[[, http://cqdollypartontitsbk.tumblr.com DOLLY PARTON BUSH, 38566, http://12brianaevigannudenp.tumblr.com BRIANA EVIGAN HOT PICS, 767802,
- 344 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 13:41 ID:jWLaFkf2
- Maybe the private blog is the way to go, though I suspect you'd need some time to get revved up for that. The pod/video angle sounds great, but that raises a lot of other questions. And it loses the immediacy that you enjoyed so long, which is one of the most unfortunate losses in all this., http://uekatymixonnudev4.tumblr.com KATY MIXON BOOBS, wyyomp, http://rkmarisatomeinude1u.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI SEX VIDEO, xer, http://8ileightonmeestersextapev4.tumblr.com LEIGHTON MEESTER BOOBS, 9197, http://xajessicaalbaassdb.tumblr.com JESSICA ALBA IN A BIKINI, 439277, http://0uleahremininudewt.tumblr.com LEAH REMINI NAKED PHOTOS, 811, http://ddbarrefaelisexob.tumblr.com BAR REFAELI NAKED PHOTOS, %-(((, http://zgmonicabelluccinaked0k.tumblr.com MONICA BELLUCCI DESNUDA, rzs, http://9nfergiepussydu.tumblr.com FERGIE BUSH, %-], http://d2kimkardashianbikini5x.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN TOPLESS, >:-[, http://z8millajovovichnudevm.tumblr.com MILLA JOVOVICH NUDE PHOTOS, 1576,
- 345 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 13:42 ID:5pnad.Bo
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://dnericadurancedesnudaxj.tumblr.com ERICA DURANCE TITS, 187511, http://rqstephaniemcmahonnaked4u.tumblr.com STEPHANIE MCMAHON NUDE PICS, yag, http://totonyahardingsextapew5.tumblr.com TONYA HARDING FAKES, esdz, http://mtfelicityjonesnude9v.tumblr.com FELICITY JONES NUDE PICTURES, :))), http://w3kateysagalhotkm.tumblr.com KATEY SAGAL NAKED PHOTOS, 85199, http://lwalilandrynude96.tumblr.com ALI LANDRY NUDE PICTURES, =-[, http://vclakebelltoplessdj.tumblr.com LAKE BELL SEX VIDEO, ehmu, http://59aniabuksteinnudecq.tumblr.com ANIA BUKSTEIN PLAYBOY, :]], http://mfkellymonacoplayboyv6.tumblr.com KELLY MONACO PUSSY, 8], http://aqcarrie-annemossnudega.tumblr.com CARRIE-ANNE MOSS PUSSY, %-D,
- 346 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 14:06 ID:3lnFjMW2
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://vimaryseouelletnudeag.tumblr.com MARYSE OUELLET BOOBS, 83719, http://bolucypunchnakedtv.tumblr.com LUCY PUNCH NAKED PICTURES, ival, http://h7meganfoxsextapec6.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX PUSSY, >:((, http://nfpenelopecruzdesnuda00.tumblr.com PENELOPE CRUZ NAKED PICTURES, 794552, http://mwkarinasmirnoffplayboypicsr3.tumblr.com KARINA SMIRNOFF NUDE PHOTOS, nuz, http://vkkendrawilkinsonnaked7z.tumblr.com KENDRA WILKINSON NAKED PICS, =[[[, http://3ameganfoxtoplessaq.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX IN A BIKINI, ocsn, http://w2katyperryboobsac.tumblr.com KATY PERRY NACKT, mrwf, http://48estellawarrenhot29.tumblr.com ESTELLA WARREN NIPPLE SLIP, cxfx, http://eajenniferconnellynakedsj.tumblr.com JENNIFER CONNELLY BOOBS, 8]]],
- 347 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 14:07 ID:3dEYfmo2
- It's entirely possible that I copied that individual number across incorrectly (and that the index was correct), but when I did the query just then it returned a Technorati Rank of 37, so as you say there would be no change in the rank, but an improvement in your index., http://m4helenmirrentitssq.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN DESNUDA, =-(, http://p4christinahendricksnudepicslo.tumblr.com CHRISTINA HENDRICKS NAKED PICTURES, =-((, http://3fevamendesfakes7p.tumblr.com EVA MENDES NAKED PICS, 8-OOO, http://1bamandarighettinudeho.tumblr.com AMANDA RIGHETTI TITS, 921, http://12billiepipertoplessh6.tumblr.com BILLIE PIPER NUDE PICS, 4280, http://ardreadematteonude3g.tumblr.com DREA DE MATTEO NACKT, %-PP, http://xpkimbasingerplayboy8k.tumblr.com KIM BASINGER SEX TAPE, 164830, http://3wgillianjacobstoplessgg.tumblr.com GILLIAN JACOBS NACKT, >:], http://ogkrystenritternudeu3.tumblr.com KRYSTEN RITTER BUSH, yzqjea, http://hjemmanuellevaugiernakedij.tumblr.com EMMANUELLE VAUGIER SEX TAPE, ximer, http://cdtamarataylornakedp2.tumblr.com TAMARA TAYLOR SEX TAPE, jxftn, http://mzevaionescoplayboyx7.tumblr.com EVA IONESCO IN A BIKINI, bku, http://wtsherilynfennnudevt.tumblr.com SHERILYN FENN NAKED PICTURES, 153, http://f5amysmartdesnudasz.tumblr.com AMY SMART DESNUDA, 032025,
- 348 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 14:07 ID:ehVlhbFI
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://r5annehathawaynacktsu.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY ASS, istq, http://ovmichelleryannude1x.tumblr.com MICHELLE RYAN NUDE PICTURES, vxujk, http://sjlindsaylohandesnudajs.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NIPPLE SLIP, iqlvn, http://x8rosamundpikenudeot.tumblr.com ROSAMUND PIKE IN A BIKINI, 981077, http://7ghalleberrysexil.tumblr.com HALLE BERRY SEX TAPE, >:DDD, http://5qzooeydeschanelnaked8j.tumblr.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL NAKED PHOTOS, 77429, http://qpbritneyspearspornc4.tumblr.com BRITNEY SPEARS PORN, 83548, http://q1aishwaryaraipornuo.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI BOOBS, auar, http://a1erinandrewshotwr.tumblr.com ERIN ANDREWS NUDE PICS, 5426, http://p1tilatequilasextapec9.tumblr.com TILA TEQUILA PUSSY, 94805, http://5dbiancakajlichtopless8v.tumblr.com BIANCA KAJLICH NUDE PICTURES, zaqlom, http://r0marioncotillardnude7s.tumblr.com MARION COTILLARD BOOBS, :[, http://nlkimkardashiannudepicst6.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NAKED PHOTOS, rmgqm, http://ggmontanafishburnesextape8l.tumblr.com MONTANA FISHBURNE HOT PICS, jaa,
- 349 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 20:28 ID:jWLaFkf2
- Good for Hannity, hammering Mc Cain. Mc Cain off as so slimey. He completely bought into the Obama narrative and talks about the great calamity to come if there is no agreement, and continues to blast the Tea Party., http://idevagreenhot6p.tumblr.com EVA GREEN PORN, spwwo, http://0imadonnanude7c.tumblr.com MADONNA PUSSY, 8-], http://fwkimkardashianhotvk.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN TITS, %]]], http://8ctaylorswiftporn3v.tumblr.com TAYLOR SWIFT BOOBS, 4611, http://risashaalexandernudeaz.tumblr.com SASHA ALEXANDER FAKES, %], http://u0olgakurylenkonudee7.tumblr.com OLGA KURYLENKO NIPPLE SLIP, 018, http://bgadrianalimasexnv.tumblr.com ADRIANA LIMA DESNUDA, cihr, http://q3rachelmcadamshotug.tumblr.com RACHEL MCADAMS NAKED PHOTOS, >:OO, http://n8annehathawaysexscenei2.tumblr.com ANNE HATHAWAY NACKT, 7903, http://sjlindsaylohandesnudajs.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NAKED PICS, ujavq, http://0imadonnanude7c.tumblr.com MADONNA FAKES, ogrl, http://gacobiesmuldersnakedn0.tumblr.com COBIE SMULDERS PUSSY, 308287, http://zzhilaryduffhot8t.tumblr.com HILARY DUFF SEX VIDEO, 5108,
- 350 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 20:38 ID:5pnad.Bo
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://ykclaudiacardinalenudea6.tumblr.com CLAUDIA CARDINALE SEX VIDEO, 126025, http://aohayleyatwellnakedpd.tumblr.com HAYLEY ATWELL BUTT, wnwrbi, http://jrserenawilliamssextapekk.tumblr.com SERENA WILLIAMS NAKED PICS, ufipau, http://2kcassidyfreemannude30.tumblr.com CASSIDY FREEMAN PUSSY, cksh, http://p8madeleinestowenudejk.tumblr.com MADELEINE STOWE DESNUDA, :-]], http://jjhelenslaternudela.tumblr.com HELEN SLATER DESNUDA, 7412, http://aqcarrie-annemossnudega.tumblr.com CARRIE-ANNE MOSS NUDE PHOTOS, 155, http://mylaraflynnboylenudenm.tumblr.com LARA FLYNN BOYLE NUDE PICS, lkae, http://5ymichelleyeohnudevq.tumblr.com MICHELLE YEOH NACKT, kjaf, http://bxlyndsyfonsecanakedk4.tumblr.com LYNDSY FONSECA DESNUDA, 716916, http://srjessicajaneclementnaked2v.tumblr.com JESSICA JANE CLEMENT FAKES, edk, http://pzkatewinsletdesnuda2g.tumblr.com KATE WINSLET NUDE PICTURES, wkih, http://4rninelcondedesnuda3v.tumblr.com NINEL CONDE PORN, 5941, http://uxjoannagarcianudelo.tumblr.com JOANNA GARCIA BUTT, 942566,
- 351 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/21(火) 21:13 ID:d0vqa0zA
- I understand. That is why I made the point about the state caucus to come up with acceptable Presidential candidates. My fear is we have too many conservatives that may split our vote and let a Romney, Christie get in., http://utdilshadvadsarianudezk.tumblr.com DILSHAD VADSARIA HOT PICS, %[[[, http://ynadriennebarbeaunudefu.tumblr.com ADRIENNE BARBEAU SEX SCENE, chnh, http://llmillajovovichdesnudab1.tumblr.com MILLA JOVOVICH SEX TAPE, ppfw, http://xojoanseverancenudeif.tumblr.com JOAN SEVERANCE FAKES, :-], http://lejessicastroupnudes4.tumblr.com JESSICA STROUP NAKED PICS, ztjmy, http://xapauleyperrettenudetd.tumblr.com PAULEY PERRETTE NUDE PICS, uhn, http://12imogenpootshotm1.tumblr.com IMOGEN POOTS ASS, 50537, http://kwmarioncotillardsexscenel1.tumblr.com MARION COTILLARD IN A BIKINI, 425, http://6qericadurancesexsceneka.tumblr.com ERICA DURANCE NAKED PHOTOS, 76068, http://6hbrooklyndeckerdesnudaon.tumblr.com BROOKLYN DECKER BUTT, 656, http://xpkimbasingerplayboy8k.tumblr.com KIM BASINGER NACKT, >:D, http://aymimirogersnudey1.tumblr.com MIMI ROGERS SEX SCENE, kqa, http://zxcamillegrammernudeb8.tumblr.com CAMILLE GRAMMER IN A BIKINI, >:DDD, http://e5amandaholdennudejc.tumblr.com AMANDA HOLDEN NUDE PHOTOS, icushr,
- 352 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/22(水) 09:35 ID:rBWWBNq6
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://5cstaceydashnudedr.tumblr.com STACEY DASH DESNUDA, 431815, http://zbheathermorrishote0.tumblr.com HEATHER MORRIS DESNUDA, >:-[[, http://p7jessicasimpsonsextapeps.tumblr.com JESSICA SIMPSON BUSH, =DDD, http://mjshakirasextapecn.tumblr.com SHAKIRA SEX TAPE, oihb, http://p7jessicasimpsonsextapeps.tumblr.com JESSICA SIMPSON SEX VIDEO, =(, http://kysunnyleonesexvideogd.tumblr.com SUNNY LEONE HOT PICS, 4114, http://q1aishwaryaraipornuo.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI PORN, 599, http://ovmichelleryannude1x.tumblr.com MICHELLE RYAN NUDE PICS, bgei, http://4pkellybrooksexg1.tumblr.com KELLY BROOK IN A BIKINI, 8-[[[, http://0imadonnanude7c.tumblr.com MADONNA SEX TAPE, 1178,
- 353 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/22(水) 09:35 ID:a9Kqmm56
- I also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc., http://r4elizabethmontgomerynude9b.tumblr.com ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY NAKED PHOTOS, 130921, http://bzminiandennudero.tumblr.com MINI ANDEN PLAYBOY, 557538, http://n0morganwebbnudesy.tumblr.com MORGAN WEBB TOPLESS, gfe, http://0ijaynemansfieldnakedjs.tumblr.com JAYNE MANSFIELD NIPPLE SLIP, 621081, http://y4kristinchenowethnudemg.tumblr.com KRISTIN CHENOWETH NUDE PICS, zodbb, http://f1rosamundpikenudemy.tumblr.com ROSAMUND PIKE NUDE PICS, zshpm, http://0jcassandrapetersonnude5n.tumblr.com CASSANDRA PETERSON TITS, =PPP, http://gvdrewbarrymoredesnudag6.tumblr.com DREW BARRYMORE FAKES, tbfcd, http://x8christinemendozanude6q.tumblr.com CHRISTINE MENDOZA NAKED PICTURES, 8-(, http://ynlindaevansnudevy.tumblr.com LINDA EVANS PUSSY, vkzxy, http://2kemilyvancampnakedja.tumblr.com EMILY VANCAMP TITS, 3285, http://p2clemencepoesynude5m.tumblr.com CLEMENCE POESY HOT PICS, 1751,
- 354 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/22(水) 09:36 ID:MB/WnUkY
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://5npiperperabonudef7.tumblr.com PIPER PERABO TITS, cpnm, http://pqkendrawilkinsonsextapech.tumblr.com KENDRA WILKINSON HOT PICS, rorv, http://mjshakirasextapecn.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NAKED PICS, 0048, http://poemmarobertshotit.tumblr.com EMMA ROBERTS PLAYBOY, 263, http://y7emmawatsonnipple9u.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON FAKES, 8-P, http://0fjenniferlovehewittporn63.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT NUDE PHOTOS, vkpukw, http://7ujudygreernudehb.tumblr.com JUDY GREER NUDE PICTURES, %-PPP, http://7skatewinsletsexip.tumblr.com KATE WINSLET NIPPLE SLIP, earoiy, http://17kellystablesnudezv.tumblr.com KELLY STABLES NUDE PICTURES, 74316, http://noelizabethhurleynuden4.tumblr.com ELIZABETH HURLEY BUSH, 4059,
- 355 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/22(水) 10:07 ID:0unC7nhw
- Honestly said, I don't think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don't think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That's apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., http://mgjuliastilesnude2r.tumblr.com JULIA STILES TITS, 8[, http://g9keeleyhazellsextapebt.tumblr.com KEELEY HAZELL SEX VIDEO, 285, http://8naishwaryarainudekm.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI PUSSY, %-P, http://kbnoomirapacenudend.tumblr.com NOOMI RAPACE NAKED PICTURES, 83018, http://7yhalleberrynacktuo.tumblr.com HALLE BERRY NAKED PICS, 945491, http://jcshannontweednudem0.tumblr.com SHANNON TWEED SEX VIDEO, fyna, http://x8rosamundpikenudeot.tumblr.com ROSAMUND PIKE NAKED PHOTOS, 4311, http://s5helenmirrennakedd3.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN IN A BIKINI, :O, http://3aamberheardnudeko.tumblr.com AMBER HEARD SEX VIDEO, =-[, http://slamberrosenudephotosvw.tumblr.com AMBER ROSE SEX VIDEO, =-]],
- 356 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 11:34 ID:rmfZwqlo
- O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., http://jcshannontweednudem0.tumblr.com SHANNON TWEED NIPPLE SLIP, :(, http://hcmeganfoxsexue.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX ASS, pfd, http://ctchristinaaguilerasextapemb.tumblr.com CHRISTINA AGUILERA SEX VIDEO, hgydc, http://pllindsaylohantitspt.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NUDE PHOTOS, yscka, http://g7scarlettjohanssontoplesskg.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON NUDE PICTURES, 8-], http://bolucypunchnakedtv.tumblr.com LUCY PUNCH PLAYBOY, :-DD, http://3dvictoriajusticenudetl.tumblr.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NUDE PHOTOS, 47923, http://yrlivtylernudelr.tumblr.com LIV TYLER DESNUDA, 7402, http://8rdeniserichardsnaked6l.tumblr.com DENISE RICHARDS NUDE PICTURES, 8-DD, http://8hmarisamillernaked9a.tumblr.com MARISA MILLER HOT PICS, sjy, http://rgsarahjessicaparkernudec4.tumblr.com SARAH JESSICA PARKER SEX VIDEO, >:PP,
- 357 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 11:52 ID:cLcg5uws
- That's fine for the House and Senate but for president, there is no way any conservative should vote for either Democrat that will be stuffed down our throats next year. The House is the grand prize. If we had someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker and more than the current 3 reliable conservative senators, the president wouldn't matter., http://9nsarahpolleynudedj.tumblr.com SARAH POLLEY IN A BIKINI, 337265, http://02deborahannwollnudebl.tumblr.com DEBORAH ANN WOLL NAKED PICTURES, 376677, http://utdilshadvadsarianudezk.tumblr.com DILSHAD VADSARIA TITS, >:DD, http://8sromolagarainuder0.tumblr.com ROMOLA GARAI TOPLESS, 497, http://rbblakelivelynakedpicss8.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY NIPPLE SLIP, 4494, http://xdkristenwiignude25.tumblr.com KRISTEN WIIG NIPPLE SLIP, mhmeq, http://l8amandaseyfrieddesnuda59.tumblr.com AMANDA SEYFRIED PLAYBOY, :PP, http://eqnataliemartineznudeon.tumblr.com NATALIE MARTINEZ SEX VIDEO, umnrx, http://e2cynthianixonnudefg.tumblr.com CYNTHIA NIXON SEX SCENE, 97727, http://49reginahallnudesv.tumblr.com REGINA HALL SEX VIDEO, 57328, http://kglaceychabertnuded6.tumblr.com LACEY CHABERT NIPPLE SLIP, :-PPP, http://dpradostbokelsexvideom8.tumblr.com RADOST BOKEL NUDE PHOTOS, uowh,
- 358 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 11:53 ID:HUHsVBl2
- The reality is that the establishment in the Senate HATE CCB, modest as it really is and see the new Boehner plan as an out, since they figure they will get Reid to make a compromise since it is only 22 Billion in cuts., http://tzmelanielynskeynudelz.tumblr.com MELANIE LYNSKEY TOPLESS, 01407, http://mwashleygreenenudephotosb2.tumblr.com ASHLEY GREENE SEX SCENE, >:-O, http://oljenniferlopezsextapefd.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOPEZ BOOBS, 431, http://oljenniferlopezsextapefd.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOPEZ HOT PICS, %-PPP, http://v4naomiwattsnudekg.tumblr.com NAOMI WATTS NUDE PICS, 060377, http://arkimkardashiansextapen5.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN TOPLESS, 3219, http://reevanrachelwoodhotjf.tumblr.com EVAN RACHEL WOOD PORN, 6719, http://k4emmastonehot2e.tumblr.com EMMA STONE BUSH, 975, http://rgsarahjessicaparkernudec4.tumblr.com SARAH JESSICA PARKER SEX SCENE, 11403, http://zqkatewinsletnude9z.tumblr.com KATE WINSLET NAKED PICS, :]], http://rdkatyperrytoplesshu.tumblr.com KATY PERRY PUSSY, 565245, http://g3poppymontgomerynudefi.tumblr.com POPPY MONTGOMERY SEX VIDEO, =[[, http://6kkristenstewartnakedih.tumblr.com KRISTEN STEWART ASS, wzchbv, http://wyelizabetholsennuderv.tumblr.com ELIZABETH OLSEN PLAYBOY, uedshp,
- 359 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 11:54 ID:IlizorjY
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://4igarcellebeauvaisnudefo.tumblr.com GARCELLE BEAUVAIS DESNUDA, 709, http://exginagershonnaked2a.tumblr.com GINA GERSHON NUDE PHOTOS, 18177, http://lezooeydeschanelsexscene4f.tumblr.com ZOOEY DESCHANEL BUSH, =-DD, http://9lanaleightiptonnudejc.tumblr.com ANALEIGH TIPTON IN A BIKINI, 605018, http://k0galgadotsexscenez4.tumblr.com GAL GADOT IN A BIKINI, 086372, http://ogsharnivinsonsexytc.tumblr.com SHARNI VINSONY NUDE PHOTOS, 02962, http://6usarahhylandbikiniin.tumblr.com SARAH HYLAND NIPPLE SLIP, >:-[[, http://29pagetbrewsternaked8o.tumblr.com PAGET BREWSTER BUSH, eco, http://ogamyackernude4i.tumblr.com AMY ACKER TOPLESS, =-OOO, http://w0imogenthomassextape53.tumblr.com IMOGEN THOMAS PLAYBOY, 168,
- 360 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 17:21 ID:7yMuTVN.
- Has he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What's "fiscally conservative" about voting for every spending measure in sight?, http://pvmasielalushanudex9.tumblr.com MASIELA LUSHA NAKED PICTURES, :-(((, http://xajessicaalbaassdb.tumblr.com JESSICA ALBA IN A BIKINI, =-]]], http://5cstaceydashnudedr.tumblr.com STACEY DASH PUSSY, 377, http://5bsiennamillernudeqo.tumblr.com SIENNA MILLER BOOBS, 8-O, http://2yavrillavignepussy48.tumblr.com AVRIL LAVIGNE PUSSY, %O, http://stmilakunisnudepu.tumblr.com MILA KUNIS ASS, 199051, http://n6blakelivelynacktz4.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY NAKED PICS, 5206, http://gurihannanudepics9e.tumblr.com RIHANNA NACKT, fnt, http://llterihatchernude7t.tumblr.com TERI HATCHER NAKED PHOTOS, 778703, http://tqsarahshahinudezt.tumblr.com SARAH SHAHI SEX SCENE, 86653, http://vrsalmahayekpornyb.tumblr.com SALMA HAYEK BUTT, 044904, http://qojenniferlovehewittfakesvv.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT ASS, 94905, http://w6lisaedelsteinnudeq9.tumblr.com LISA EDELSTEIN NUDE PHOTOS, 9063,
- 361 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/23(木) 17:30 ID:aiStVhE.
- I'm not sure what you have against "The Five". I mean, four of the five panel members are on the right. The only creep is Bob Beckel. I admit, his creepiness makes the show a bit harder to handle. But Greg Gutfeld makes up for it! I LOVE him!! Beckel will probably have a stroke or a heart attack on the show one day and they can just shove him off the stage and continue on., http://vqnadinevelazqueznude9r.tumblr.com NADINE VELAZQUEZ NIPPLE SLIP, pqwdj, http://xldominiqueswainnude5a.tumblr.com DOMINIQUE SWAIN NUDE PICS, :OO, http://y4melanielynskeynaked54.tumblr.com MELANIE LYNSKEY SEX TAPE, 783, http://ljkarissashannonsextape37.tumblr.com KARISSA SHANNON ASS, 80514, http://foirinashaykdesnuda6i.tumblr.com IRINA SHAYK BUSH, rjdggn, http://3mchristineneubauernackt67.tumblr.com CHRISTINE NEUBAUER SEX VIDEO, %-PPP, http://xapauleyperrettenudetd.tumblr.com PAULEY PERRETTE PLAYBOY, mra, http://zegemmahilespornla.tumblr.com GEMMA HILES NACKT, kjjjni, http://zndaniellestaubpornin.tumblr.com DANIELLE STAUB IN A BIKINI, snsg, http://5xconniebrittonnakedfs.tumblr.com CONNIE BRITTON NACKT, 638764,
- 362 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/24(金) 04:27 ID:nh1iaWzo
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://vileahreminiporn21.tumblr.com LEAH REMINI NUDE PICTURES, 03684, http://x7avrillavignenacktkl.tumblr.com AVRIL LAVIGNE NAKED PICTURES, >:]]], http://jsterrirunnelsnudetr.tumblr.com TERRI RUNNELS ASS, =-DD, http://ogsharnivinsonsexytc.tumblr.com SHARNI VINSONY BOOBS, %[[, http://3zkristenjohnstonnudeny.tumblr.com KRISTEN JOHNSTON TOPLESS, 76214, http://7nleannrimessextape4g.tumblr.com LEANN RIMES NAKED PHOTOS, >:-]]], http://0ndavidhenrienakedgj.tumblr.com DAVID HENRIE HOT PICS, hmmaeg, http://92hollydavidsonnudehz.tumblr.com HOLLY DAVIDSON PLAYBOY, nvnsme, http://akkellyreillynude5n.tumblr.com KELLY REILLY BUTT, zjcg, http://akkaleycuocofakes3h.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO TOPLESS, >:-D,
- 363 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/24(金) 04:30 ID:SplMkoRM
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://hyandreasawatzkinudeua.tumblr.com ANDREA SAWATZKI BOOBS, qaq, http://3aamberheardnudeko.tumblr.com AMBER HEARD PUSSY, 8[[[, http://w0sarahsilvermannudel5.tumblr.com SARAH SILVERMAN ASS, %PPP, http://oljenniferlopezsextapefd.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOPEZ HOT PICS, vljxo, http://6wzacefronnaked30.tumblr.com ZAC EFRON IN A BIKINI, jfctsm, http://m1alessandraambrosionude35.tumblr.com ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO PORN, yluxy, http://3tnadinevelazqueznude66.tumblr.com NADINE VELAZQUEZ PUSSY, 938, http://irrosiehuntington-whiteleyhottc.tumblr.com ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY NUDE PHOTOS, 66733, http://1enicolescherzingernakedfk.tumblr.com NICOLE SCHERZINGER NUDE PICTURES, pwj, http://12marilynmonroesextapeo7.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE PLAYBOY, =((, http://cfsunnyleonenudemt.tumblr.com SUNNY LEONE NUDE PICTURES, 213625, http://e5shakiraassym.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NUDE PHOTOS, oih,
- 364 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/24(金) 04:36 ID:jQSIzPFw
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://jgcamillegrammerplayboyuh.tumblr.com CAMILLE GRAMMER BOOBS, pwefr, http://skkaribyronnudeiz.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NAKED PICTURES, =PPP, http://06monicapotternudeao.tumblr.com MONICA POTTER SEX SCENE, iehiv, http://22camerondiazporn50.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ TOPLESS, 4120, http://tqsarahshahinudezt.tumblr.com SARAH SHAHI SEX SCENE, 03045, http://p3amberrosenudepicturesec.tumblr.com AMBER ROSE FAKES, lhwygf, http://eisashagreynudebv.tumblr.com SASHA GREY HOT PICS, msgsea, http://8ojennafischerhotsz.tumblr.com JENNA FISCHER DESNUDA, 183, http://t0katrinakaifnudexz.tumblr.com KATRINA KAIF BOOBS, kwiks, http://5mlindsaylohannaked9j.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN BOOBS, >:PP, http://k4emmastonehot2e.tumblr.com EMMA STONE PORN, =[[, http://legeenadavisnaked41.tumblr.com GEENA DAVIS NUDE PICS, 35348, http://z6freidapintobikinib9.tumblr.com FREIDA PINTO ASS, 747, http://lkkatdenningsnude3n.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS BUTT, 32222,
- 365 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/24(金) 04:39 ID:mQ1uVrSM
- It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.), http://tomelorahardinnudesq.tumblr.com MELORA HARDIN NACKT, 25038, http://wroliviadabonudedd.tumblr.com OLIVIA DABO BUTT, 4231, http://4cellenbarkinnude48.tumblr.com ELLEN BARKIN ASS, =-D, http://fdelisabethshuenudeas.tumblr.com ELISABETH SHUE PUSSY, 268739, http://vqnadinevelazqueznude9r.tumblr.com NADINE VELAZQUEZ DESNUDA, 8P, http://c0angieeverhartnudeqv.tumblr.com ANGIE EVERHART PUSSY, 328597, http://8zroxannemckeenude4e.tumblr.com ROXANNE MCKEE NACKT, uhwnd, http://llmillajovovichdesnudab1.tumblr.com MILLA JOVOVICH NUDE PICTURES, =]], http://dtserindaswanhotzg.tumblr.com SERINDA SWAN BOOBS, dta, http://rlbrigittenielsennudek4.tumblr.com BRIGITTE NIELSEN FAKES, 8-DDD, http://06triciahelfernakedpy.tumblr.com TRICIA HELFER SEX VIDEO, 91689, http://f9poppymontgomerynude14.tumblr.com POPPY MONTGOMERY SEX SCENE, 127656, http://v4lisarayenudeea.tumblr.com LISA RAYE TOPLESS, bta, http://cslindablairnude27.tumblr.com LINDA BLAIR IN A BIKINI, 133889,
- 366 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/24(金) 04:43 ID:0Kee7D2A
- I'm not sure what you have against "The Five". I mean, four of the five panel members are on the right. The only creep is Bob Beckel. I admit, his creepiness makes the show a bit harder to handle. But Greg Gutfeld makes up for it! I LOVE him!! Beckel will probably have a stroke or a heart attack on the show one day and they can just shove him off the stage and continue on., http://czkatvondsextapera.tumblr.com KAT VON D BUSH, 36709, http://xojoanseverancenudeif.tumblr.com JOAN SEVERANCE PLAYBOY, 8955, http://qphollyvalancenakedtm.tumblr.com HOLLY VALANCE PUSSY, %((, http://1selenaanayanude5t.tumblr.com ELENA ANAYA SEX VIDEO, easf, http://61emilymortimernakedsf.tumblr.com EMILY MORTIMER NUDE PICTURES, %DD, http://bxlyndsyfonsecanakedk4.tumblr.com LYNDSY FONSECA NAKED PICTURES, 425762, http://z8kelligarnernuder2.tumblr.com KELLI GARNER PUSSY, bgc, http://bdshailenewoodleybikini6p.tumblr.com SHAILENE WOODLEY DESNUDA, 491849, http://1ymaryelizabethwinsteadnudeir.tumblr.com MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD DESNUDA, =-D, http://mrmadelinezimanudegc.tumblr.com MADELINE ZIMA TITS, 15747, http://9zleilanidowdingnude0j.tumblr.com LEILANI DOWDING NAKED PICS, %-DD, http://67alexandrabreckenridgenude2a.tumblr.com ALEXANDRA BRECKENRIDGE DESNUDA, 3635, http://ynadriennebarbeaunudefu.tumblr.com ADRIENNE BARBEAU NAKED PICS, kairpf, http://0tsallyfieldnude7l.tumblr.com SALLY FIELD DESNUDA, %D,
- 367 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/25(土) 14:05 ID:a98mp5bA
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://sigoldiehawnnaked9d.tumblr.com GOLDIE HAWN BUSH, =P, http://q7kateuptonsextapemg.tumblr.com KATE UPTON ASS, 16208, http://dsalilartersexscenegm.tumblr.com ALI LARTER ASS, beird, http://z9haydenpanettierenacktkg.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE NACKT, 7310, http://oqmariacanalsbarreranakedue.tumblr.com MARIA CANALS BARRERA NAKED PICS, bgv, http://ujbridgetreganhotgp.tumblr.com BRIDGET REGAN PUSSY, 8477, http://waanadelaregueranuder0.tumblr.com ANA DE LA REGUERA SEX SCENE, 234763, http://mcgabrielaspanicdesnudaf4.tumblr.com GABRIELA SPANIC BOOBS, =OOO, http://shkellystableshotyc.tumblr.com KELLY STABLES TITS, =PP, http://3eannafarissexscenesn.tumblr.com ANNA FARIS SEX VIDEO, 53392, http://l5patriciavelasqueznudej1.tumblr.com PATRICIA VELASQUEZ PUSSY, yyf, http://lumonicabelluccidesnuda2d.tumblr.com MONICA BELLUCCI TOPLESS, 8[,
- 368 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/25(土) 14:06 ID:hnJ3uM22
- It makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know., http://roshannonelizabethnudebh.tumblr.com SHANNON ELIZABETH SEX TAPE, 205, http://k4cindycrawfordnudeih.tumblr.com CINDY CRAWFORD SEX VIDEO, %-PP, http://rtavrillavignenackt0p.tumblr.com AVRIL LAVIGNE NUDE PICS, >:DD, http://37pamelaandersonsextapeyj.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON NUDE PHOTOS, titmh, http://c4kellybrooknudev4.tumblr.com KELLY BROOK NUDE PICTURES, ycxc, http://fyannanicolesmithplayboygl.tumblr.com ANNA NICOLE SMITH SEX SCENE, %-]], http://lkkatdenningsnude3n.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS PUSSY, :))), http://imevetorreshot1c.tumblr.com EVE TORRES IN A BIKINI, 85543, http://bdvanessaangelnude66.tumblr.com VANESSA ANGEL FAKES, pqm, http://3pnickiminajhotw9.tumblr.com NICKI MINAJ NUDE PICTURES, escpg, http://05katiepricepornnz.tumblr.com KATIE PRICE SEX TAPE, %-OO,
- 369 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/25(土) 14:06 ID:JzDNx4L2
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://qphollyvalancenakedtm.tumblr.com HOLLY VALANCE SEX TAPE, 13629, http://tkmaribelverdudesnudabp.tumblr.com MARIBEL VERDU IN A BIKINI, tnatl, http://lejessicastroupnudes4.tumblr.com JESSICA STROUP PUSSY, 8-DD, http://phbebeneuwirthnudexp.tumblr.com BEBE NEUWIRTH SEX VIDEO, 0403, http://7ukashmirashahnudemy.tumblr.com KASHMIRA SHAH PLAYBOY, 8-[[, http://hjemmanuellevaugiernakedij.tumblr.com EMMANUELLE VAUGIER PUSSY, 8OO, http://qvashleymassaroplayboy9h.tumblr.com ASHLEY MASSARO TOPLESS, %PPP, http://fesarahbutlernude5x.tumblr.com SARAH BUTLER NUDE PICS, =-O, http://9dblakelivelytitsrs.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY PORN, kjot, http://7kjillianmurraynuded5.tumblr.com JILLIAN MURRAY DESNUDA, >:-PPP, http://3yaudrinapatridgenudepicsfh.tumblr.com AUDRINA PATRIDGE NUDE PICTURES, smh, http://z8kelligarnernuder2.tumblr.com KELLI GARNER ASS, 4640, http://dknatalyarudakovanudexm.tumblr.com NATALYA RUDAKOVA FAKES, 744707,
- 370 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/25(土) 14:15 ID:7tVwoyF6
- I think that you'd probably do well in a consulting role where you are helping companies who want to improve in the area of creating passionate users (products and websites). Your knowledge of the field is shown well by your blogging, and maybe getting out in front of people will give you more of a reason to stay passionate about this subject area (if not the blog itself)., http://1njaimepresslynaked4e.tumblr.com JAIME PRESSLY PORN, 24764, http://aejessicajaneclementnakede3.tumblr.com JESSICA JANE CLEMENT ASS, dmzrqw, http://mmamandaseyfriedsexscenexx.tumblr.com AMANDA SEYFRIED NAKED PHOTOS, 770, http://vvnickiminajboobs7o.tumblr.com NICKI MINAJ ASS, 972, http://06monicabelluccisexhh.tumblr.com MONICA BELLUCCI BUSH, jbbr, http://dekaleycuocohotnf.tumblr.com KALEY CUOCO SEX VIDEO, gbehx, http://f8evamendesnakedit.tumblr.com EVA MENDES NUDE PHOTOS, 37012, http://4rjenniferanistonnipplesnn.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTONS DESNUDA, ekkzzh, http://xyjessicajaneclementnudebj.tumblr.com JESSICA JANE CLEMENT NUDE PHOTOS, 036, http://y7emmawatsonnipple9u.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON SEX SCENE, wfibvz, http://niangelinajoliepussy9b.tumblr.com ANGELINA JOLIE NAKED PICS, >:-[[[, http://ffjessicasimpsonnudeed.tumblr.com JESSICA SIMPSON BUTT, >:]]], http://hftorriewilsonnakedmy.tumblr.com TORRIE WILSON SEX SCENE, lbbnc,
- 371 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 00:08 ID:B6CtipvY
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://czkatvondsextapera.tumblr.com KAT VON D SEX TAPE, 0384, http://rntriciahelferplayboytj.tumblr.com TRICIA HELFER SEX TAPE, 71399, http://i8alexandramarialaranackt9m.tumblr.com ALEXANDRA MARIA LARA PUSSY, >:-PP, http://xqtiacarrereplayboyph.tumblr.com TIA CARRERE BOOBS, 433, http://1qvinessashawnudee8.tumblr.com VINESSA SHAW BUTT, 842, http://lfmasielalushanudez2.tumblr.com MASIELA LUSHA TITS, dvx, http://aymarisatomeisexscenedk.tumblr.com MARISA TOMEI TITS, 0588, http://mfkellymonacoplayboyv6.tumblr.com KELLY MONACO TOPLESS, 047264, http://3gjennettemccurdydesnudatz.tumblr.com JENNETTE MCCURDY BUSH, 4811, http://p2clemencepoesynude5m.tumblr.com CLEMENCE POESY NAKED PICS, 8-DDD, http://asnickywhelannakedrp.tumblr.com NICKY WHELAN PORN, :-], http://p5jordanabrewsternaked7t.tumblr.com JORDANA BREWSTER NUDE PICTURES, 636921, http://01alicebraganude6g.tumblr.com ALICE BRAGA FAKES, vwif, http://cqdollypartontitsbk.tumblr.com DOLLY PARTON NUDE PICS, 0210,
- 372 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 00:10 ID:uniFUbg.
- I see two basic options for you: Reduce visibility and do something completely different, or stay visible and continue publishing your own stuff under your own name. All the options you cite can be assigned to one of these two categories. I dearly hope you go with the second option, even though I would totally understand if you decide otherwise., http://27golshiftehfarahaninakedrx.tumblr.com GOLSHIFTEH FARAHANI NUDE PHOTOS, 8690, http://pnhelenhuntnakedxf.tumblr.com HELEN HUNT SEX TAPE, 35953, http://67halleberrypussym1.tumblr.com HALLE BERRY NUDE PICS, dth, http://cqlucylawlessnude4q.tumblr.com LUCY LAWLESS BOOBS, >:-[[, http://45britneyspearspussymd.tumblr.com BRITNEY SPEARS NIPPLE SLIP, mtlyil, http://4uchristinahendricksnudex6.tumblr.com CHRISTINA HENDRICKS BUSH, 680108, http://nfpenelopecruzdesnuda00.tumblr.com PENELOPE CRUZ SEX SCENE, 8(, http://9tvanessahudgensporn5u.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS IN A BIKINI, :]]], http://f5nicolescherzingerhotjw.tumblr.com NICOLE SCHERZINGER NACKT, 25601, http://p5kellyripanudeuw.tumblr.com KELLY RIPA TOPLESS, 970212,
- 373 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 01:37 ID:P7K/INms
- I think greater interaction among groups would result (mix up the tech bloggers and the marketers and the VCs and the usability people and, hell, even the sex bloggers) ;) and really spark some awesome conversations., http://imevetorreshot1c.tumblr.com EVE TORRES SEX VIDEO, 823616, http://hcmeganfoxsexue.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX FAKES, 8], http://amelisabethshuenudeum.tumblr.com ELISABETH SHUE NAKED PICS, %))), http://6kdenisemilaninakedta.tumblr.com DENISE MILANI PORN, qtpdbe, http://40jessiejnudez9.tumblr.com JESSIE J SEX VIDEO, =], http://j5jenniferleenuderw.tumblr.com JENNIFER LEE PLAYBOY, 7991, http://cdkimkardashianboobs4k.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN HOT PICS, 3267, http://k9rileysteelepornbv.tumblr.com RILEY STEELE SEX VIDEO, xehld, http://uehaydenpanettierenacktnn.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE PLAYBOY, :-]], http://3tnadinevelazqueznude66.tumblr.com NADINE VELAZQUEZ BUSH, 9555, http://u1alexisdzienanudee4.tumblr.com ALEXIS DZIENA TITS, =-))), http://5mlindsaylohannaked9j.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN BOOBS, :-((, http://1udeniserichardsnude2c.tumblr.com DENISE RICHARDS SEX TAPE, 10740, http://3qjenniferlopeznakedpicsh6.tumblr.com JENNIFER LOPEZ BOOBS, >:-(((,
- 374 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 01:38 ID:VkdNw8LY
- In doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?, http://stmarysteenburgenhotlg.tumblr.com MARY STEENBURGEN HOT PICS, webyhx, http://63evamendesdesnudavk.tumblr.com EVA MENDES HOT PICS, 740, http://s4camillegrammerporn3a.tumblr.com CAMILLE GRAMMER NACKT, :], http://z4kayascodelarionude9y.tumblr.com KAYA SCODELARIO NUDE PHOTOS, cushdr, http://6atraylorhowardnudehd.tumblr.com TRAYLOR HOWARD BUTT, 610, http://a5melaniegriffithnudec2.tumblr.com MELANIE GRIFFITH NUDE PHOTOS, %[[[, http://75lisarinnaplayboynq.tumblr.com LISA RINNA ASS, khu, http://ardreadematteonude3g.tumblr.com DREA DE MATTEO SEX VIDEO, >:), http://3qbridgetfondanudemd.tumblr.com BRIDGET FONDA ASS, :-D, http://05miawasikowskanude9b.tumblr.com MIA WASIKOWSKA NAKED PICS, 026759, http://lrblakelivelydesnudajn.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY PORN, enkw,
- 375 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 01:39 ID:6...O2VM
- In relation to the Technorati rank it's pulled down via an API (geez I think that's what it's called) as is Alexa rank & the script calculates the index - I just need to record the figures in a spreadsheet for upload., http://a6anjaklingnudeiq.tumblr.com ANJA KLING BOOBS, zizqr, http://fkveronicaferresnackt7f.tumblr.com VERONICA FERRES ASS, 8648, http://yjmirandakerrdesnuday1.tumblr.com MIRANDA KERR NACKT, swc, http://fgkathleenrobertsonnaked2h.tumblr.com KATHLEEN ROBERTSON DESNUDA, 97754, http://8glesliemannnakedko.tumblr.com LESLIE MANN NUDE PICS, 8-)), http://z3nigellalawsonnudecr.tumblr.com NIGELLA LAWSON DESNUDA, :OO, http://ogamyackernude4i.tumblr.com AMY ACKER SEX VIDEO, :-P, http://70sarapaxtonnude9n.tumblr.com SARA PAXTON SEX SCENE, 537, http://fqadrianalimadesnudaz6.tumblr.com ADRIANA LIMA NAKED PICS, bhrt, http://90katdenningsnudepicsx2.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS TITS, jri, http://w5jillwagnernudecz.tumblr.com JILL WAGNER SEX VIDEO, %-[[, http://exginagershonnaked2a.tumblr.com GINA GERSHON IN A BIKINI, qexvr, http://tmlizzycaplannudex9.tumblr.com LIZZY CAPLAN NUDE PICS, 14259, http://24adriannepalickinudext.tumblr.com ADRIANNE PALICKI BOOBS, 1426,
- 376 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 01:41 ID:ZYVYYco6
- Take me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul., http://zidiorabairdnudes0.tumblr.com DIORA BAIRD PORN, %PPP, http://idevagreenhot6p.tumblr.com EVA GREEN IN A BIKINI, 8-O, http://14ashleytisdalepussy4v.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE NIPPLE SLIP, 025, http://7oemmawatsonass85.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON BUTT, gwub, http://jgcamillegrammerplayboyuh.tumblr.com CAMILLE GRAMMER TITS, sary, http://narihannanackti5.tumblr.com RIHANNA NUDE PICS, 7999, http://4rjenniferanistonnipplesnn.tumblr.com JENNIFER ANISTONS PORN, 614201, http://uvlindsaylohanhot0x.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN NUDE PHOTOS, 855, http://1udeniserichardsnude2c.tumblr.com DENISE RICHARDS HOT PICS, >:-DD, http://k4emmastonehot2e.tumblr.com EMMA STONE HOT PICS, cnrh, http://14ashleytisdalepussy4v.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE PLAYBOY, %-))), http://trmerylstreepnudejc.tumblr.com MERYL STREEP PUSSY, =]]],
- 377 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 04:00 ID:P7K/INms
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://noannehechesexsl.tumblr.com ANNE HECHE NIPPLE SLIP, :-P, http://tycamerondiazhotpj.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ HOT PICS, %], http://ycmilakunissexzt.tumblr.com MILA KUNIS NAKED PHOTOS, 5620, http://a4ravensymonenudeh3.tumblr.com RAVEN SYMONE IN A BIKINI, 0620, http://nhmollysimsnudeq5.tumblr.com MOLLY SIMS DESNUDA, csd, http://5zscarlettjohanssonnacktt2.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON ASS, dkuwy, http://bgaishwaryaraihotbs.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI NACKT, 8P, http://iykathygriffinnuderp.tumblr.com KATHY GRIFFIN NACKT, zsawe, http://8olynncollinsnudesb.tumblr.com LYNN COLLINS PLAYBOY, quygm, http://1iblakelivelynudeg6.tumblr.com BLAKE LIVELY PUSSY, 254547, http://07sarajeanunderwoodnudekl.tumblr.com SARA JEAN UNDERWOOD TITS, epx, http://iftealeoninude9v.tumblr.com TEA LEONI SEX TAPE, 331, http://huemmawatsonnudepictures0l.tumblr.com EMMA WATSON NAKED PICS, 574,
- 378 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 04:00 ID:VkdNw8LY
- Kathy, the content you have graciously shared with us every once in a while is both inspiring and entertaining. And a blog is the perfect medium for this. A lot of the content is about your style and creative personality. Thus, I would rule out the community-based ideas. I would probably only read your stuff anyway., http://fdalexisdzienanudez8.tumblr.com ALEXIS DZIENA TITS, %-PPP, http://6ljaymamaysnakediq.tumblr.com JAYMA MAYS HOT PICS, 7671, http://dqvannawhitenudeso.tumblr.com VANNA WHITE PUSSY, 237, http://jbjessicajaneclementnuderg.tumblr.com JESSICA JANE CLEMENT HOT PICS, >:OOO, http://jgmirasorvinonude9j.tumblr.com MIRA SORVINO BUSH, :DDD, http://ryvivabiancanakedn6.tumblr.com VIVA BIANCA HOT PICS, 7409, http://90katdenningsnudepicsx2.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS BUTT, >:[[[, http://o8margaritalevievanude5m.tumblr.com MARGARITA LEVIEVA NUDE PICTURES, psw, http://aoisabellucasnakedpu.tumblr.com ISABEL LUCAS BUSH, kefxsy, http://chsabrinaferillihot7f.tumblr.com SABRINA FERILLI NAKED PICTURES, 1767, http://akkellyreillynude5n.tumblr.com KELLY REILLY ASS, %), http://93bonniewrightnudevy.tumblr.com BONNIE WRIGHT SEX VIDEO, 8((,
- 379 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 04:05 ID:6...O2VM
- Use your passion and geek expertise to liberate the latent creativity that resides in readers, something that works better than the linear, sequential and fast fading stream of comments (yeah, this is recursive). Comments are writing, but lets have something not as we know it. Writing in this box just feel a little klunky, there must be a better way, make a better blog :), http://pdoliviahusseynudehq.tumblr.com OLIVIA HUSSEY HOT PICS, 809, http://o5conniebrittonnude61.tumblr.com CONNIE BRITTON IN A BIKINI, =)), http://fvgiselebundchendesnudadf.tumblr.com GISELE BUNDCHEN PLAYBOY, 3912, http://usnialongnudex5.tumblr.com NIA LONG PUSSY, 7808, http://imornellamutinudeli.tumblr.com ORNELLA MUTI SEX VIDEO, =-), http://rpsarahroemerhot4c.tumblr.com SARAH ROEMER SEX SCENE, =-)), http://antildaswintonnudemm.tumblr.com TILDA SWINTON BUSH, 4821, http://23carrieprejeannudezh.tumblr.com CARRIE PREJEAN IN A BIKINI, >:PPP, http://p0hannahspearritthot2x.tumblr.com HANNAH SPEARRITT BUSH, eesg, http://45rachelgriffithsnude7s.tumblr.com RACHEL GRIFFITHS TOPLESS, =-]], http://ghlaurencohannudewx.tumblr.com LAUREN COHAN TITS, kuj, http://e0mariagraziacucinottanude2a.tumblr.com MARIA GRAZIA CUCINOTTA NAKED PICTURES, rma, http://ueemiliaclarkenudexo.tumblr.com EMILIA CLARKE NIPPLE SLIP, cyvbw,
- 380 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/26(日) 04:05 ID:ZYVYYco6
- Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn't even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., http://5xjenniferlawrencenaked8r.tumblr.com JENNIFER LAWRENCE NUDE PHOTOS, rkkus, http://65kimkardashiandesnuda5a.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN NACKT, >:-PPP, http://gwninadobrevnudeic.tumblr.com NINA DOBREV TITS, kbs, http://fklaurencohannudec2.tumblr.com LAUREN COHAN PLAYBOY, 8O, http://14ashleytisdalepussy4v.tumblr.com ASHLEY TISDALE NAKED PHOTOS, skjcm, http://nncarmenelectranudeax.tumblr.com CARMEN ELECTRA DESNUDA, :[[, http://0kpamelaandersonpornu5.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON NAKED PICTURES, 862, http://narihannanackti5.tumblr.com RIHANNA HOT PICS, 40314, http://cngillianandersonnakedwb.tumblr.com GILLIAN ANDERSON TITS, yqw, http://x3summerglaunudefu.tumblr.com SUMMER GLAU BOOBS, 8PP, http://4zscarlettjohanssondesnudam8.tumblr.com SCARLETT JOHANSSON SEX SCENE, 514, http://wncamerondiaznudel6.tumblr.com CAMERON DIAZ NAKED PICTURES, >:-DDD, http://qpbritneyspearspornc4.tumblr.com BRITNEY SPEARS BUTT, 921139, http://memeganfoxnuded0.tumblr.com MEGAN FOX BUSH, 9039,
- 381 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/27(月) 11:07 ID:H1VTI68g
- Oodles of bloggers great and small would give a #1 Technorati rank (or insert personal thing of inestimable value here) to be able to host Kathy Sierra as a guest blogger. (Myself included.), http://6ggabrielleanwarnaked00.tumblr.com GABRIELLE ANWAR IN A BIKINI, jri, http://37emmyrossumhotb7.tumblr.com EMMY ROSSUM NUDE PICS, lbn, http://gdmarilynmonroeporn3i.tumblr.com MARILYN MONROE TOPLESS, 548, http://ellindsaylohannudepicsjw.tumblr.com LINDSAY LOHAN PORN, 0111, http://arkimkardashiansextapen5.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN PORN, 65341, http://z1juliarobertsnakedid.tumblr.com JULIA ROBERTS PLAYBOY, 247, http://c0nancygracenippledc.tumblr.com NANCY GRACE BUSH, 8-((, http://3tnadinevelazqueznude66.tumblr.com NADINE VELAZQUEZ SEX TAPE, sxfu, http://mfshakirapornnm.tumblr.com SHAKIRA NUDE PICS, ysva, http://4zjewelstaitenude75.tumblr.com JEWEL STAITE TITS, 776, http://1utyrabanksnude8u.tumblr.com TYRA BANKS ASS, 8-PPP, http://udjennifergarnernakedek.tumblr.com JENNIFER GARNER BOOBS, :-PP,
- 382 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/27(月) 11:08 ID:bY2gDprs
- I do hesitate to run with the other commenters that say you should monetize this, but you should make it at least a part-time passion where you are getting to stretch out on the things you write about, and then allow experiences to craft other posts., http://1zjasminewaltznudehl.tumblr.com JASMINE WALTZ NUDE PICS, 8-OOO, http://uegemmaatkinsonsextapemr.tumblr.com GEMMA ATKINSON SEX SCENE, zntx, http://9rmichelleborthnudew9.tumblr.com MICHELLE BORTH ASS, :-[[[, http://s3karenmcdougalnude18.tumblr.com KAREN MCDOUGAL SEX SCENE, haqhxx, http://bnwhitneycummingsnude1b.tumblr.com WHITNEY CUMMINGS HOT PICS, ofcly, http://4xstanakaticnakedm3.tumblr.com STANA KATIC NAKED PICS, %OO, http://mkellenpompeonude19.tumblr.com ELLEN POMPEO NIPPLE SLIP, auv, http://rntriciahelferplayboytj.tumblr.com TRICIA HELFER NUDE PHOTOS, qnc, http://wroliviadabonudedd.tumblr.com OLIVIA DABO NUDE PICTURES, 228199, http://l1nancygracenipplena.tumblr.com NANCY GRACE BOOBS, urfebm, http://1fpamgriernakedko.tumblr.com PAM GRIER SEX SCENE, 921270, http://pxdianelanesexscenetx.tumblr.com DIANE LANE TITS, 8980, http://utlauradernnudefk.tumblr.com LAURA DERN NIPPLE SLIP, >:-OO, http://dflaceychabertnakedzw.tumblr.com LACEY CHABERT ASS, :-)),
- 383 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/27(月) 15:52 ID:H1VTI68g
- And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list...perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, http://5xjenniferlawrencenaked8r.tumblr.com JENNIFER LAWRENCE DESNUDA, 3993, http://6pangieeverhartnudeen.tumblr.com ANGIE EVERHART BUSH, 0710, http://65kimkardashiandesnuda5a.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN BUTT, 8], http://aynatalieportmanhota0.tumblr.com NATALIE PORTMAN NUDE PICS, 325, http://p3amberrosenudepicturesec.tumblr.com AMBER ROSE PLAYBOY, rpx, http://46selenagomezsextapevl.tumblr.com SELENA GOMEZ NIPPLE SLIP, %DDD, http://r4sandrabullocknudefx.tumblr.com SANDRA BULLOCK PUSSY, =DDD, http://hykatebosworthnudecg.tumblr.com KATE BOSWORTH BUSH, 4081, http://8olynncollinsnudesb.tumblr.com LYNN COLLINS TOPLESS, 0672, http://u7christinahendricksnakeddp.tumblr.com CHRISTINA HENDRICKS NIPPLE SLIP, >:[, http://j3luisanalopilatonudek5.tumblr.com LUISANA LOPILATO BOOBS, >:-PP, http://akladygagasextapecb.tumblr.com LADY GAGA NAKED PICTURES, xtwn,
- 384 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/08/27(月) 15:53 ID:bY2gDprs
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://h6teresapalmernudecp.tumblr.com TERESA PALMER SEX TAPE, 64707, http://krpoppymontgomerynaked9j.tumblr.com POPPY MONTGOMERY SEX VIDEO, 162, http://icjoancollinsnude8f.tumblr.com JOAN COLLINS HOT PICS, >:-), http://qisummerglaunudeq6.tumblr.com SUMMER GLAU NIPPLE SLIP, fse, http://bmdenisemilanidesnuda43.tumblr.com DENISE MILANI PLAYBOY, 551, http://z3nigellalawsonnudecr.tumblr.com NIGELLA LAWSON BUSH, oxxeen, http://utdilshadvadsarianudezk.tumblr.com DILSHAD VADSARIA SEX VIDEO, =-O, http://hypamelaadlonnude92.tumblr.com PAMELA ADLON NUDE PHOTOS, 4915, http://utlauradernnudefk.tumblr.com LAURA DERN NIPPLE SLIP, >:-PPP, http://r9sarahwaynecallieshotb3.tumblr.com SARAH WAYNE CALLIES BUSH, 884,
- 385 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/01(土) 17:24 ID:3HGkDJCw
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://hjcarrieannemossnudeki.tumblr.com CARRIE ANNE MOSS HOT PICS, 934622, http://eqasherkeddienudeho.tumblr.com ASHER KEDDIE NACKT, stkx, http://uegemmaatkinsonsextapemr.tumblr.com GEMMA ATKINSON SEX VIDEO, 8-O, http://ktirinavoroninanudefv.tumblr.com IRINA VORONINA TITS, 208, http://fxpatriciaheatonnakedsq.tumblr.com PATRICIA HEATON NAKED PICTURES, 15343, http://b0barbarabachnude95.tumblr.com BARBARA BACH SEX SCENE, psy, http://cmfearnecottonnakedar.tumblr.com FEARNE COTTON NAKED PHOTOS, 874, http://zklatoyajacksonplayboy7o.tumblr.com LATOYA JACKSON SEX VIDEO, ekenw, http://p0hannahspearritthot2x.tumblr.com HANNAH SPEARRITT SEX VIDEO, rly, http://focaricevanhoutennudefw.tumblr.com CARICE VAN HOUTEN SEX TAPE, :-PP, http://exginagershonnaked2a.tumblr.com GINA GERSHON IN A BIKINI, 694665, http://wjhaydenpanettierefakes3l.tumblr.com HAYDEN PANETTIERE NIPPLE SLIP, 8(, http://bedanielleharrisnude8u.tumblr.com DANIELLE HARRIS NUDE PICS, ocir,
- 386 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/01(土) 17:39 ID:RDYpOYUc
- That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://gskhloekardashiannippleom.tumblr.com KHLOE KARDASHIAN TOPLESS, 4404, http://tjsiennaguillorynudew5.tumblr.com SIENNA GUILLORY PUSSY, 406, http://d6jenniferespositonaked9w.tumblr.com JENNIFER ESPOSITO PORN, >:-[[, http://4tkimbasingernakedvf.tumblr.com KIM BASINGER SEX SCENE, 553, http://oimichellerodriguezdesnudahb.tumblr.com MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ NAKED PHOTOS, 1256, http://viemilyvancamphottp.tumblr.com EMILY VANCAMP PLAYBOY, vtsml, http://klphoebetonkinnudees.tumblr.com PHOEBE TONKIN HOT PICS, 7292, http://qrparishiltonnackt59.tumblr.com PARIS HILTON ASS, >:[, http://edkaceybarnfieldnude7r.tumblr.com KACEY BARNFIELD NAKED PICTURES, :)), http://bnwhitneycummingsnude1b.tumblr.com WHITNEY CUMMINGS NAKED PICS, 9652, http://xldominiqueswainnude5a.tumblr.com DOMINIQUE SWAIN NAKED PICS, ykvj, http://sxpamelaandersonnackt69.tumblr.com PAMELA ANDERSON IN A BIKINI, %OOO, http://f9sarahconnornude8i.tumblr.com SARAH CONNOR TITS, gocntd,
- 387 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/01(土) 17:53 ID:AnTDIMtY
- Just look at the difference just 20-30 rock solid Tea Party conservatives have made in the House already. They've turned "1/3 of the government" on its head and started a war between the establishment party and the Tea Party., http://xpkatdenningshot3s.tumblr.com KAT DENNINGS NUDE PICTURES, kduanc, http://3wjennifertaylornakedys.tumblr.com JENNIFER TAYLOR NAKED PICS, >:]], http://63careymulligannudevn.tumblr.com CAREY MULLIGAN BOOBS, 614407, http://8qevetorresnakedn8.tumblr.com EVE TORRES PLAYBOY, kmrz, http://fglaurengrahamnuderf.tumblr.com LAUREN GRAHAM TITS, 68699, http://akladygagasextapecb.tumblr.com LADY GAGA TOPLESS, jnnuy, http://qvvanessahudgenshotw0.tumblr.com VANESSA HUDGENS NUDE PICS, 5367, http://z8kimkardashiansexf2.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN DESNUDA, 8-)), http://7bjessicaalbahotkt.tumblr.com JESSICA ALBA NUDE PICS, bxk, http://qzgemmaartertondesnuda5v.tumblr.com GEMMA ARTERTON NAKED PICS, 8)), http://fkaishwaryaraisexgb.tumblr.com AISHWARYA RAI NACKT, ncnmwh, http://0gkimkardashianporn7j.tumblr.com KIM KARDASHIAN PORN, 22933, http://39katieholmesnuderq.tumblr.com KATIE HOLMES IN A BIKINI, sgxt,
- 388 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/01(土) 18:10 ID:k.R/K6cc
- What is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was "only reading a WSJ article" on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy., http://nvjulialouis-dreyfusnudee6.tumblr.com JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS NUDE PICS, sxcwxz, http://11krystalforscuttnude6s.tumblr.com KRYSTAL FORSCUTT NUDE PICS, cpvuyn, http://89juliannamarguliesnudevx.tumblr.com JULIANNA MARGULIES TOPLESS, eohzhk, http://kgvirginiamadsennude18.tumblr.com VIRGINIA MADSEN FAKES, >:[[[, http://g6deniserichardsdesnudavw.tumblr.com DENISE RICHARDS PORN, ekehh, http://nuamandatappingsex5i.tumblr.com AMANDA TAPPING HOT PICS, ajvao, http://iuannahutchisonnude55.tumblr.com ANNA HUTCHISON DESNUDA, 8-D, http://tfbilliepipersexscenebh.tumblr.com BILLIE PIPER DESNUDA, wexj, http://v2helenmirrenboobsxh.tumblr.com HELEN MIRREN IN A BIKINI, fio, http://rwkaribyronplayboyy2.tumblr.com KARI BYRON NUDE PICTURES, :OOO, http://ysgabrielleanwarnakedsp.tumblr.com GABRIELLE ANWAR SEX SCENE, 48890, http://dgradostbokelnacktok.tumblr.com RADOST BOKEL SEX SCENE, =P, http://6qericadurancesexsceneka.tumblr.com ERICA DURANCE FAKES, 68083, http://40jaydenicolenakedp6.tumblr.com JAYDE NICOLE NAKED PHOTOS, 30073,
- 389 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/09(日) 03:19 ID:R2xEgX0.
- I was thinking the same thing about Alexa as there was quite a lot of movement. They might have readjusted their adjustment for "technology skew" - or what ever it was..., http://holtzoryja.livejournal.com/720.html ROMOLA GARAI NUDE, fssmxw, http://hurwitzwuz.livejournal.com/1623.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHCARMEN ELECTRANUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, %O, http://gerickqetut.livejournal.com/721.html IF YOU WANT TO SEESUSAN BLAKELYTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, =-PP, http://hoffmanbyhe.livejournal.com/1057.html IF YOU WANT TO SEEJULIANNA GUILLTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, 9223, http://jolynivi.livejournal.com/1526.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHNICKI MINAJNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, rxla, http://hanshawpuw.livejournal.com/1111.html IF YOU WANT TO SEEGEMMA ARTERTONTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, =-]], http://joscelinzi.livejournal.com/1452.html IF YOU WANT TO SEEZULAY HENAOTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, 99762, http://hallockityb.livejournal.com/559.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHISABEL LUCASNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, 61118, http://gimpeloqun.livejournal.com/747.html JANE SEYMOUR NUDE, 9481, http://kilaroce.livejournal.com/771.html IF YOU WANT TO SEELINDA EVANSTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, 629779, http://gildeayla.livejournal.com/621.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHDINA MEYERNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, ibjmqg, http://ginellelosa.livejournal.com/1060.html IF YOU WANT TO SEELAURA HARRISTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, 816, http://gradosowel.livejournal.com/970.html IF YOU WANT TO SEEMELANIE BROWNTOPESS PICS, SEXY VIDEOS, GO HERE, tgxzd,
- 390 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/09(日) 03:19 ID:vcOTRayc
- I do hesitate to run with the other commenters that say you should monetize this, but you should make it at least a part-time passion where you are getting to stretch out on the things you write about, and then allow experiences to craft other posts., http://lazarewety.livejournal.com/1447.html ASHLEY MASSARO TOPLESS, 305938, http://lyndsieafy.livejournal.com/864.html KELLY REILLY NAKED, >:-], http://lyallnoben.livejournal.com/775.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHFRANCES OCONNORNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, >:-O, http://koeppelrale.livejournal.com/1178.html DASHA ASTAFIEVA SEX TAPE, 735, http://mahalayji.livejournal.com/1201.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHJAMES FRANCONUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, krnu, http://merrilitino.livejournal.com/794.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHLONI ANDERSONNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, cua, http://kottaitese.livejournal.com/569.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHSIWAN MORRISNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, 171, http://laverneveg.livejournal.com/841.html CLICK HERE TO WATCHLYNDA CARTERNUDE PICTURES, NAKED PHOTOS, SEX TAPE, PORN VIDEO, >:D, http://margauxicit.livejournal.com/563.html CHERYL COLE NUDE, %-D, http://malcolmaze.livejournal.com/874.html JESSICA STROUP NAKED, 86101,
- 391 名前:NY 投稿日:2012/09/09(日) 16:50 ID:Ux9WDgbU
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◆信用第一、良い品質、低価格は 私達の勝ち残りの切り札です。
◆ 当社の商品は絶対の自信が御座います。
◇ N品質 シリアル付きも有り 付属品完備!
◆ 必ずご満足頂ける品質の商品のみ販売しております。
◇ 品質を最大限本物と同等とする為に相応の材質にて製作している為です。
◆ 絶対に満足して頂ける品のみ皆様にお届け致します。
- 418 名前:Sinsalari 投稿日:2020/06/25(木) 16:23 ID:fJTkyC/.
- 人気スーパーコピーブランド時計激安通販専門店
★顧客は至上 誠実 信用。
- 419 名前:スーパーコピー時計 投稿日:2020/07/08(水) 12:35 ID:AXL8kz2g
- 人気スーパーコピーブランド時計激安通販専門店
財布ルイヴィトン スーパーコピー 長財布2020年新作 ルイヴィトン スーパーコピールイヴィトン コピー,ルイヴィトン コピー 財布,ルイヴィトン コピー バッグ }}}}}}
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